android Programming Glossary: headset
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset I use the following code to launch speech recognition in Android.. it doesn't seem to accept voice input from a bluetooth headset that is paired and connected using the Phone audio profile... voice recognition now works taking my speech input from my headset. How can I use RecognizerIntent and get speech input from a..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? it does so for all other devices including Moto HS815 headset another dumb device for which 'sdp browse' reports nothing ...
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset onPause mBluetoothHelper.stop inner class BluetoothHeadsetUtils is an abstract class that has 4 abstracts methods that.. here if not already started @Override public void onHeadsetDisconnected @Override public void onHeadsetConnected To use.. public void onHeadsetDisconnected @Override public void onHeadsetConnected To use bluetooth headset with Text To Speech you need..
How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1? anymore. II. Another way is to simulate pushing of the Headset hook which makes Android answer the call. This is done by broadcasting.. state 0 headSetUnPluggedintent.putExtra name Headset try sendOrderedBroadcast headSetUnPluggedintent null catch Exception..
Routing audio to Bluetooth Headset (non-A2DP) on Android audio to Bluetooth Headset non A2DP on Android I have a non A2DP single ear BT headset..
Invoking a private (unpublished) method in Android API doesn't exist until API version 11 where a Bluetooth Headset class was introduced. But there already existed a class called.. But there already existed a class called BluetoothHeadset in prior APIs but it wasn't publicly accessible. Here's the.. java l x android android 9 p android.bluetooth c BluetoothHeadset . So I was trying to use reflection to invoke the isConnected..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset I use the following code to launch speech recognition in Android PackageManager pm getPackageManager List ResolveInfo activities.. intent VOICE_RECOGNITION_REQUEST_CODE This works fine. However it doesn't seem to accept voice input from a bluetooth headset that is paired and connected using the Phone audio profile. I can use an app called SoundAbout to force Media Audio to Bluetooth.. Media Audio to Bluetooth mono SCO . With this app set my voice recognition now works taking my speech input from my headset. How can I use RecognizerIntent and get speech input from a bluetooth headset I see in API level 16 there is a new intent..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? reports neither UUID nor RFCOMM channel for Zeemote while it does so for all other devices including Moto HS815 headset another dumb device for which 'sdp browse' reports nothing . Also when the device boots Zeemote's priority is 0 others have..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset this @Override onResume mBluetoothHelper.start @Override onPause mBluetoothHelper.stop inner class BluetoothHeadsetUtils is an abstract class that has 4 abstracts methods that need to be implemented. private class BluetoothHelper extends.. public void onScoAudioConnected Should start speech recognition here if not already started @Override public void onHeadsetDisconnected @Override public void onHeadsetConnected To use bluetooth headset with Text To Speech you need to set the.. speech recognition here if not already started @Override public void onHeadsetDisconnected @Override public void onHeadsetConnected To use bluetooth headset with Text To Speech you need to set the AudioManager to STREAM_VOICE_CALL before calling..
How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1? user apps can not define this permission in the manifest file anymore. II. Another way is to simulate pushing of the Headset hook which makes Android answer the call. This is done by broadcasting the Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON as shown in below.. Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY headSetUnPluggedintent.putExtra state 0 headSetUnPluggedintent.putExtra name Headset try sendOrderedBroadcast headSetUnPluggedintent null catch Exception e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace..
Routing audio to Bluetooth Headset (non-A2DP) on Android audio to Bluetooth Headset non A2DP on Android I have a non A2DP single ear BT headset Plantronics 510 and would like to use it with my Android HTC..
Invoking a private (unpublished) method in Android API connected not just paired in OS 2.0 2.3. Such functionality doesn't exist until API version 11 where a Bluetooth Headset class was introduced. But there already existed a class called BluetoothHeadset in prior APIs but it wasn't publicly accessible... until API version 11 where a Bluetooth Headset class was introduced. But there already existed a class called BluetoothHeadset in prior APIs but it wasn't publicly accessible. Here's the documentation for it http java l x android android.. Here's the documentation for it http java l x android android 9 p android.bluetooth c BluetoothHeadset . So I was trying to use reflection to invoke the isConnected method but I'm pretty horrible at reflection and I'm getting..