android Programming Glossary: hebrew
How to handle RTL languages on pre 4.2 versions of Android? RTL Right To Left languages. Since I know only how to read Hebrew in addition to English I will talk about its issues Text alignment.. and I'm not talking about gravity . As an RTL language Hebrew puts words from right to left compared to English which is the.. are multiple punctuations characters. Vowels positions. Hebrew doesn't require vowels in order to read text but sometimes it's..
Using hebrew with the android emulator Though android does not have complete support for Hebrew if you are just displaying text then it turns out to be pretty.. turns out to be pretty easy to do. First you want to add a Hebrew font to your app. For this you simply put a true type font file.. app. For this you simply put a true type font file with Hebrew characters in your assets directory. Then you load the font..
CyanogenMod: Translate a Project have translated a project in CyanogenMod the Email app to Hebrew by adding a values he folder and compiled the entire repository.. made sure that the full languages make file includes the Hebrew language. However when I loaded the update zip to the phone.. the update zip to the phone and switched the language to Hebrew I still received the English strings. I'm pretty sure I am missing..
Android setting with TextView for Hebrew text? setting with TextView for Hebrew text I am setting text in TextView from string resource. Normally.. am setting text in TextView from string resource. Normally Hebrew works in Right To Left format. When I set a text it sets the..
What is the list of supported languages/locales on Android? en_ZA 2.3 Finnish Finland fi_FI 2.3 Greek Greece el_GR 2.3 Hebrew Israel iw_IL 2.3 Hindi India hi_IN 2.3 Hungarian Hungary hu_HU..
Android: Arabic font Roboto Regular.ttf textview.setTypeface face i've tried hebrew in the past and it showed fine . sadly the special dots called..
How to handle RTL languages on pre 4.2 versions of Android? a library yet. android android webview android textview hebrew right to left share improve this question Sadly I don't..
Using hebrew with the android emulator hebrew with the android emulator Hi I want to be able to run a Hello.. to run a Hello World application on my android emulator in hebrew How can I do that is it supported thanks android emulator hebrew.. How can I do that is it supported thanks android emulator hebrew share improve this question Though android does not have..
CyanogenMod: Translate a Project to ISO 639 he is the correct ISO 639 1 code for the hebrew language. Whereas iw was deprecated back in 1989. The reason..
Android setting with TextView for Hebrew text? language Please guide me here. Thanks. android textview hebrew settext share improve this question Gravity will only affect..
How to handle RTL languages on pre 4.2 versions of Android? of Android Background TextView always had issues with RTL Right To Left languages. Since I know only how to read Hebrew in addition to English I will talk about its issues Text alignment and I'm not talking about gravity . As an RTL language.. addition to English I will talk about its issues Text alignment and I'm not talking about gravity . As an RTL language Hebrew puts words from right to left compared to English which is the opposite . For demonstrating how annoying it is imagine that.. if you had it in a single sentence but it's harder when there are multiple punctuations characters. Vowels positions. Hebrew doesn't require vowels in order to read text but sometimes it's very hard to read without them especially the bible . For..
Using hebrew with the android emulator thanks android emulator hebrew share improve this question Though android does not have complete support for Hebrew if you are just displaying text then it turns out to be pretty easy to do. First you want to add a Hebrew font to your app... support for Hebrew if you are just displaying text then it turns out to be pretty easy to do. First you want to add a Hebrew font to your app. For this you simply put a true type font file with Hebrew characters in your assets directory. Then you.. pretty easy to do. First you want to add a Hebrew font to your app. For this you simply put a true type font file with Hebrew characters in your assets directory. Then you load the font and use it on your view. For any view that inherits from TextView..
CyanogenMod: Translate a Project Translate a Project I have translated a project in CyanogenMod the Email app to Hebrew by adding a values he folder and compiled the entire repository make . I have made sure that the full languages make file.. he folder and compiled the entire repository make . I have made sure that the full languages make file includes the Hebrew language. However when I loaded the update zip to the phone and switched the language to Hebrew I still received the English.. make file includes the Hebrew language. However when I loaded the update zip to the phone and switched the language to Hebrew I still received the English strings. I'm pretty sure I am missing a step. Any idea please EDIT Again my phone supports..
Android setting with TextView for Hebrew text? setting with TextView for Hebrew text I am setting text in TextView from string resource. Normally Hebrew works in Right To Left format. When I set a text.. setting with TextView for Hebrew text I am setting text in TextView from string resource. Normally Hebrew works in Right To Left format. When I set a text it sets the text Right To Left format in LG Samsung Sony Phone but in HTC..
What is the list of supported languages/locales on Android? India en_IN 2.3 English Ireland en_IE 2.3 English Zimbabwe en_ZA 2.3 Finnish Finland fi_FI 2.3 Greek Greece el_GR 2.3 Hebrew Israel iw_IL 2.3 Hindi India hi_IN 2.3 Hungarian Hungary hu_HU 2.3 Indonesian Indonesia in_ID 2.3 Latvian Latvia lv_LV 2.3..
Android: Arabic font use the font Typeface face Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets Roboto Regular.ttf textview.setTypeface face i've tried hebrew in the past and it showed fine . sadly the special dots called NIKUD didn't show so well so you might have similar problems..
How to handle RTL languages on pre 4.2 versions of Android? a library that we can use but Google hasn't provided such a library yet. android android webview android textview hebrew right to left share improve this question Sadly I don't think there's a good solution good meaning does the job and..
Using hebrew with the android emulator hebrew with the android emulator Hi I want to be able to run a Hello World application on my android emulator in hebrew How can.. hebrew with the android emulator Hi I want to be able to run a Hello World application on my android emulator in hebrew How can I do that is it supported thanks android emulator hebrew share improve this question Though android does not.. a Hello World application on my android emulator in hebrew How can I do that is it supported thanks android emulator hebrew share improve this question Though android does not have complete support for Hebrew if you are just displaying text..
CyanogenMod: Translate a Project translation cyanogenmod share improve this question According to ISO 639 he is the correct ISO 639 1 code for the hebrew language. Whereas iw was deprecated back in 1989. The reason some Android devices use iw is thanks to Sun you can read the..
Android setting with TextView for Hebrew text? is wrong with my code Anybody who has worked with another language Please guide me here. Thanks. android textview hebrew settext share improve this question Gravity will only affect alignment and will not set base direction for the text...