android Programming Glossary: googling
ASP.NET Web API Authentication Web API Authentication I'm really depressed by googling a lot on Web API authentication. I need to know how to authenticate..
Lib not found error in tesseract [closed] closed I am working with OCR android. Got samples from googling and work with android tesseract. I have the project as library..
How to show Google Map V2 on Android Emulator? Emulator I tried so many steps which i acquired from googling to implement google map v2 version 2 on Android emulator .But..
Android ScrollView layout problem in a ScrollView as you found out yourself . Unfortunately googling this problem doesn't lead to any solutions so I tried my suggestion..
ListView Adapter with arbitrary number of row types (Don't know the number of different row types) sections. The way I was thinking of doing it after googling a bit about it is to have one Base layout with just a layout..
Couldn't get connection factory client Service not Available' error. I've done a bit of googling around and it seems this is a bug in the software. http
Android Camera without Preview able to take a picture but the picture was black. After googling like crazy i came across a bug thread about it. If you don't..
Android ==> Memory Analysing ==> Eclipse memory analyzer? And how exactly am i going to use this software I did some googling but i couldn't find any useful information thanks android eclipse..
Android : CalledFromWrongThreadException;: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views .setText Some Text But I get the above Error. From googling it it appears I should use a handler to change the TextView..
Android calendar view Android application but I'm striking out pretty bad when googling. Is there any way to use a default calendar kind of view in..
Android Calling JavaScript functions in WebView Toast.LENGTH_SHORT I've spent a lot of time googling around to see what I may be doing wrong. All examples I have..
Android ClassNotFoundException cannot be found by the classloader. I have spent a while googling to no avail and hopes someone has some pointers It only seems..
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity So I've been googling most of yesterday and last nite and just can't seem to wrap..
Read only file system on Android Also tried a few other various mount commands I found when googling but have had no help. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks..
Get list of installed android applications the installed applications on the users device I have been googling for the longest time but can't find what i want this link was..
Android device specific camera path issue images taken from my app to the same location When I was googling I found out that it's better to create an external folder of..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility to enhance your app Hope that helps and shortcuts a lot of googling P.S. if in the else you want to use your deprectated methods..
Android: AlertDialog causes a memory leak of this leak. Code review didn't help me and I started googling. That's what I found Issue 5054 AlertDialog seems to cause a..
Receiving package install and uninstall events two methods failed to trigger the onReceive method. After googling this problem I found a solution for both methods from another..
Skinning Android app with Maven build profiles in configuration of android maven plugin. I've been googling a lot but so far I didn't find anybody with same issue. How..
Android Understanding Heap Sizes it means that my app has gone over the VM budget but after Googling this many times I still don't seem to grasp this concept. I'm..
How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1? call do some work and then end the call. After all the Googling I could find two different ways to achive this both of which..
Eclipse error: R cannot be resolved to a variable [duplicate] I almost tried everything which suggested as solution by Googling . None of them worked. My project was working normally but not..
Include .so library in apk in android studio [duplicate] any error. But at runtime it throws UnsatisfiedLinkError . Googling around for it I found that gradle doesn't support .so libraries..
Can't run JUnit 4 test case in Eclipse Android project android eclipse junit4 share improve this question Googling this looks like it might have something to do with Android development..
jQuery and mobile browser compatibility? definitely need JavaScript and jQuery for many functions. Googling didn't help to find an answer. How is compatibility of jQuery..
Android - Barcode Scanning, Options? Zxing? I have no idea how to create a barcode scanner so I went Googling and it seems Zxing is the most commonly used way to implement..
How to center buttons on screen horizontally and vertically plus equidistant apart? 'layout_above' with value '@id Button02' . With a little Googling on what could be the cause I discovered that since the reference..
WebView and HTML5 <video> all. I can click on the poster image and nothing happens. Googling I found http 2010 05 12 android viewing video..
Installing Pocketsphinx on Android forum IRC existing StackOverflow posts or intensive Googling. If anyone here has a minute and would be willing to help I'd..
ADT requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found the same problem in Eclipse 3.6 Helios . After plenty of Googling I came across this link http intl es eclipse..
