android Programming Glossary: html.fromhtml
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? to Mark again mBox new TextView context mBox.setText Html.fromHtml b title b br small description small br small DateAdded small..
handle textview link click in my android app rendering HTML input in a TextView like so tv.setText Html.fromHtml a href 'test' test a The HTML being displayed is provided to..
Html.ImageGetter diplay the text with images in TextView myTextView.setText Html.fromHtml myText new ImageGetter @Override public Drawable getDrawable..
How to send HTML email The Subject shareIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_TEXT Html.fromHtml new StringBuilder .append p b Some Content b p .append small..
How to display HTML in TextView? textview share improve this question You need to use Html.fromHtml to use HTML in your XML Strings. Simply referencing a String.. layout XML will not work. For example myTextView.setText Html.fromHtml h2 Title h2 br p Description here p share improve this answer..
How to layout text to flow around an image this line SpannableStringBuilder ss SpannableStringBuilder Html.fromHtml text SpannableString ss new SpannableString text ss.setSpan..
Highlighting Text Color using Html.fromHtml() in Android? Text Color using Html.fromHtml in Android I am developing an application in which there will.. and that keyword should be highlighted. I have found Html.fromHtml method. But I will like to know whether its the proper way of.. This is font color 'red' simple font . textView.setText Html.fromHtml styledText TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE share improve this..
Is it possible to display inline images from html in an Android TextView? image render When using this snippet mContentText.setText Html.fromHtml text I get a cyan box with black borders leading me to believe.. question If you have a look at the documentation for Html.fromHtml text you'll see it says Any img tags in the HTML will display.. want to do this replacement yourself you can use the other Html.fromHtml method which takes an Html.TagHandler and an Html.ImageGetter..
Html List tag not working in android textview. what can i do? ul I loaded it in a text view like this textview.setText Html.fromHtml str The output looks like a paragraph. What can I do Is there.. question As you can see in the Html class source code Html.fromHtml String does not support all HTML tags. In this very case ul..
Set TextView text from html-formatted string resource in XML to set the formatted text programmatically with .setText Html.fromHtml somestring because I use this in other parts of my program where.. TextView foo TextView findViewById foo.setText Html.fromHtml getString R.string.nice_html IMHO this is several orders of..
Displaying emoticons in Android img tag. Then convert that HTML into a SpannedString via Html.fromHtml . That SpannedString can be used in a setText call on TextView..
Subscript and Superscript a String in Android this question TextView findViewById .setText Html.fromHtml X sup 2 sup or http intl zh TW guide appendix..
Android HTML ImageGetter as AsyncTask inline images and I am under the impression that using the Html.fromHtml string Html.ImageGetter Html.TagHandler will allow this to happen... However when you pass the ImageGetter as a parameter to Html.fromHtml it uses the getDrawable method that must be overridden. So there's.. p new URLImageParser textView this Spanned htmlSpan Html.fromHtml html p null textView.setText htmlSpan share improve this answer..
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? In case anyone is wondering how to do this here's one way Thanks to Mark again mBox new TextView context mBox.setText Html.fromHtml b title b br small description small br small DateAdded small For an unofficial list of tags supported by this method..
handle textview link click in my android app textview link click in my android app I'm currently rendering HTML input in a TextView like so tv.setText Html.fromHtml a href 'test' test a The HTML being displayed is provided to me via an external resource so I cannot change things around..
Html.ImageGetter just a name of a drawable not a path. Then use this code to diplay the text with images in TextView myTextView.setText Html.fromHtml myText new ImageGetter @Override public Drawable getDrawable String source Drawable drawFromPath int path myActivity.this.getResources..
How to send HTML email Uri.parse mailto shareIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT The Subject shareIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_TEXT Html.fromHtml new StringBuilder .append p b Some Content b p .append small p More content p small .toString share improve this answer..
How to display HTML in TextView? do this Any help would be appreciated. android html android textview share improve this question You need to use Html.fromHtml to use HTML in your XML Strings. Simply referencing a String with HTML in your layout XML will not work. For example myTextView.setText..
How to layout text to flow around an image height textLineHeight For an html text you can use this line SpannableStringBuilder ss SpannableStringBuilder Html.fromHtml text SpannableString ss new SpannableString text ss.setSpan new MyLeadingMarginSpan2 lines width 0 ss.length Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE..
Highlighting Text Color using Html.fromHtml() in Android? Text Color using Html.fromHtml in Android I am developing an application in which there will be a search screen where user can search for specific keywords.. be a search screen where user can search for specific keywords and that keyword should be highlighted. I have found Html.fromHtml method. But I will like to know whether its the proper way of doing it or not. Please let me know your views on this. android..
Is it possible to display inline images from html in an Android TextView? image.jpg . p Is it possible to make the image render When using this snippet mContentText.setText Html.fromHtml text I get a cyan box with black borders leading me to believe that a TextView has some idea of what an img tag is. android.. what an img tag is. android img textview share improve this question If you have a look at the documentation for Html.fromHtml text you'll see it says Any img tags in the HTML will display as a generic replacement image which your program can then.. then go through and replace with real images. If you don't want to do this replacement yourself you can use the other Html.fromHtml method which takes an Html.TagHandler and an Html.ImageGetter as arguments as well as the text to parse. In your case you..
Html List tag not working in android textview. what can i do? pleats li li Made in the U.S.A. of 100 imported cotton. li ul I loaded it in a text view like this textview.setText Html.fromHtml str The output looks like a paragraph. What can I do Is there any solution for it Edit webview.loadData str text html utf.. str text html utf 8 android share improve this question As you can see in the Html class source code Html.fromHtml String does not support all HTML tags. In this very case ul and li are not supported. From the source code I have built..
Set TextView text from html-formatted string resource in XML html tags and thus unformatted. I know that it is possible to set the formatted text programmatically with .setText Html.fromHtml somestring because I use this in other parts of my program where it is working as expected. To call this function I need..
Displaying emoticons in Android
Subscript and Superscript a String in Android java android string superscript subscript share improve this question TextView findViewById .setText Html.fromHtml X sup 2 sup or http intl zh TW guide appendix faq commontasks.html#selectingtext share improve this..
Android HTML ImageGetter as AsyncTask in my program which parses HTML. I want to include the inline images and I am under the impression that using the Html.fromHtml string Html.ImageGetter Html.TagHandler will allow this to happen. Since Html.ImageGetter doesn't have an implementation.. this on the main thread so it must be an AsyncTask. I think. However when you pass the ImageGetter as a parameter to Html.fromHtml it uses the getDrawable method that must be overridden. So there's no way to call the whole ImageGetter.execute deal that..