android Programming Glossary: href
handle textview link click in my android app input in a TextView like so tv.setText Html.fromHtml a href 'test' test a The HTML being displayed is provided to me via.. course do some regex tampering with the HTML to change the href value say to something else. What I want is to be able to handle.. guessing it would be possible to set the protocol of the href value to something like myApp and then register something that..
How to use media Queries for android devices with android version 2.2.1 and 2.3.5 and their screen size of 240 * 320 and screen size of 480 * 800? in the following manner link rel stylesheet type text css href css common_set.css Problem It did not get implemented.I cannot..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? meta content yes name apple mobile web app capable link href wlclient css wlclient.css rel stylesheet link href wlclient.. link href wlclient css wlclient.css rel stylesheet link href wlclient css rel stylesheet link href images.. href wlclient css rel stylesheet link href images favicon.png rel shortcut icon link href images apple..
How can I get clickable hyperlinks in AlertDialog from a string resource? underlines and colors any hyperlinks defined using a href ... in the string resource passed to Builder.setMessage supplied..
How to register some URL namespace (myapp://app.start/) for accessing your program by calling a URL in browser in Android OS? special button on a web page inside a web browser a la a href myapp mysettings Foo a my app would pop up and run using the..
How do I make links in a TextView clickable? @string txtCredits is a string resource that contains a href some site Link text a . Android is highlighting the links in.. resource. This does not work string name txtCredits a href http Google a string But this does string name..
Launch custom android application from android browser filter Then in your web app you can put links like a href my.special.scheme other parameters here And when the user clicks..
Memory leak in WebView if you just need to display html in a webview without any href links nor links to dialogs etc. See the comments below. share..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? start up my app Is it possible to make a link such as a href anton useful_info_for_anton_app click me a cause my Anton app.. example of a link that will start up the Android Market a href market search q pname click me a Update..
Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld? question You can use @media queries link rel stylesheet href path to iphone.css media only screen and max device width 480px.. screen and max device width 480px and resolution 163dpi href shetland.css Further reading W3 Candidate Recommendation for..
Map View draw directions using google Directions API - decoding polylines the original Google JS code. @see Original encoding part a href http apis maps documentation polylinealgorithm.html..
handle textview link click in my android app link click in my android app I'm currently rendering HTML input in a TextView like so tv.setText Html.fromHtml a href 'test' test a The HTML being displayed is provided to me via an external resource so I cannot change things around as I.. so I cannot change things around as I will but I can of course do some regex tampering with the HTML to change the href value say to something else. What I want is to be able to handle a link click directly from within the app rather than having.. the link open a browser window. Is this achievable at all I'm guessing it would be possible to set the protocol of the href value to something like myApp and then register something that would let my app handle that protocol. If this is indeed..
How to use media Queries for android devices with android version 2.2.1 and 2.3.5 and their screen size of 240 * 320 and screen size of 480 * 800? 10px 10px 5px #888888 padding 10px I have called the CSS in the following manner link rel stylesheet type text css href css common_set.css Problem It did not get implemented.I cannot not see the box.It was just an empty screen. It does not..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? initial scale 1 maximum scale 1 user scalable no name viewport meta content yes name apple mobile web app capable link href wlclient css wlclient.css rel stylesheet link href wlclient css rel stylesheet link href images favicon.png.. viewport meta content yes name apple mobile web app capable link href wlclient css wlclient.css rel stylesheet link href wlclient css rel stylesheet link href images favicon.png rel shortcut icon link href images apple touch.. link href wlclient css wlclient.css rel stylesheet link href wlclient css rel stylesheet link href images favicon.png rel shortcut icon link href images apple touch icon.png rel apple touch icon link href css AccordFintech.css..
How can I get clickable hyperlinks in AlertDialog from a string resource? by an AlertDialog. While the AlertDialog implementation happily underlines and colors any hyperlinks defined using a href ... in the string resource passed to Builder.setMessage supplied the links do not become clickable. The code I am currently..
How to register some URL namespace (myapp://app.start/) for accessing your program by calling a URL in browser in Android OS? would start on system start and when phone user clicks on special button on a web page inside a web browser a la a href myapp mysettings Foo a my app would pop up and run using the params sent in that URL. So how do I do such thing I need a..
How do I make links in a TextView clickable? true android linksClickable true TextView where @string txtCredits is a string resource that contains a href some site Link text a . Android is highlighting the links in the TextView but they do not respond to clicks. Can someone.. as this Looks like it has to do with the way I define my string resource. This does not work string name txtCredits a href http Google a string But this does string name txtCredits string Which is a bummer because..
Launch custom android application from android browser action android name android.intent.action.VIEW intent filter Then in your web app you can put links like a href my.special.scheme other parameters here And when the user clicks it your app will be launched automatically because it will..
Memory leak in WebView
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? a link in the Android browser start up my app Is it possible to make a link such as a href anton useful_info_for_anton_app click me a cause my Anton app to start up I know that this works for the Android Market.. but can something similar be done with other apps Here is an example of a link that will start up the Android Market a href market search q pname click me a Update The answer I accepted provided by eldarerathis works great but..
Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld? javascript iphone android css media share improve this question You can use @media queries link rel stylesheet href path to iphone.css media only screen and max device width 480px This particular version will target the iPhone and any other..
Map View draw directions using google Directions API - decoding polylines PolyLine to a Array of GeoPoints. Java implementation of the original Google JS code. @see Original encoding part a href http apis maps documentation polylinealgorithm.html http apis maps documentation polylinealgorithm.html..