android Programming Glossary: heightratio
BitmapFactory.decodeStream out of memory despite using reduced sample size height and width to requested height and width final int heightRatio Math.round float height float reqHeight final int widthRatio.. or equal to the requested height and width. inSampleSize heightRatio widthRatio heightRatio widthRatio return inSampleSize bitmap.. height and width. inSampleSize heightRatio widthRatio heightRatio widthRatio return inSampleSize bitmap decodeSampledBitmapFromResource..
Out of memory Error on setImageResource height and width to requested height and width final int heightRatio Math.round float height float reqHeight final int widthRatio.. or equal to the requested height and width. inSampleSize heightRatio widthRatio heightRatio widthRatio return inSampleSize public.. height and width. inSampleSize heightRatio widthRatio heightRatio widthRatio return inSampleSize public static Bitmap decodeSampledBitmapFromResource..
Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device height and width to requested height and width final int heightRatio Math.round float height float reqHeight final int widthRatio.. or equal to the requested height and width. inSampleSize heightRatio widthRatio heightRatio widthRatio return inSampleSize share..
High resolution Image - OutOfMemoryError height and width to requested height and width final int heightRatio Math.round float height float reqHeight final int widthRatio.. or equal to the requested height and width. inSampleSize heightRatio widthRatio heightRatio widthRatio return inSampleSize Compress.. height and width. inSampleSize heightRatio widthRatio heightRatio widthRatio return inSampleSize Compress your image more. Use..
How to convert coordinates of the image view to the coordinates of the bitmap? a disproportionate scaling e.g. fitXY is used. float heightRatio intrinsicHeight scaledHeight float widthRatio intrinsicWidth.. widthRatio int originalImageOffsetY scaledImageOffsetY heightRatio Give this idea a try and see if it works for you. share improve..
BitmapFactory.decodeStream out of memory despite using reduced sample size 1 if height reqHeight width reqWidth Calculate ratios of height and width to requested height and width final int heightRatio Math.round float height float reqHeight final int widthRatio Math.round float width float reqWidth Choose the smallest ratio.. will guarantee a final image with both dimensions larger than or equal to the requested height and width. inSampleSize heightRatio widthRatio heightRatio widthRatio return inSampleSize bitmap decodeSampledBitmapFromResource inputStream 600 600 I am getting.. image with both dimensions larger than or equal to the requested height and width. inSampleSize heightRatio widthRatio heightRatio widthRatio return inSampleSize bitmap decodeSampledBitmapFromResource inputStream 600 600 I am getting Out of memory error..
Out of memory Error on setImageResource 1 if height reqHeight width reqWidth Calculate ratios of height and width to requested height and width final int heightRatio Math.round float height float reqHeight final int widthRatio Math.round float width float reqWidth Choose the smallest.. will guarantee a final image with both dimensions larger than or equal to the requested height and width. inSampleSize heightRatio widthRatio heightRatio widthRatio return inSampleSize public static Bitmap decodeSampledBitmapFromResource Resources res.. image with both dimensions larger than or equal to the requested height and width. inSampleSize heightRatio widthRatio heightRatio widthRatio return inSampleSize public static Bitmap decodeSampledBitmapFromResource Resources res int resId int reqWidth..
Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device 1 if height reqHeight width reqWidth Calculate ratios of height and width to requested height and width final int heightRatio Math.round float height float reqHeight final int widthRatio Math.round float width float reqWidth Choose the smallest ratio..
High resolution Image - OutOfMemoryError 1 if height reqHeight width reqWidth Calculate ratios of height and width to requested height and width final int heightRatio Math.round float height float reqHeight final int widthRatio Math.round float width float reqWidth Choose the smallest ratio.. will guarantee a final image with both dimensions larger than or equal to the requested height and width. inSampleSize heightRatio widthRatio heightRatio widthRatio return inSampleSize Compress your image more. Use for example Gimp and increase level.. image with both dimensions larger than or equal to the requested height and width. inSampleSize heightRatio widthRatio heightRatio widthRatio return inSampleSize Compress your image more. Use for example Gimp and increase level of compression until you..
How to convert coordinates of the image view to the coordinates of the bitmap? image to the scaled image Should normally be equal unless a disproportionate scaling e.g. fitXY is used. float heightRatio intrinsicHeight scaledHeight float widthRatio intrinsicWidth scaledWidth do whatever magic to get your touch point MotionEvent..