android Programming Glossary: intense
Official “Boost library” Support for Android and iOS? [closed] or iOS Is it advisable to use boost libraries for network intense application which spawns multple threads for commuication FYI..I..
Updating progress dialog in Activity from AsyncTask in Activity from AsyncTask In my app I am doing some intense work in AsyncTask as suggested by Android tutorials and showing.. protected Result doInBackground Request... params do some intense work here and return result @Override protected void onPostExecute..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds recursively until it is small enough which is memory intense and forces the user to watch the text shrink step by step with..
AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor() before API Level 11 for Object rtnObj progress updateActivityUI rtnObj My intense tasks are loosely coupled and the execution order does not matter.. this way a single thread is allocated to run a list of intense tasks. personally I think this is a sort of halfway solution... I think this is a sort of halfway solution. Yes the intense job is not running in UI thread anymore but still need execute..
Official “Boost library” Support for Android and iOS? [closed] body know of any application built using Boost on Android or iOS Is it advisable to use boost libraries for network intense application which spawns multple threads for commuication FYI..I have been using following links to create a sample Android..
Updating progress dialog in Activity from AsyncTask progress dialog in Activity from AsyncTask In my app I am doing some intense work in AsyncTask as suggested by Android tutorials and showing a ProgressDialog in my main my activity dialog class MyTask extends AsyncTask Request Void Result @Override protected Result doInBackground Request... params do some intense work here and return result @Override protected void onPostExecute Result res postResult res and on result posting in main..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds solutions have no solution or involve re drawing the TextView recursively until it is small enough which is memory intense and forces the user to watch the text shrink step by step with every recursion . But I'm sure somebody out there has found..
AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor() before API Level 11 return null protected void onProgressUpdate Object... progress for Object rtnObj progress updateActivityUI rtnObj My intense tasks are loosely coupled and the execution order does not matter by doing this way a single thread is allocated to run.. coupled and the execution order does not matter by doing this way a single thread is allocated to run a list of intense tasks. personally I think this is a sort of halfway solution. Yes the intense job is not running in UI thread anymore but.. thread is allocated to run a list of intense tasks. personally I think this is a sort of halfway solution. Yes the intense job is not running in UI thread anymore but still need execute one by one in many cases we are facing a list of intense..