android Programming Glossary: http.utf_8
unable to get Response from HttpResponse when passing soap object (soap1.2) android? soapenv Envelope StringEntity se new StringEntity bodyOut HTTP.UTF_8 StringEntity se new StringEntity request1 HTTP.UTF_8 se.setContentType.. HTTP.UTF_8 StringEntity se new StringEntity request1 HTTP.UTF_8 se.setContentType text xml httpPost.addHeader SOAPAction SOAP_ACTION..
Android, sending XML via HTTP POST (SOAP) StringEntity se new StringEntity SOAPRequestXML HTTP.UTF_8 se.setContentType text xml httppost.setHeader Content Type application..
Http connection timeout on Android not working new HttpPost URL StringEntity se new StringEntity envelope HTTP.UTF_8 httppost.setEntity se Code stops here until UnknownHostException.. new HttpPost url StringEntity se new StringEntity envelope HTTP.UTF_8 httpPost.setEntity se HttpParams httpParameters new BasicHttpParams..
HttpPost works in Java project, not in Android entity new UrlEncodedFormEntity formParams HTTP.UTF_8 post.setEntity entity return client.execute post catch Exception.. URLEncoder.encode token HTTP.UTF_8 showLogin true upgrade username URLEncoder.encode username.. showLogin true upgrade username URLEncoder.encode username HTTP.UTF_8 password URLEncoder.encode password HTTP.UTF_8 submit URLEncoder.encode..
Android Java UTF-8 HttpClient Problem
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset params HTTP.UTF_8 HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue params false HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout..
Android, send and receive XML via HTTP POST method new StringEntity aaaLogin inName admin inPassword admin123 HTTP.UTF_8 XML as a string se.setContentType text xml declare it as XML.. new StringEntity aaaLogin inName admin inPassword admin123 HTTP.UTF_8 se.setContentType text xml httppost.setEntity se HttpResponse..
Reusing SSL Sessions in Android with HttpClient HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset params HTTP.UTF_8 HttpConnectionParams.setStaleCheckingEnabled params false HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout..
HTTPS and self-signed certificate issue new UrlEncodedFormEntity PARAMS i .getContents HTTP.UTF_8 HttpResponse response httpClient.execute mHttpPost ... With..
Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters UrlEncodedFormEntity postParams entity.setContentEncoding HTTP.UTF_8 entity.setContentType application json httpPost.setEntity entity..
How do I make an http request using cookies on Android? password httpost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nvps HTTP.UTF_8 response httpclient.execute httpost entity response.getEntity..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android se request.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity params HTTP.UTF_8 executeRequest request url break private void executeRequest..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 try post.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity parameters HTTP.UTF_8 catch UnsupportedEncodingException e2 TODO Auto generated..
unable to get Response from HttpResponse when passing soap object (soap1.2) android? Body ........ MY Data....... tem Login soapenv Body soapenv Envelope StringEntity se new StringEntity bodyOut HTTP.UTF_8 StringEntity se new StringEntity request1 HTTP.UTF_8 se.setContentType text xml httpPost.addHeader SOAPAction SOAP_ACTION.. Body soapenv Envelope StringEntity se new StringEntity bodyOut HTTP.UTF_8 StringEntity se new StringEntity request1 HTTP.UTF_8 se.setContentType text xml httpPost.addHeader SOAPAction SOAP_ACTION httpPost.setEntity se HttpResponse httpResponse..
Android, sending XML via HTTP POST (SOAP) request. Something like HttpPost httppost new HttpPost SERVICE_EPR StringEntity se new StringEntity SOAPRequestXML HTTP.UTF_8 se.setContentType text xml httppost.setHeader Content Type application soap xml charset UTF 8 httppost.setEntity se HttpClient..
Http connection timeout on Android not working 3000 HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout params 3000 httppost new HttpPost URL StringEntity se new StringEntity envelope HTTP.UTF_8 httppost.setEntity se Code stops here until UnknownHostException is thrown. BasicHttpResponse httpResponse BasicHttpResponse.. this question Try to do it this way HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost url StringEntity se new StringEntity envelope HTTP.UTF_8 httpPost.setEntity se HttpParams httpParameters new BasicHttpParams Set the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is..
HttpPost works in Java project, not in Android new BasicNameValuePair submit Secure Log in UrlEncodedFormEntity entity new UrlEncodedFormEntity formParams HTTP.UTF_8 post.setEntity entity return client.execute post catch Exception e e.printStackTrace throw new ConnectException ERROR in.. Type application x www form urlencoded String output org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TOKEN URLEncoder.encode token HTTP.UTF_8 showLogin true upgrade username URLEncoder.encode username HTTP.UTF_8 password URLEncoder.encode password HTTP.UTF_8 submit.. URLEncoder.encode token HTTP.UTF_8 showLogin true upgrade username URLEncoder.encode username HTTP.UTF_8 password URLEncoder.encode password HTTP.UTF_8 submit URLEncoder.encode Secure Log in HTTP.UTF_8 dataout new DataOutputStream..
Android Java UTF-8 HttpClient Problem
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues BasicHttpParams HttpProtocolParams.setVersion params HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1 HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset params HTTP.UTF_8 HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue params false HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout params 10000 HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout..
Android, send and receive XML via HTTP POST method HttpPost http URL address StringEntity se new StringEntity aaaLogin inName admin inPassword admin123 HTTP.UTF_8 XML as a string se.setContentType text xml declare it as XML httppost.setHeader Content Type application soap xml charset.. new HttpPost http try StringEntity se new StringEntity aaaLogin inName admin inPassword admin123 HTTP.UTF_8 se.setContentType text xml httppost.setEntity se HttpResponse httpresponse httpclient.execute httppost HttpEntity resEntity..
Reusing SSL Sessions in Android with HttpClient BasicHttpParams HttpProtocolParams.setVersion params HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1 HttpProtocolParams.setContentCharset params HTTP.UTF_8 HttpConnectionParams.setStaleCheckingEnabled params false HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout params 4 1000 HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout..
HTTPS and self-signed certificate issue mHttpPost.setURI URI.create mUri PARAMS i .getPath mHttpPost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity PARAMS i .getContents HTTP.UTF_8 HttpResponse response httpClient.execute mHttpPost ... With getHttpClient defined as follows public static DefaultHttpClient..
Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters HttpGet httpGet null try UrlEncodedFormEntity entity new UrlEncodedFormEntity postParams entity.setContentEncoding HTTP.UTF_8 entity.setContentType application json httpPost.setEntity entity httpPost.setHeader Content Type contentType httpPost.setHeader..
How do I make an http request using cookies on Android? IDToken1 username nvps.add new BasicNameValuePair IDToken2 password httpost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nvps HTTP.UTF_8 response httpclient.execute httpost entity response.getEntity System.out.println Login form get response.getStatusLine if..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE application json request.setEntity se request.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity params HTTP.UTF_8 executeRequest request url break private void executeRequest HttpUriRequest request String url HttpClient client new..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 user parameters.add new BasicNameValuePair password pass try post.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity parameters HTTP.UTF_8 catch UnsupportedEncodingException e2 TODO Auto generated catch block Log.d DEBUG_TAG in UnsupportedEncodingException..