android Programming Glossary: height
How to get screen dimensions edge therefore I need to get the screen width and screen height and then set position int px screenWidth m int py screenWidth.. size new Point display.getSize size int width size.x int height size.y If you're not in an Activity you can get the default.. int width display.getWidth deprecated int height display.getHeight deprecated For the use case you're describing..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen sw360dp then the device with 720dp either width or height will use resource from the this folder. for example to find..
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] android android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android orientation vertical Pretty hint text and.. search_box android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android hint type to filter android inputType text.. to filter android inputType text android maxLines 1 Set height to 0 and let the weight param expand it Note the use of the..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder if recording..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? @Override public void onGlobalLayout int heightDiff activityRootView.getRootView .getHeight activityRootView.getHeight.. .getHeight activityRootView.getHeight if heightDiff 100 if more than 100 pixels its probably a keyboard... ..... protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec int height MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? 0 .split lngLat 0 longitude lngLat 1 latitude lngLat 2 height Log.d myapp.APP lnglat lngLat length lngLat.length if lngLat.length..
How can I put a ListView into a ScrollView without it collapsing? into a ScrollView without it collapsing to its minimum height android listview scrollview share improve this question ..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds the text paint of the original text view to measure the height. From there I step down by 2 font pixels and remeasure until.. left getCompoundPaddingLeft getCompoundPaddingRight int heightLimit bottom top getCompoundPaddingBottom getCompoundPaddingTop.. getCompoundPaddingTop resizeText widthLimit heightLimit super.onLayout changed left top right bottom Resize the..
Division in Java always results in zero (0)? myCustomSharedPrefs Activity.MODE_PRIVATE String Height customSharedPreference.getString heightpref String Weight customSharedPreference.getString.. weight Integer.parseInt Weight int height Integer.parseInt Height Toast.makeText CalculationsActivity.this Height Weight Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. Height Toast.makeText CalculationsActivity.this Height Weight Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show int bmi weight height height..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works for correctly setting the TextView Height new LinearLayout.LayoutParams 0 int TypedValue.applyDimension..
Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant? 1 dx ev.getX dy ev.getY dx dx getWidth 2 1 dy 1 dy getHeight 2 firstX dx firstY dy else if count 2 ux ev.getX uy ev.getY.. 2 ux ev.getX uy ev.getY ux ux getWidth 2 1 uy 1 uy getHeight 2 secondX ux secondY uy myRenderer.dx firstX myRenderer.dy.. ux ev.getX uy ev.getY ux ux getWidth 2 1 uy 1 uy getHeight 2 Log.i JO line2 ux uy secondX ux secondY uy myRenderer.dx..
Height of statusbar? of statusbar Is there a way to get the height of the statusbar.. .getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame rectgle int StatusBarHeight int contentViewTop window.findViewById Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT.. Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT .getTop int TitleBarHeight contentViewTop StatusBarHeight Log.i Jorgesys StatusBar Height..
Height of status bar in Android of status bar in Android What's the height of the status bar.. this question this question was answered before... Height of statusbar Update ok the height of the status bar depends.. .getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame rectgle int StatusBarHeight int contentViewTop window.findViewById Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT..
How to get the Dimensions of a Drawable in an ImageView? to adjust the rest of my Components around it. coverImg.getHeight and coverImg.getMeasuredHeight don't return the results that.. around it. coverImg.getHeight and coverImg.getMeasuredHeight don't return the results that i need and if i use coverImg.getDrawable.. Just tried this out and it works for me int finalHeight finalWidth final ImageView iv ImageView findViewById
android get height width of ImageView int height ImageView v.findViewById .getHeight this returns me 0 even it has default height and width android.. My answer on this question might help you int finalHeight finalWidth final ImageView iv ImageView findViewById public boolean onPreDraw finalHeight iv.getMeasuredHeight finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText..
