

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:16:06

android Programming Glossary: intent.action_edit

Validating and reading a Word file in Android


application. Piece of code like Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT Uri uri Uri.parse file file.getAbsolutePath intent.setDataAndType..

How to make an intent with multiple actions


new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Intent editIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT viewIntent.setDataAndType uri type editIntent.setDataAndType.. new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Intent editIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT viewIntent.setDataAndType uri type editIntent.setDataAndType.. packageName ri.activityInfo.name intent.setAction Intent.ACTION_EDIT intent.setDataAndType uri type CharSequence label TextUtils.concat..

Calendar event intent - startActivityForResult


can start new event activity with Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT .setData uri intent.setType vnd.android.cursor.item event startActivityForResult..

How to launch Android Calendar application using Intent (Froyo)


share improve this question Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT intent.setType vnd.android.cursor.item event intent.putExtra..

how can i open the calendar from my app?


.getTime DateUtils.HOUR_IN_MILLIS the action i.setAction Intent.ACTION_EDIT startActivity i code is untested copied from an existing project..

How to set a reminder in Android?


cal Calendar.getInstance Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT intent.setType vnd.android.cursor.item event intent.putExtra..

Insert multiple events in Android calendar


cal Calendar.getInstance Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT intent.setType vnd.android.cursor.item event intent.putExtra..

Validating and reading a Word file in Android


that Porting POI you can embed Word editing feature into your application. Piece of code like Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT Uri uri Uri.parse file file.getAbsolutePath intent.setDataAndType uri plain text startActivity intent Simply means that..

How to make an intent with multiple actions


solution by using EXTRA_INITIAL_INTENTS Intent viewIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Intent editIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT viewIntent.setDataAndType uri type editIntent.setDataAndType uri type Intent chooserIntent Intent.createChooser editIntent.. pm kyoPrint.getPackageManager Intent viewIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Intent editIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT viewIntent.setDataAndType uri type editIntent.setDataAndType uri type Intent openInChooser Intent.createChooser viewIntent.. Intent intent new Intent intent.setComponent new ComponentName packageName ri.activityInfo.name intent.setAction Intent.ACTION_EDIT intent.setDataAndType uri type CharSequence label TextUtils.concat ri.loadLabel pm forEditing extraIntents i new LabeledIntent..

Calendar event intent - startActivityForResult


I want create event in calendar from my app. I can start new event activity with Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT .setData uri intent.setType vnd.android.cursor.item event startActivityForResult intent REQUEST_ID Is it possible to get..

How to launch Android Calendar application using Intent (Froyo)


with it. Thanks in advance. android calendar android intent share improve this question Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT intent.setType vnd.android.cursor.item event intent.putExtra title Some title intent.putExtra description Some description..

how can i open the calendar from my app?


How to set a reminder in Android?


event. You can pass some parameters to prepopulate fields Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT intent.setType vnd.android.cursor.item event intent.putExtra beginTime cal.getTimeInMillis intent.putExtra allDay false..

Insert multiple events in Android calendar


calendar but I do not know how. I gave found this code Calendar cal Calendar.getInstance Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_EDIT intent.setType vnd.android.cursor.item event intent.putExtra beginTime cal.getTimeInMillis intent.putExtra allDay true..