

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:14:34

android Programming Glossary: hc

Android: Scheme 'http' not registered on ICS 4.0.4 w/ proxy


requests and set a flag. This code will bypass any proxies hc new DefaultHttpClient manager params if BYPASS_PROXY hc.setRoutePlanner.. hc new DefaultHttpClient manager params if BYPASS_PROXY hc.setRoutePlanner new DefaultHttpRoutePlanner registry share..

How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api?


Utility.mFacebook.getAccessToken limit 10 try HttpClient hc new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet URL HttpResponse.. HttpGet get new HttpGet URL HttpResponse rp hc.execute get if rp.getStatusLine .getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK.. request URL pagingURL Log.e NEW URL URL try HttpClient hc new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet URL HttpResponse..

Lazy download images into gridView


Utility.mFacebook.getAccessToken limit 10 try HttpClient hc new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet URL HttpResponse.. HttpGet get new HttpGet URL HttpResponse rp hc.execute get if rp.getStatusLine .getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK.. 1 Next page request URL pagingURL try HttpClient hc new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet URL HttpResponse..

httpclient ssl certificate on android


for data encryption . First i tried using this guide http hc.apache.org httpclient 3.x sslguide.html on Desktop is working.. can't make it work. http mail archives.apache.org mod_mbox hc httpclient users 200808.mbox 3C1218824624.6561.14.camel@ubuntu.. interface http hc.apache.org httpclient 3.x apidocs org apache commons httpclient..

Android: parse XML from string problems


URL we want to load some xml data from. DefaultHttpClient hc new DefaultHttpClient ResponseHandler String res new BasicResponseHandler.. images tut basic parsingxml example.xml String response hc.execute postMethod res Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory...

Android: Scheme 'http' not registered on ICS 4.0.4 w/ proxy


to catch IllegalStateException when performing HttpClient requests and set a flag. This code will bypass any proxies hc new DefaultHttpClient manager params if BYPASS_PROXY hc.setRoutePlanner new DefaultHttpRoutePlanner registry share improve..

How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api?


https graph.facebook.com initialUserID albums access_token Utility.mFacebook.getAccessToken limit 10 try HttpClient hc new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet URL HttpResponse rp hc.execute get if rp.getStatusLine .getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK.. limit 10 try HttpClient hc new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet URL HttpResponse rp hc.execute get if rp.getStatusLine .getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK String queryAlbums EntityUtils.toString rp.getEntity JSONObject.. true INCREMENT CURRENT PAGE current_page 1 Next page request URL pagingURL Log.e NEW URL URL try HttpClient hc new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet URL HttpResponse rp hc.execute get if rp.getStatusLine .getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK..

Lazy download images into gridView


https graph.facebook.com initialAlbumID photos access_token Utility.mFacebook.getAccessToken limit 10 try HttpClient hc new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet URL HttpResponse rp hc.execute get if rp.getStatusLine .getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK.. limit 10 try HttpClient hc new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet URL HttpResponse rp hc.execute get if rp.getStatusLine .getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK String queryAlbums EntityUtils.toString rp.getEntity JSONObject.. MORE TRUE loadingMore true INCREMENT CURRENT PAGE current_page 1 Next page request URL pagingURL try HttpClient hc new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet URL HttpResponse rp hc.execute get if rp.getStatusLine .getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK..

httpclient ssl certificate on android


i want my app to trust all certificates i will use ssl only for data encryption . First i tried using this guide http hc.apache.org httpclient 3.x sslguide.html on Desktop is working fine but on android i still got javax.net.ssl.SSLException.. is working but in android using included in SDK classes can't make it work. http mail archives.apache.org mod_mbox hc httpclient users 200808.mbox 3C1218824624.6561.14.camel@ubuntu 3E also get the same exception So any ideas how can i trust.. create a custom implementation for org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.SecureProtocolSocketFactory interface http hc.apache.org httpclient 3.x apidocs org apache commons httpclient protocol SecureProtocolSocketFactory.html wherein you can..

Android: parse XML from string problems


later. TextView tv new TextView this try Create a URL we want to load some xml data from. DefaultHttpClient hc new DefaultHttpClient ResponseHandler String res new BasicResponseHandler HttpPost postMethod new HttpPost http www.anddev.org.. HttpPost postMethod new HttpPost http www.anddev.org images tut basic parsingxml example.xml String response hc.execute postMethod res Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory. SAXParserFactory spf SAXParserFactory.newInstance SAXParser..