Get Screen width and height SCREEN_WIDTH SCREEN_HEIGHT game.findViewById .getHeight android share improve this question Using this code you.. Using this code you can get runtime Display's Width Height DisplayMetrics displaymetrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager..
android - out of memory exception when creating bitmap 3458 Width 952 04 17 18 28 06.170 INFO CameraCropView 3458 Height 952 Since the image is huge I get the error. But the interesting..
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER Set the Width Height of the ImageView. if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 11 i.setLayoutParams..
Debugging android apps on the kindle fire emulator by using the following parameters. Width 600px Height 1024px Abstracted LCD Density 169 Target Android 2.3.4 API Level..
Android: how to warp images? private static final int WIDTH 20 private static final int HEIGHT 20 private static final int COUNT WIDTH 1 HEIGHT 1 private final.. final int HEIGHT 20 private static final int COUNT WIDTH 1 HEIGHT 1 private final Bitmap mBitmap private final float mVerts new.. construct our mesh int index 0 for int y 0 y HEIGHT y float fy h y HEIGHT for int x 0 x WIDTH x float fx w x WIDTH..
getWidth and getHeight are returning a zero BitMap static final short WIDTH 160 static final short HEIGHT 440 static final char EMPTY ' ' int mWidthSize int mHeightSize.. super context y 3 set up our bitmap BitMap new char WIDTH HEIGHT for int i 0 i WIDTH HEIGHT i BitMap i EMPTY returns zero why.. bitmap BitMap new char WIDTH HEIGHT for int i 0 i WIDTH HEIGHT i BitMap i EMPTY returns zero why int h getHeight h 400 int..
How to get screen dimensions corner n pixels from the top edge and m pixels from the right edge therefore I need to get the screen width and screen height and then set position int px screenWidth m int py screenWidth n Does anyone know how to get screenWidth and screenHeight.. Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay Point size new Point display.getSize size int width size.x int height size.y If you're not in an Activity you can get the default Display via WINDOW_SERVICE WindowManager wm WindowManager ctx.getSystemService.. that are now deprecated Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay int width display.getWidth deprecated int height display.getHeight deprecated For the use case you're describing however a margin padding in the layout seems more appropriate...
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen into screen width so if we are creating a folder named drawable sw360dp then the device with 720dp either width or height will use resource from the this folder. for example to find the Samsung Galaxy S3 dp to suffix to drawable sw dp With reference..
How to make a nice looking ListView filter on Android [closed] LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android orientation vertical Pretty hint text and maxLines EditText android id @ building_list search_box android.. hint text and maxLines EditText android id @ building_list search_box android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android hint type to filter android inputType text android maxLines 1 Set height to 0 and let the weight param.. android layout_height wrap_content android hint type to filter android inputType text android maxLines 1 Set height to 0 and let the weight param expand it Note the use of the default ID This lets us use a ListActivity still ListView android..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? SurfaceHolder holder prepareRecorder public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder int format int width int height public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder if recording recorder.stop recording false recorder.release finish..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? .addOnGlobalLayoutListener new OnGlobalLayoutListener @Override public void onGlobalLayout int heightDiff activityRootView.getRootView .getHeight activityRootView.getHeight if heightDiff 100 if more than 100 pixels its probably.. public void onGlobalLayout int heightDiff activityRootView.getRootView .getHeight activityRootView.getHeight if heightDiff 100 if more than 100 pixels its probably a keyboard... ... do something here Easy ORIGINAL ANSWER Yes it's possible.. void setListener Listener listener this.listener listener @Override protected void onMeasure int widthMeasureSpec int heightMeasureSpec int height MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec Activity activity Activity getContext Rect rect new Rect activity.getWindow..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? Log.d myapp.APP pairs.length pairs.length String lngLat pairs 0 .split lngLat 0 longitude lngLat 1 latitude lngLat 2 height Log.d myapp.APP lnglat lngLat length lngLat.length if lngLat.length 3 lngLat pairs 1 .split if first pair is not transferred..
