android Programming Glossary: heightsize
onMeasure custom view explanation int heightMode MeasureSpec.getMode heightMeasureSpec int heightSize MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec int width int height Measure.. if heightMode MeasureSpec.EXACTLY Must be this size height heightSize else if heightMode MeasureSpec.AT_MOST Can't be bigger than..... Can't be bigger than... height Math.min desiredHeight heightSize else Be whatever you want height desiredHeight MUST CALL THIS..
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen int widthSize MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int heightSize MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec int measuredWidth widthSize.. int measuredWidth widthSize int measuredHeight heightSize int width Math.max measuredWidth getSuggestedMinimumWidth int..
ImageView one dimension to fit free space and second evaluate to keep aspect ration don't upscale it. This is cause by this code if newHeight heightSize heightSize newHeight in ImageView class on line 688 API 10 I.. it. This is cause by this code if newHeight heightSize heightSize newHeight in ImageView class on line 688 API 10 I made special..
Zoom Content in a RelativeLayout int widthSize MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int heightSize MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec.. setMeasuredDimension int widthSize mScaleFactor int heightSize mScaleFactor Please help me if anyone can Ok so I changed from.. int widthSize MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int heightSize MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec..
onMeasure custom view explanation int widthSize MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int heightMode MeasureSpec.getMode heightMeasureSpec int heightSize MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec int width int height Measure Width if widthMode MeasureSpec.EXACTLY Must be this size.. else Be whatever you want width desiredWidth Measure Height if heightMode MeasureSpec.EXACTLY Must be this size height heightSize else if heightMode MeasureSpec.AT_MOST Can't be bigger than... height Math.min desiredHeight heightSize else Be whatever.. size height heightSize else if heightMode MeasureSpec.AT_MOST Can't be bigger than... height Math.min desiredHeight heightSize else Be whatever you want height desiredHeight MUST CALL THIS setMeasuredDimension width height Hope that Helps. share..
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec int widthSize MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int heightSize MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec int measuredWidth widthSize int measuredHeight heightSize int width Math.max measuredWidth.. widthMeasureSpec int heightSize MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec int measuredWidth widthSize int measuredHeight heightSize int width Math.max measuredWidth getSuggestedMinimumWidth int height Math.max measuredHeight getSuggestedMinimumHeight setMeasuredDimension..
ImageView one dimension to fit free space and second evaluate to keep aspect ration ratio of image. But if image is smaller that screen width it don't upscale it. This is cause by this code if newHeight heightSize heightSize newHeight in ImageView class on line 688 API 10 I made special child of ImageView which allow enlarge image to.. But if image is smaller that screen width it don't upscale it. This is cause by this code if newHeight heightSize heightSize newHeight in ImageView class on line 688 API 10 I made special child of ImageView which allow enlarge image to fit width...
Zoom Content in a RelativeLayout void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec int widthSize MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int heightSize MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec setMeasuredDimension int widthSize.. super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec setMeasuredDimension int widthSize mScaleFactor int heightSize mScaleFactor Please help me if anyone can Ok so I changed from using Matrix and using canvas scale to following @Override.. void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec int widthSize MeasureSpec.getSize widthMeasureSpec int heightSize MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec setMeasuredDimension int widthSize..