android Programming Glossary: hover
How do I import jars in an android project? request SoapObject is underlined in red and when I hover over it I'm not prompted with an option to import it. Create..
How can I maintain a one pointer gesture when explore-by-touch is enabled? by Touch announce the view's content description on hover then enable the view when the user double taps. This will allow.. is turned on single finger touch events are converted into hover events. You can watch these events by adding an OnHoverListener.. pass them to your normal touch handling code and map from hover actions to touch actions as below . @Override public boolean..
JavaDoc in an Eclipse Android Project
Seemingly useless debugging environment for Android the code step by step until the error occurs. If you hover over a varibale you can see the value of this variable and now..
Attaching Java Source to Android projects in Eclipse JAR and click the class you want to look at or you can hover over the code of interested in your source and use the Open..
Detecting touch screen devices with Javascript a site that slides up a little info panel when the user hovers their mouse over an item. I'm using jQuery.hoverIntent to detect.. the user hovers their mouse over an item. I'm using jQuery.hoverIntent to detect the hover but this obviously doesn't work on.. over an item. I'm using jQuery.hoverIntent to detect the hover but this obviously doesn't work on touchscreen devices like..
How to Parse a JSON Object In Android as a String . When the code runs it is showing null . If I hover over json2 in debug mode I can see all the values and names.. tried test json2.length This returned test 0 . Even when I hover over the json2 object I can read the values within the object...
How to change color of the text in TextView on hover like in css? to change color of the text in TextView on hover like in css How to change color of the text in TextView on.. in css How to change color of the text in TextView on hover like in css with selector I know for button to define selector..
Why does eclipse keeps highlighting a method? didn't help. Anybody run in to the same problem PS when I hover over it it says The method onItemClick AdapterView View int..
How do I import jars in an android project? SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.setOutputSoapObject request SoapObject is underlined in red and when I hover over it I'm not prompted with an option to import it. Create class Create interface etc. are options. Any help is greatly..
How can I maintain a one pointer gesture when explore-by-touch is enabled? the custom signature view. What I'd like to do is have Explore by Touch announce the view's content description on hover then enable the view when the user double taps. This will allow them to draw on top of the view with a single pointer like.. share improve this question When Explore by Touch is turned on single finger touch events are converted into hover events. You can watch these events by adding an OnHoverListener to your view or overriding View.onHoverEvent . Once you're.. . Once you're intercepting these events you can usually just pass them to your normal touch handling code and map from hover actions to touch actions as below . @Override public boolean onHoverEvent MotionEvent event if mAccessibilityManager.isTouchExplorationEnabled..
JavaDoc in an Eclipse Android Project
Seemingly useless debugging environment for Android debugger will show you all the variables and you can step execute the code step by step until the error occurs. If you hover over a varibale you can see the value of this variable and now you can step by step try to understand the cause of the exception..
Attaching Java Source to Android projects in Eclipse 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0.1 1.6 and 1.5. You can just open the Android JAR and click the class you want to look at or you can hover over the code of interested in your source and use the Open Declaration option to have the appropriate part of the Android..
Detecting touch screen devices with Javascript how can I detect if the client device has a mouse I've got a site that slides up a little info panel when the user hovers their mouse over an item. I'm using jQuery.hoverIntent to detect the hover but this obviously doesn't work on touchscreen.. I've got a site that slides up a little info panel when the user hovers their mouse over an item. I'm using jQuery.hoverIntent to detect the hover but this obviously doesn't work on touchscreen devices like iPhone iPad Android. So on those devices.. up a little info panel when the user hovers their mouse over an item. I'm using jQuery.hoverIntent to detect the hover but this obviously doesn't work on touchscreen devices like iPhone iPad Android. So on those devices I'd like to revert..
How to Parse a JSON Object In Android catch JSONException e e.printStackTrace test is declared as a String . When the code runs it is showing null . If I hover over json2 in debug mode I can see all the values and names within the object. I also tried test json2.length This returned.. can see all the values and names within the object. I also tried test json2.length This returned test 0 . Even when I hover over the json2 object I can read the values within the object. Here is an example of a JSON string I will use. caller getPoiById..
How to change color of the text in TextView on hover like in css? to change color of the text in TextView on hover like in css How to change color of the text in TextView on hover like in css with selector I know for button to define.. to change color of the text in TextView on hover like in css How to change color of the text in TextView on hover like in css with selector I know for button to define selector with items item android drawable @drawable down android state_pressed..
Why does eclipse keeps highlighting a method? What am I doing wrong I tried reloading project and it didn't help. Anybody run in to the same problem PS when I hover over it it says The method onItemClick AdapterView View int long of type ListViewActivityActivity must override a superclass..