How can I put a ListView into a ScrollView without it collapsing? I do so I did. So the question is how can you place a ListView into a ScrollView without it collapsing to its minimum height android listview scrollview share improve this question Using a ListView to make it not scroll is extremely expensive..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds useful for someone else. This class uses a static layout with the text paint of the original text view to measure the height. From there I step down by 2 font pixels and remeasure until I have a size that fits. At the end if the text still does.. int bottom if changed mNeedsResize int widthLimit right left getCompoundPaddingLeft getCompoundPaddingRight int heightLimit bottom top getCompoundPaddingBottom getCompoundPaddingTop resizeText widthLimit heightLimit super.onLayout changed.. int heightLimit bottom top getCompoundPaddingBottom getCompoundPaddingTop resizeText widthLimit heightLimit super.onLayout changed left top right bottom Resize the text size with default width and height public void resizeText..
Division in Java always results in zero (0)? SharedPreferences customSharedPreference getSharedPreferences myCustomSharedPrefs Activity.MODE_PRIVATE String Height customSharedPreference.getString heightpref String Weight customSharedPreference.getString weightpref int weight Integer.parseInt.. Weight customSharedPreference.getString weightpref int weight Integer.parseInt Weight int height Integer.parseInt Height Toast.makeText CalculationsActivity.this Height Weight Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show int bmi weight height height return bmi .. int weight Integer.parseInt Weight int height Integer.parseInt Height Toast.makeText CalculationsActivity.this Height Weight Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show int bmi weight height height return bmi java android division share improve this question..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works create.setText Test the following is my original LinearLayout.LayoutParams for correctly setting the TextView Height new LinearLayout.LayoutParams 0 int TypedValue.applyDimension TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP 60 getResources .getDisplayMetrics..
Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant? case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN isLUp false if count 1 dx ev.getX dy ev.getY dx dx getWidth 2 1 dy 1 dy getHeight 2 firstX dx firstY dy else if count 2 ux ev.getX uy ev.getY ux ux getWidth 2 1 uy 1 uy getHeight 2 secondX ux secondY.. 1 dy 1 dy getHeight 2 firstX dx firstY dy else if count 2 ux ev.getX uy ev.getY ux ux getWidth 2 1 uy 1 uy getHeight 2 secondX ux secondY uy myRenderer.dx firstX myRenderer.dy firstY myRenderer.ux secondX secondY midX.. isLUp true break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP if isLUp ux ev.getX uy ev.getY ux ux getWidth 2 1 uy 1 uy getHeight 2 Log.i JO line2 ux uy secondX ux secondY uy myRenderer.dx firstX myRenderer.dy firstY myRenderer.ux secondX
Height of statusbar? of statusbar Is there a way to get the height of the statusbar titlebar Checking the dev forum shows the same question.. Rect rectgle new Rect Window window getWindow window.getDecorView .getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame rectgle int StatusBarHeight int contentViewTop window.findViewById Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT .getTop int TitleBarHeight contentViewTop StatusBarHeight.. int StatusBarHeight int contentViewTop window.findViewById Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT .getTop int TitleBarHeight contentViewTop StatusBarHeight Log.i Jorgesys StatusBar Height StatusBarHeight TitleBar Height TitleBarHeight share improve..
Height of status bar in Android of status bar in Android What's the height of the status bar in Android Is it always the same From my measurements it seems.. status bar to one that does android statusbar share improve this question this question was answered before... Height of statusbar Update ok the height of the status bar depends on the screen size for example in a device with 240 X 320 screen.. Rect rectgle new Rect Window window getWindow window.getDecorView .getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame rectgle int StatusBarHeight int contentViewTop window.findViewById Window.ID_ANDROID_CONTENT .getTop int TitleBarHeight contentViewTop StatusBarHeight..