Creating a custom layout for preferences the right approach Edit I overlooked the solution while Googling. How to add a button to PreferenceScreen android share improve..
Android SurfaceView/Canvas flickering after trying to clear it called when the user pressed a button toClear true After Googling around a litte I heard about double buffering but came to the..
“ERROR getting 'android:icon' attribute: attribute is not a string value” when trying to upload to the Android Market Android Market There's not a similar question here but Googling around some other people have had the same issue. None of the..
How does Android's Java version relate to a Java SE version? to have some kind of mapping in my head. I've tried Googling for this info checking the Android docs etc but can't find an..
ASP.NET Web API Authentication Web API Authentication I'm really depressed by googling a lot on Web API authentication. I need to know how to authenticate a user from a client application while using ASP.NET..
Lib not found error in tesseract [closed] not found error in tesseract closed I am working with OCR android. Got samples from googling and work with android tesseract. I have the project as library and refered in another project but when I run the project..
How to show Google Map V2 on Android Emulator? to show Google Map V2 on Android Emulator I tried so many steps which i acquired from googling to implement google map v2 version 2 on Android emulator .But i could not get output on emulator.Google map v1 is working..
Android ScrollView layout problem too so I did a bit of research. First Never put a ListView in a ScrollView as you found out yourself . Unfortunately googling this problem doesn't lead to any solutions so I tried my suggestion from my comment above. I implemented a custom ListAdapter..
ListView Adapter with arbitrary number of row types (Don't know the number of different row types) consist of a header and any combination of the previously mentioned sections. The way I was thinking of doing it after googling a bit about it is to have one Base layout with just a layout tag in one XML file and a separate layout for each section..
Couldn't get connection factory client problem when using getFromLocationName with a ' Service not Available' error. I've done a bit of googling around and it seems this is a bug in the software. http p android issues detail id 8816 share improve this..
Android Camera without Preview app will log the light density in some areas whatever. I was able to take a picture but the picture was black. After googling like crazy i came across a bug thread about it. If you don't generate a preview the image will be black since android camera..
Android ==> Memory Analysing ==> Eclipse memory analyzer? dump. But what is a heap dump how can i create a heap dump. And how exactly am i going to use this software I did some googling but i couldn't find any useful information thanks android eclipse heap dump memoryanalyzer share improve this question..
Android : CalledFromWrongThreadException;: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views I try to change the TextView as so TextView findViewById .setText Some Text But I get the above Error. From googling it it appears I should use a handler to change the TextView or maybe use AsyncTask Could anyone explain which one would..
Android calendar view and I'm looking for a means of including calendar in my Android application but I'm striking out pretty bad when googling. Is there any way to use a default calendar kind of view in my application would be ideal since the UI would be familiar..
Android Calling JavaScript functions in WebView echo Toast toast Toast.makeText mAppView.getContext echo Toast.LENGTH_SHORT I've spent a lot of time googling around to see what I may be doing wrong. All examples I have found use this approach. Does anyone see something wrong here..
Android ClassNotFoundException or an emulator 2.1 and cannot really work out why this class cannot be found by the classloader. I have spent a while googling to no avail and hopes someone has some pointers It only seems to be when an activity is loaded which when the contentView..
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity So I've been googling most of yesterday and last nite and just can't seem to wrap my head around how to pass an arraylist to a subactivity. There..
Read only file system on Android build.prop' to ' system build.prop' Read only file system . Also tried a few other various mount commands I found when googling but have had no help. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks android share improve this question Not all phones and..
Get list of installed android applications android applications Hi I want to get a list of all of the installed applications on the users device I have been googling for the longest time but can't find what i want this link was the closest though and works fine except me being new don't..
Android device specific camera path issue possible to get this path so that I can store the images taken from my app to the same location When I was googling I found out that it's better to create an external folder of my own so that I can store the images in that path with the..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility class or notify they should get a newer version of Android to enhance your app Hope that helps and shortcuts a lot of googling P.S. if in the else you want to use your deprectated methods still just add the @SuppressWarnings deprecation annotation..
