android Programming Glossary: heavy
PhoneGap 1.4 wrapping Sencha Touch 2.X - What about performance? due to lack of visual pre process in Android systems CSS3 heavy visual process Avoid Gradients Avoid Shadows Avoid Transformations..
“Bitmap too large to be uploaded into a texture” you want to zoom in out and in a mobile environement with heavy memory constraints you should setup a system similar to what..
Google Drive\Docs API for Android to only have a one size fits all Gdata SDK which is very heavy with the many dependencies it triples the size of my app and..
How to cache bitmaps into native memory an app might need to overcome those limitations perform heavy operations on huge bitmaps or just store them for later use..
Android Reading from an Input stream efficiently The problem in your code is that it's creating lots of heavy String objects copying all its contents and doing operations..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? I use the UI Thread I suppose that db queries can be heavy and should not use the UI thread as it can lock up the app resulting..
Vertical line using XML drawable I marked as correct. It does the trick though feels a bit heavy thus if you happen to know the answer don't forget to share..
Android: ProgressDialog doesn't show is created and displayed and a thread is called to run a heavy calculation @Override public void onClick View v pd
Android: Temporarily disable orientation changes in an Activity changes that should not be interrupted. I'm doing the heavy lifting in another thread and using a progress dialog which..
Enhance webView performance (should be the same performance as native Web Browser) this question I ran into a similar issue and after some heavy debugging noticed the native browser and WebView browser seem..
Understanding Canvas and Surface concepts in mind that as this implies a SurfaceView is a pretty heavy weight object. If you have multiple SurfaceViews in a particular..
android:dither=“true” does not dither, what's wrong? includes a large color gradient does show up but with heavy color banding. From what I've learned from the SDK this can..
Can the Android Layout folder contain subfolders? small projects but when there is a case of large and heavy projects then there should be a hierarchy and sub folders needed..
How to simulate :active css pseudo class in android on non-link elements? 1 2 that solve similar problems but they're both a bit heavy and I'm wondering if there's a lighter weight solution that..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds that doesn't involve what I'm doing writing several heavy routines that parse and measure the text resize the text and..
ByteBuffer not releasing memory in the JVM not sure how it applies to Dalvik though where heavy allocation of direct buffers leads to unrecoverable OutOfMemoryError..
Create a true splash screen protected Void doInBackground Void... params Do some heavy stuff return null @Override public void onPostExecute Void..
shouldOverrideUrlLoading in WebView for Android not running not running Edit Solution Found Figured it out after some heavy searching one person I literally mean one said they instead..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss not rely on stacking up an arbitrary number of potentially heavy weight activities. Unless you do a serious amount of stuff in..
AsyncTask Android example postExecute offer you access to GUI before and after the heavy lifting occurs in this new thread you can even pass the result..
PhoneGap 1.4 wrapping Sencha Touch 2.X - What about performance? Sharing 80 90 of the code Mitigating performance issues due to lack of visual pre process in Android systems CSS3 heavy visual process Avoid Gradients Avoid Shadows Avoid Transformations and animations Good MVC practices Don't use more views..
“Bitmap too large to be uploaded into a texture” would take a huge amount of memory. With such big images if you want to zoom in out and in a mobile environement with heavy memory constraints you should setup a system similar to what you see in google maps for example. With the image split in..
Google Drive\Docs API for Android described and had good examples of usage. Google Drive seems to only have a one size fits all Gdata SDK which is very heavy with the many dependencies it triples the size of my app and not very intuitive as it is so low level. I'm sure it makes..
How to cache bitmaps into native memory and this can occur many times when you use bitmaps. Many times an app might need to overcome those limitations perform heavy operations on huge bitmaps or just store them for later use and you need to What i've come up with is a simple java class..
Android Reading from an Input stream efficiently input stream bufferedreader share improve this question The problem in your code is that it's creating lots of heavy String objects copying all its contents and doing operations with them. To drastically improve it you should use StringBuilder..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? and select queries from an AsyncTask's doInBackground Or should I use the UI Thread I suppose that db queries can be heavy and should not use the UI thread as it can lock up the app resulting in an ANR. If I have several AsyncTasks should they..
Vertical line using XML drawable Manual UPDATE I found no other way other than the one that I marked as correct. It does the trick though feels a bit heavy thus if you happen to know the answer don't forget to share android android layout line android xml android drawable ..
Android: ProgressDialog doesn't show dialog. here you can see an example the progressdialog is created and displayed and a thread is called to run a heavy calculation @Override public void onClick View v pd lexs Search Searching... true false Search search..
Android: Temporarily disable orientation changes in an Activity My main activity has some code that makes some database changes that should not be interrupted. I'm doing the heavy lifting in another thread and using a progress dialog which I set as non cancellable. However I noticed that if I rotate..
Enhance webView performance (should be the same performance as native Web Browser) 5 1024 1024 android performance webview share improve this question I ran into a similar issue and after some heavy debugging noticed the native browser and WebView browser seem to be using different caches. This code can be used to disable..
Understanding Canvas and Surface concepts to the current drawing buffer of the Surface. Also please keep in mind that as this implies a SurfaceView is a pretty heavy weight object. If you have multiple SurfaceViews in a particular UI stop and think about whether this is really needed...
android:dither=“true” does not dither, what's wrong? actual image background.png in drawable hdpi. The image which includes a large color gradient does show up but with heavy color banding. From what I've learned from the SDK this can be mitigated by using the above proxy image definition together..
Can the Android Layout folder contain subfolders? inside the layout folder so it is feasible and simple to manage small projects but when there is a case of large and heavy projects then there should be a hierarchy and sub folders needed inside the layout folder. for e.g. layout layout personal..
How to simulate :active css pseudo class in android on non-link elements? webkit div active color red I've found a couple of resources 1 2 that solve similar problems but they're both a bit heavy and I'm wondering if there's a lighter weight solution that I'm just not able to find. http remove onclick delay..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds . But I'm sure somebody out there has found a good solution that doesn't involve what I'm doing writing several heavy routines that parse and measure the text resize the text and repeat until a suitably small size has been found. What routines..
ByteBuffer not releasing memory native memory is not released. Also keep in mind this bug in the JVM not sure how it applies to Dalvik though where heavy allocation of direct buffers leads to unrecoverable OutOfMemoryError . You commented about doing controlling things from..
Create a true splash screen handler new Handler new AsyncTask Void Void Void @Override protected Void doInBackground Void... params Do some heavy stuff return null @Override public void onPostExecute Void result new Runnable @Override public void run..
shouldOverrideUrlLoading in WebView for Android not running in WebView for Android not running Edit Solution Found Figured it out after some heavy searching one person I literally mean one said they instead used onPageLoad which worked perfectly for my purposes. The..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss resources. You just need to redesign your navigation to not rely on stacking up an arbitrary number of potentially heavy weight activities. Unless you do a serious amount of stuff in onStop such as calling setContentView to clear out the activity's..
AsyncTask Android example have access to the GUI where your views are. preExecute and postExecute offer you access to GUI before and after the heavy lifting occurs in this new thread you can even pass the result of the long operation to postExecute to then show any results..