android Programming Glossary: google_play_services
Google Maps Android API v2 Authorization failure API KEY to copy directory ANDROID_SDK_DIR extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib to root of your project..
How to add google-play-services.jar project dependency so my project will run and present map to add project to Eclipse from android sdk extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib location and set it as referenced..
Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment for IntelliJ 12 Create a file ~ android sdk extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib src containing.. dummy . File Import Module ~ android sdk extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib Create Module from Existing.. dialog. Jars or directories ~ android sdk extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib libs google play services.jar..
Google Maps Android API v2 throws GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException, out of date, SupportMapFragment.getMap() returns null and imported the latest rev 3 of android sdk google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib. Then I added it as a dependency.. dealing with repositories is to use FatJar and export the google_play_services_lib project which I DID NOT create a local copy from because.. for duplication. Now all I have to do is include the google_play_services_rev_3.jar in my project's libs folder and I am good to go. ..
How to use Google Maps API v2 with API level 10? .. .. adt bundle windows x86 sdk extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib The problem still remains..
Blank GoogleMap on a real Android 2.3 device with Google API (Lv. 17) solved her his blank map issue Android SupportMapFragment google_play_services issue In my project's Android Dependencies folder I've got these..
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:$styleable in android Select Browse... enter android sdk folder extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib and click Finish. See https..
How can I create an Android application in Android Studio that uses the Google Maps Api v2? On my Mac it was located at sdk_location extras google google_play_services samples I placed it to the ~ Work stack 2 Copied google play.. Btw lib project is located at sdk_location extras google google_play_services libproject 3 Now let's open Android Studio. On welcome screen..
Cannot resolve symbol 'GoogleCloudMessaging' GCM Play services SDK Reference the android sdk extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib library project in your.. your Android SDK environment at android sdk extras google google_play_services . 3. Install a compatible version of the Google APIs platform...
Importing google-play-service library showing a red X next to this reference android under the following path. android sdk folder extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib library project . Import..
Importing google-play-services lib into Intellij IDEA 12 import module and navigate to ANDROID SDK extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib. By doing this this project..
Google Maps Android API v2 Authorization failure NEED WRITE SHA1 at APIs console and get API KEY to copy directory ANDROID_SDK_DIR extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib to root of your project to add next line to the YOUR_PROJECT android.library.reference.1..
How to add google-play-services.jar project dependency so my project will run and present map is part of Google Maps Android API v2. My first approach was to add project to Eclipse from android sdk extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib location and set it as referenced project in Properties Project References menu of MyApp...
Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment share improve this question In IntelliJ IDEA updated for IntelliJ 12 Create a file ~ android sdk extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib src containing class dummy . File Import Module ~ android sdk extras google.. google play services_lib src containing class dummy . File Import Module ~ android sdk extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib Create Module from Existing Sources Next Next Next Next Finish File Project Structure.. play services_lib The button is in the top right corner of the dialog. Jars or directories ~ android sdk extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib libs google play services.jar Use the up down arrows to move Module source to the bottom..
Google Maps Android API v2 throws GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException, out of date, SupportMapFragment.getMap() returns null I did File Import Android Existing Android Code Into Workspace and imported the latest rev 3 of android sdk google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib. Then I added it as a dependency library to my project project right click Properties.. a neat way to not have to deal with it which is a pain when dealing with repositories is to use FatJar and export the google_play_services_lib project which I DID NOT create a local copy from because when it updates I don't want to re import and include tha output.. file as it was already pre included and was causing errors for duplication. Now all I have to do is include the google_play_services_rev_3.jar in my project's libs folder and I am good to go. android google maps android support library google play services..
How to use Google Maps API v2 with API level 10? # Project target. target android 10 android.library.reference.1 .. .. adt bundle windows x86 sdk extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib The problem still remains 01 12 09 57 36.306 D dalvikvm 9072 DexOpt couldn't find field..
Blank GoogleMap on a real Android 2.3 device with Google API (Lv. 17) is still blank. But someone has a post saying that this line solved her his blank map issue Android SupportMapFragment google_play_services issue In my project's Android Dependencies folder I've got these .jar files actionbar sherlock 4.2 library.jar google play..
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:$styleable in android Android Existing Android Code Into Workspace and click Next. Select Browse... enter android sdk folder extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib and click Finish. See https maps documentation android intro under..
How can I create an Android application in Android Studio that uses the Google Maps Api v2? is going to be our MapsApiV2 project we will be trying to run. On my Mac it was located at sdk_location extras google google_play_services samples I placed it to the ~ Work stack 2 Copied google play services_lib project directory to the same place ~ Work stack.. place ~ Work stack so my working directory looks like this. Btw lib project is located at sdk_location extras google google_play_services libproject 3 Now let's open Android Studio. On welcome screen press Import Project and import our maps project from ~ Work..
Cannot resolve symbol 'GoogleCloudMessaging' GCM the Google Play Services SDK You have to Install the Google Play services SDK Reference the android sdk extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib library project in your Android project. To install the Google Play services SDK for.. and install it. The Google Play services SDK is saved in your Android SDK environment at android sdk extras google google_play_services . 3. Install a compatible version of the Google APIs platform. If you want to test your app on the emulator expand the directory..
Importing google-play-service library showing a red X next to this reference android android map project is . The library project can be found under the following path. android sdk folder extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib library project . Import the library project to your eclipse Click File Import select..
Importing google-play-services lib into Intellij IDEA 12 Modules from left panel then hit button or N then select import module and navigate to ANDROID SDK extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib. By doing this this project will be added to Modules alongside with your project. Don't..