Android: AlertDialog causes a memory leak occupies ... I spent a lot of time searching for the reason of this leak. Code review didn't help me and I started googling. That's what I found Issue 5054 AlertDialog seems to cause a memory leak through a Message in the MessageQueue I decided..
Receiving package install and uninstall events in either manifest file or java code. But both of these two methods failed to trigger the onReceive method. After googling this problem I found a solution for both methods from another Thread in SO Android Notification App In the manifest file..
Skinning Android app with Maven build profiles take place inside of the res I didn't specify resourceDirectory in configuration of android maven plugin. I've been googling a lot but so far I didn't find anybody with same issue. How to solve it Is there any general pattern for that Many thanks..
Android Understanding Heap Sizes seem to grasp the Java Out of Memory exception. I know it means that my app has gone over the VM budget but after Googling this many times I still don't seem to grasp this concept. I'm afraid that my app uses too much memory because I have six..
How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1? am writing an android app in which I need to answer an incoming call do some work and then end the call. After all the Googling I could find two different ways to achive this both of which do not work with recent versions of Android specifically after..
Eclipse error: R cannot be resolved to a variable [duplicate] IDE. I am bored of Eclipse's bugs. They driving me mad. I almost tried everything which suggested as solution by Googling . None of them worked. My project was working normally but not code changes. I see that my code changes does not acting..
Include .so library in apk in android studio [duplicate] app . I have followed the steps and it compiles without any error. But at runtime it throws UnsatisfiedLinkError . Googling around for it I found that gradle doesn't support .so libraries yet but I found a hack here which I am trying to use. But..
Can't run JUnit 4 test case in Eclipse Android project crash.jsp # Anyone got an idea how I can fix this Thanks java android eclipse junit4 share improve this question Googling this looks like it might have something to do with Android development tools. From this comment thread Right click on the..
jQuery and mobile browser compatibility? simple version of my site for mobile phones but I will definitely need JavaScript and jQuery for many functions. Googling didn't help to find an answer. How is compatibility of jQuery with popular browsers in mobile phones I am talking for smartphones...
Android - Barcode Scanning, Options? Zxing? barcode and then be able to use that information in some way. I have no idea how to create a barcode scanner so I went Googling and it seems Zxing is the most commonly used way to implement a barcode scanner in an app. Some Links http
How to center buttons on screen horizontally and vertically plus equidistant apart? error Error No resource found that matches the given name at 'layout_above' with value '@id Button02' . With a little Googling on what could be the cause I discovered that since the reference to Button02 via the Button01 code occurred before Button02..
WebView and HTML5 <video> the native browser. Now the rub WebView doesn't like it. At all. I can click on the poster image and nothing happens. Googling I found http 2010 05 12 android viewing video from embedded webview which is close but seems to be based..
Installing Pocketsphinx on Android and I haven't been able to find answers on CMUSphinx's support forum IRC existing StackOverflow posts or intensive Googling. If anyone here has a minute and would be willing to help I'd greatly appreciate it. First off I'm confused as to whether..
ADT requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found share improve this question I've just encountered exactly the same problem in Eclipse 3.6 Helios . After plenty of Googling I came across this link http intl es eclipse docs faq.html#wstinstallerror During installation there's an..
Creating a custom layout for preferences to represent this submenu of options. Maybe this isn't the right approach Edit I overlooked the solution while Googling. How to add a button to PreferenceScreen android share improve this question You can always create a custom preference..
Android SurfaceView/Canvas flickering after trying to clear it that are moving around public void clearScreen This method is called when the user pressed a button toClear true After Googling around a litte I heard about double buffering but came to the understanding that lockCanvas and unlockCanvasAndPost should..
“ERROR getting 'android:icon' attribute: attribute is not a string value” when trying to upload to the Android Market is not a string value&rdquo when trying to upload to the Android Market There's not a similar question here but Googling around some other people have had the same issue. None of the recommended fixes are working. The full error is The file..
How does Android's Java version relate to a Java SE version? into an Android project and see if it compiles but I'd be happier to have some kind of mapping in my head. I've tried Googling for this info checking the Android docs etc but can't find an answer. Edit I'm more interested in language features e.g...