android Programming Glossary: heads
Do fragments really need an empty constructor? platform frameworks support refs heads master v4 java android support v4 app You will..
Tamil font in android font size medium color black Hope this would give you the heads up you deserve. Hope to see more Tamil apps in Play Store. ..
ListView OnItemClickListener Not Responding? I've checked this question but I couldn't really make heads or tails of it. I just need a way to get the rows clickable..
Android HttpClient and HTTPS an HTTP 1.1 400 Bad Request error. I can't seem to make heads or tails of this despite many examples none of them seem to..
Where is android.os.SystemProperties h 8effd3c7e2841eb1ccf0cfce52ca71085642d113 hb refs heads eclair I created a new 2.1 project and tried importing this..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime h 3c471ca76107cc49b5f8e3ca15e87725ed80faf9 hb refs heads gingerbread isNinePatchChunk http android mydroid..
Get datetime from network provider? browse_thread thread d5ce3bcfe17e272b pli 1 So just a heads up that Android uses NITZ events provided by a carrier to properly..
Optical Character Recognition Android with OpenCV http p tesseract android tools Here is a heads up for a problem we all run into at the beginning when using..
NoClassDefFoundError when running Instrumentation test with ant I'd add some info for people who might be scratching their heads after re installing the ADT. Basically in Eclipse when you add..
Do fragments really need an empty constructor? explain why for people wondering why. If you check https platform frameworks support refs heads master v4 java android support v4 app You will see the instantiate .. method in the Fragment class calls the..
Tamil font in android
ListView OnItemClickListener Not Responding? questions I've found but none of them have gotten me anywhere. I've checked this question but I couldn't really make heads or tails of it. I just need a way to get the rows clickable so that I can detect when a row is pressed. Long press and focus..
Android HttpClient and HTTPS I'm just trying to connect and see what happens I keep getting an HTTP 1.1 400 Bad Request error. I can't seem to make heads or tails of this despite many examples none of them seem to work for me . My code looks like this the BODY constant is XmlRPC..
Where is android.os.SystemProperties apps Camera.git a blob f src com android camera h 8effd3c7e2841eb1ccf0cfce52ca71085642d113 hb refs heads eclair I created a new 2.1 project and tried importing this namespace again but It still cannot be found. I checked
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime p platform frameworks base.git a blob f tools aapt Images.cpp h 3c471ca76107cc49b5f8e3ca15e87725ed80faf9 hb refs heads gingerbread isNinePatchChunk http android mydroid 1.6 frameworks base core jni android graphics NinePatch.cpp..
Get datetime from network provider? or NTP Library http group android developers browse_thread thread d5ce3bcfe17e272b pli 1 So just a heads up that Android uses NITZ events provided by a carrier to properly set the system date and time. Android also falls back..
Optical Character Recognition Android with OpenCV can check something like Tesseract Android Tools very decent http p tesseract android tools Here is a heads up for a problem we all run into at the beginning when using it Bytes Per Pixel value for byte representation of image in..
NoClassDefFoundError when running Instrumentation test with ant and my issue was not related to Ant at all I thought I'd add some info for people who might be scratching their heads after re installing the ADT. Basically in Eclipse when you add an external library in the Java Build Path dialog don't forget..