How to get the Dimensions of a Drawable in an ImageView? measure process i need the exact dimensions of the Drawable to adjust the rest of my Components around it. coverImg.getHeight and coverImg.getMeasuredHeight don't return the results that i need and if i use coverImg.getDrawable .getBounds i get the.. dimensions of the Drawable to adjust the rest of my Components around it. coverImg.getHeight and coverImg.getMeasuredHeight don't return the results that i need and if i use coverImg.getDrawable .getBounds i get the dimensions before it was scaled.. help android imageview dimensions share improve this question Just tried this out and it works for me int finalHeight finalWidth final ImageView iv ImageView findViewById final TextView tv TextView findViewById
android get height width of ImageView but 0 is returned to me in both cases. please help me int height ImageView v.findViewById .getHeight this returns me 0 even it has default height and width android image height width share improve this question My answer.. width android image height width share improve this question My answer on this question might help you int finalHeight finalWidth final ImageView iv ImageView findViewById final TextView tv TextView findViewById iv.getViewTreeObserver vto.addOnPreDrawListener new ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener public boolean onPreDraw finalHeight iv.getMeasuredHeight finalWidth iv.getMeasuredWidth tv.setText Height finalHeight Width finalWidth return true You can..
Get Screen width and height Log.e TAG onMeasure widthSpecId setMeasuredDimension SCREEN_WIDTH SCREEN_HEIGHT game.findViewById .getHeight android share improve this question Using this code you can get runtime Display's Width Height DisplayMetrics displaymetrics.. .getHeight android share improve this question Using this code you can get runtime Display's Width Height DisplayMetrics displaymetrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics displaymetrics int height..
android - out of memory exception when creating bitmap 3458 yCoor 430 04 17 18 28 06.170 INFO CameraCropView 3458 Width 952 04 17 18 28 06.170 INFO CameraCropView 3458 Height 952 Since the image is huge I get the error. But the interesting thing is the error does not happen the first time only..
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? e Image should be scaled as width height are set. i.setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER Set the Width Height of the ImageView. if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 11 i.setLayoutParams new Gallery.LayoutParams 450 300 return i else i.setLayoutParams..
Debugging android apps on the kindle fire PC. Moreover we can also emulate Kindle Fire specs on Android emulator by using the following parameters. Width 600px Height 1024px Abstracted LCD Density 169 Target Android 2.3.4 API Level 10 RAM 512 MB They don't offer separate developer devices...
Android: how to warp images? 08 04 2013 I used this code but it's not working properly private static final int WIDTH 20 private static final int HEIGHT 20 private static final int COUNT WIDTH 1 HEIGHT 1 private final Bitmap mBitmap private final float mVerts new float COUNT.. properly private static final int WIDTH 20 private static final int HEIGHT 20 private static final int COUNT WIDTH 1 HEIGHT 1 private final Bitmap mBitmap private final float mVerts new float COUNT 2 private final float mOrig new float COUNT 2.. R.drawable.ic_launcher float w mBitmap.getWidth float h mBitmap.getHeight construct our mesh int index 0 for int y 0 y HEIGHT y float fy h y HEIGHT for int x 0 x WIDTH x float fx w x WIDTH setXY mVerts index fx fy setXY mOrig index fx fy index..
getWidth and getHeight are returning a zero this My View class public class cDrawing extends View char BitMap static final short WIDTH 160 static final short HEIGHT 440 static final char EMPTY ' ' int mWidthSize int mHeightSize static final char RED 'R' int y public cDrawing Context context.. final char RED 'R' int y public cDrawing Context context super context y 3 set up our bitmap BitMap new char WIDTH HEIGHT for int i 0 i WIDTH HEIGHT i BitMap i EMPTY returns zero why int h getHeight h 400 int w getWidth w 320 mWidthSize w WIDTH.. y public cDrawing Context context super context y 3 set up our bitmap BitMap new char WIDTH HEIGHT for int i 0 i WIDTH HEIGHT i BitMap i EMPTY returns zero why int h getHeight h 400 int w getWidth w 320 mWidthSize w WIDTH mHeightSize h HEIGHT TODO..