android Programming Glossary: intent.action_media_mounted
Android - .nomedia not working for images like this should do the trick sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory share..
android : deleting an image gallery after delete image sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory share..
EXIF orientation tag value always 0 for image taken with portrait camera app android .notifyChange imageFileUri null sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory ExifInterface.. data if requestCode 1212 sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory Bitmap..
How can I refresh MediaStore on Android? app which runs the following code sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory I've.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory setContentView.. rescanSdcard throws Exception Intent scanIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory IntentFilter..
android intent for sdcard ready the intent do IntentFilter filter new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED filter.addDataScheme file registerReceiver this.mSDInfoReceiver..
Android file delete leaves empty placeholder in Gallery track of media files. Try this sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory It makes..
Android How to use MediaScannerConnection scanFile share improve this question sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory share..
Empty cursor from the MediaStore You can also manually mContext.sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory and put..
Problem with downloading multiple files using AsyncTask n nFile Download Completed sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory This..
How to update the android media database track of media files. Try this sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory It makes..
Can't see a file in Windows written by an android app on sd-card unless I “Force Close” the app the search of the files context.sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri .parse file path of the folder Good luck Thiago L. Silva..
Android saving file to external storage saved images in the gallery view. sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory look..
Android - .nomedia not working for images
android : deleting an image
EXIF orientation tag value always 0 for image taken with portrait camera app android file getApplicationContext .getContentResolver .notifyChange imageFileUri null sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory ExifInterface exif new ExifInterface file.getAbsolutePath int.. resultCode Intent data super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data if requestCode 1212 sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory Bitmap bitmap bitmap GlobalMethods.decodeSampledBitmapFromResource..
How can I refresh MediaStore on Android? scratch but I'm not getting very far. I've got an android app which runs the following code sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory I've found a few examples of this code online as a way to scan the.. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory setContentView R.layout.main Rescan the sdcard after copy the.. Rescan the sdcard after copy the file private void rescanSdcard throws Exception Intent scanIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory IntentFilter intentFilter new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_STARTED..
android intent for sdcard ready SD card is ready Update Just to summarise the answer to register the intent do IntentFilter filter new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED filter.addDataScheme file registerReceiver this.mSDInfoReceiver new IntentFilter filter and create a broadcast receiver..
Android file delete leaves empty placeholder in Gallery this question Android has a cache of sorts that keeps track of media files. Try this sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory It makes the MediaScanner service run again which should remove the..
Android How to use MediaScannerConnection scanFile
Empty cursor from the MediaStore safety of course and wouldn't do this on a non dev device. You can also manually mContext.sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory and put up some kind of notice while watching for the broadcast of..
Problem with downloading multiple files using AsyncTask String unused dismissDialog DIALOG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS tv.append n nFile Download Completed sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory This code works fine when the size of each video is less around..
How to update the android media database this question Android has a cache of sorts that keeps track of media files. Try this sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory It makes the MediaScanner service run again which should remove the..
Can't see a file in Windows written by an android app on sd-card unless I “Force Close” the app
Android saving file to external storage EDIT By using this line you can able to see saved images in the gallery view. sendBroadcast new Intent Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED Uri.parse file Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory look at this link also http p 3 preview..