

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:16:06

android Programming Glossary: intent.action_battery_changed

Get battery level and state in Android


Get battery level before broadcast receiver responds for Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED


battery level before broadcast receiver responds for Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED I have a broadcast receiver in my program to get react to the.. registerReceiver this.mBatInfoReceiver new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED However this code has to wait for the battery status to be updated..

What are the units for battery temperature and voltage when Intent.BATTERY_ACTION_CHANGED on android device?


temperature and voltage information using the intent Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED and the values I got are pretty weird. I could not get any clue..

Android: Check if device is plugged in


intent context.registerReceiver null new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED int plugged intent.getIntExtra BatteryManager.EXTRA_PLUGGED..

Receiver not registered exception error?


this IntentFilter filter new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED filter.addAction Intent.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED filter.addAction.. connected false else if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED if level lastLevel if level 40 edit.putBoolean first false..

ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED firing like crazy


.registerReceiver this new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED for int i 0 i N i int appWidgetId appWidgetIds i appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget.. Received intent intent if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED Integer level intent.getIntExtra level 1 views.setTextViewText..

Get the remaining battery time available from an Android phone


of broadcast receiver by registering a receiver for action Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED . My answer is key only get information from Android Developers..

Get battery level and state in Android


Get battery level before broadcast receiver responds for Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED


battery level before broadcast receiver responds for Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED I have a broadcast receiver in my program to get react to the battery level like so private BroadcastReceiver mBatInfoReceiver.. intent int level intent.getIntExtra level 0 do something... registerReceiver this.mBatInfoReceiver new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED However this code has to wait for the battery status to be updated so if you have a GUI element that needs to be set based..

What are the units for battery temperature and voltage when Intent.BATTERY_ACTION_CHANGED on android device?


on android device I retrieved battery temperature and voltage information using the intent Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED and the values I got are pretty weird. I could not get any clue temperature 270 and voltage 3782 What are these values Do..

Android: Check if device is plugged in


public static boolean isConnected Context context Intent intent context.registerReceiver null new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED int plugged intent.getIntExtra BatteryManager.EXTRA_PLUGGED 1 return plugged BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_AC plugged BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_USB..

Receiver not registered exception error?


SharedPreferences pref PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this IntentFilter filter new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED filter.addAction Intent.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED filter.addAction Intent.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED registerReceiver batteryNotifyReceiver.. else if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED connected false else if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED if level lastLevel if level 40 edit.putBoolean first false .commit edit.putBoolean second false .commit edit.putBoolean..

ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED firing like crazy


int appWidgetIds final int N appWidgetIds.length context.getApplicationContext .registerReceiver this new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED for int i 0 i N i int appWidgetId appWidgetIds i appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget appWidgetId views @Override public void.. Intent intent super.onReceive context intent Log.d onReceive Received intent intent if intent.getAction .equals Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED Integer level intent.getIntExtra level 1 views.setTextViewText R.id.batteryText level AppWidgetManager myAWM AppWidgetManager.getInstance..

Get the remaining battery time available from an Android phone


improve this question You can get battery life with help of broadcast receiver by registering a receiver for action Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED . My answer is key only get information from Android Developers website. By using the below statement in onReceive method..