android Programming Glossary: intent.setdata
How to open one particular folder from gallery in android? if uri null Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setData uri startActivity intent finally conn.disconnect conn null..
how to set the output image use 0 Toast.makeText this Cant find crop app .show return else intent.setData selectImageUri intent.putExtra outputX 300 intent.putExtra outputY..
Let user crop image loaded null null Uri uri Uri.parse path intent.setData uri intent.putExtra crop true intent.putExtra aspectX 1 intent.putExtra.. image crop app Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show return else intent.setData mImageCaptureUri intent.putExtra outputX 300 intent.putExtra..
Android: Crop an Image after Taking it With Camera with a Fixed Aspect Ratio intent.setData mImageCaptureUri intent.putExtra outputX 96 intent.putExtra..
launch sms application with an intent Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP intent.setFlags flags intent.setData Uri.parse content sms inbox context.startActivity intent so..
How do I determine if Android can handle PDF pretty simple Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setData Uri.parse url startActivity intent After the download the user.. Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri uri Uri.fromFile file intent.setDataAndType uri application pdf startActivity intent I have tested..
ACTION_SENDTO for sending an email Uri uri Uri.parse mailto intent.setData uri intent.putExtra subject my subject intent.putExtra body..
unable to find activity in android intent.setData Uri.fromFile mFile intent.putExtra outputX width intent.putExtra..
Multiple Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget Uri.parse URI_SCHEME widget id String.valueOf appWidgetId intent.setData data The variable URI_SCHEME is a String and can be whatever..
Gallery with folder filter if uri null Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setData uri startActivity intent finally conn.disconnect conn..
how to make phone call using intent in android? posted_by.trim Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_CALL intent.setData Uri.parse uri startActivity intent permissions uses permission..
start android application info screen Uri uri Uri.fromParts SCHEME packageName null intent.setData uri else below 2.3 final String appPkgName apiLevel 8 APP_PKG_NAME_22..
QR code scanner email etc. Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setData Uri.parse response startActivity intent Hope this helps...
Built-in gallery in specific folder [duplicate] if uri null Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setData uri startActivity intent finally conn.disconnect conn null..
Only Email apps to resolve an Intent leave empty Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_SENDTO intent.setData Uri.parse mailto recepientEmail startActivity intent The point..
Alarm Manager - Scheduling multiple Non-repeating events The cursor returns first column as unique ID intent.setData Uri.parse timer notifCursor.getInt 0 PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast.. alarm event so that every alarm gets scheduled properly. intent.setData Uri.parse timer notifCursor.getInt 0 PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast..
Android Linkify text - Spannable Text in Single Text View - As like Twitter tweet View widget Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setData Uri.parse customSpannable.getUrl startActivity intent stringBuilder.setSpan..
Android Camera Intent with Crop find image crop app Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show return else intent.setData mImageCaptureUri intent.putExtra outputX 200 intent.putExtra..
How to open one particular folder from gallery in android?
how to set the output image use .queryIntentActivities intent 0 int size list.size if size 0 Toast.makeText this Cant find crop app .show return else intent.setData selectImageUri intent.putExtra outputX 300 intent.putExtra outputY 300 intent.putExtra aspectX 1 intent.putExtra aspectY..
Let user crop image String path Images.Media.insertImage context.getContentResolver loaded null null Uri uri Uri.parse path intent.setData uri intent.putExtra crop true intent.putExtra aspectX 1 intent.putExtra aspectY 1 intent.putExtra outputX 300 intent.putExtra.. size list.size if size 0 Toast.makeText this Can not find image crop app Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show return else intent.setData mImageCaptureUri intent.putExtra outputX 300 intent.putExtra outputY 300 intent.putExtra aspectX 1 intent.putExtra aspectY..
Android: Crop an Image after Taking it With Camera with a Fixed Aspect Ratio intent new Intent intent.setClassName intent.setData mImageCaptureUri intent.putExtra outputX 96 intent.putExtra outputY 96 intent.putExtra aspectX 1 intent.putExtra aspectY..
launch sms application with an intent Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP intent.setFlags flags intent.setData Uri.parse content sms inbox context.startActivity intent so you can see that I put too much things in my intent but that's..
How do I determine if Android can handle PDF installed Currently the code to start the PDF download looks pretty simple Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setData Uri.parse url startActivity intent After the download the user clicks on the downloaded file to invoke the viewer. However.. if list.size 0 file.isFile Intent intent new Intent intent.setAction Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri uri Uri.fromFile file intent.setDataAndType uri application pdf startActivity intent I have tested this on various emulator and a rooted cyanogen phone as well..
ACTION_SENDTO for sending an email public void onClick View v Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_SENDTO Uri uri Uri.parse mailto intent.setData uri intent.putExtra subject my subject intent.putExtra body my message startActivity intent android activity android intent..
unable to find activity in android intent new Intent intent.setClassName intent.setData Uri.fromFile mFile intent.putExtra outputX width intent.putExtra outputY height intent.putExtra aspectX width intent.putExtra..
Multiple Instances Of Widget Only Updating Last widget you set your PendingIntent Uri data Uri.withAppendedPath Uri.parse URI_SCHEME widget id String.valueOf appWidgetId intent.setData data The variable URI_SCHEME is a String and can be whatever you'd like.. ie ABCD This causes each widget to have a unique..
Gallery with folder filter
how to make phone call using intent in android? please help. posted_by 111 333 222 4 String uri tel posted_by.trim Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_CALL intent.setData Uri.parse uri startActivity intent permissions uses permission android name android.permission.CALL_PHONE Exception 11 25..
start android application info screen above 2.3 intent.setAction Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS Uri uri Uri.fromParts SCHEME packageName null intent.setData uri else below 2.3 final String appPkgName apiLevel 8 APP_PKG_NAME_22 APP_PKG_NAME_21 intent.setAction Intent.ACTION_VIEW..
QR code scanner
Built-in gallery in specific folder [duplicate]
Only Email apps to resolve an Intent String recepientEmail either set to destination email or leave empty Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_SENDTO intent.setData Uri.parse mailto recepientEmail startActivity intent The point is to use ACTION_SENDTO as action and mailto as data. If..
Alarm Manager - Scheduling multiple Non-repeating events Intent intent new Intent RegularSchedule.this RepeatingAlarm.class The cursor returns first column as unique ID intent.setData Uri.parse timer notifCursor.getInt 0 PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast RegularSchedule.this 0 intent 0 .. alarm having same intent changing the intent for every alarm event so that every alarm gets scheduled properly. intent.setData Uri.parse timer notifCursor.getInt 0 PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast MySchedule.this 0 intent Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION..
Android Linkify text - Spannable Text in Single Text View - As like Twitter tweet http @Override public void onClick View widget Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setData Uri.parse customSpannable.getUrl startActivity intent stringBuilder.setSpan customSpannable 0 text.length Spannable.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE..
Android Camera Intent with Crop 0 int size list.size if size 0 Toast.makeText this Can not find image crop app Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show return else intent.setData mImageCaptureUri intent.putExtra outputX 200 intent.putExtra outputY 200 intent.putExtra outputX int_Height_crop intent.putExtra..