android Programming Glossary: htmlbody
onPageFinished not firing correctly when rendering web page the WebView with webView.loadDataWithBaseURL fake htmlBody text html utf 8 null It seems that sometimes when the WebView..
How to send a simple email programatically? (exists a simple way to do it??) private String from private String txtBody private String htmlBody private String replyToList private ArrayList Attachment attachments.. from String toList String subject String txtBody String htmlBody Attachment attachment this.txtBody txtBody this.htmlBody htmlBody.. htmlBody Attachment attachment this.txtBody txtBody this.htmlBody htmlBody this.subject subject this.from from this.toList toList..
onPageFinished not firing correctly when rendering web page for viewing when offline. I reload the content into the WebView with webView.loadDataWithBaseURL fake htmlBody text html utf 8 null It seems that sometimes when the WebView loads it fires the WebViewClient.onPageFinished method correctly..
How to send a simple email programatically? (exists a simple way to do it??) DataService .getSetting DataService.SETTING_SMTP_SERVER private String from private String txtBody private String htmlBody private String replyToList private ArrayList Attachment attachments private boolean authenticationRequired false public.. boolean authenticationRequired false public MailService String from String toList String subject String txtBody String htmlBody Attachment attachment this.txtBody txtBody this.htmlBody htmlBody this.subject subject this.from from this.toList toList.. from String toList String subject String txtBody String htmlBody Attachment attachment this.txtBody txtBody this.htmlBody htmlBody this.subject subject this.from from this.toList toList this.ccList null this.bccList null this.replyToList null..