android Programming Glossary: gotten
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK from there... honestly this is just about as far as I've gotten so far. I hope this helps A LOT of people and saves them A LOT..
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match this since the MediaCodecAPI is poorly documented but I've gotten something to work at last. I'm setting up the camera as follows..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) a standard way of sending and receiving MMS . Has anyone gotten this to work Also I am aware that the SMS MMS ContentProvider..
How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc) on a Genymotion virtual device? ARM Translation and GApps XDA Developers UPDATE v1.1 I've gotten more up to date builds of libhoudini and have updated the ZIP...
Android ListView Refresh Single Row ListView Refresh Single Row After I have gotten the data for a single row of a ListView I want to update that..
How to layout text to flow around an image text text text text text text text text text text I have gotten a response from an android developer about this question. But..
ListView OnItemClickListener Not Responding? been numerous questions I've found but none of them have gotten me anywhere. I've checked this question but I couldn't really..
How do you get the selected value of a Spinner? the selected items string out of a Spinner . So far I have gotten this bundle.putString ListDbAdapter.DB_PRI v.getText .toString..
Android OpenGL .OBJ file loader of texture mapping support not sure if I need this haven't gotten far enough in my coding to know if I need a library to do this..
How can I refresh MediaStore on Android? SQLite DB even after being deleted from the SD Card. It's gotten to the point where I now have a collection of about 40 playlists.. playlists in android UPDATE 2 Tuesday April 9 2013 I've gotten a lot of traffic to my blog from this post and a huge number..
Android - How to intercept the 'Install application' intent service class so I'm not entirely sure this works. I have gotten this to work for other Receivers like android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED...
Android: BroadcastReceiver intent to Detect Camera Photo Taken? takes an image and saves it to the SD card. Right now I've gotten a BroadcastReceiver implemented that's currently listening for.. intent share improve this question Right now I've gotten a BroadcastReceiver implemented that's currently listening for..
Bad image quality after resizing/scaling bitmap when resizing an image at runtime but still haven't gotten anywhere. I store my bitmaps into a hashmap with this code cardImages..
Facebook Android Generate Key Hash to create an android app with Facebook integration I've gotten to the part in the docs where you have to generate a key hash..
Android INJECT_EVENTS permission permission exception though. After a bit of searching I've gotten the answer that in order to receive the INJECT_EVENTS permission..
Android sqlite returned: error code = 14 do operations on it every thing is working fine but I've gotten the following error in the log files of my emulator How to fix..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method util project at some point and support binary data haven't gotten there yet to help with this. The helper class creates the client..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK get you started and hopefully you can figure your way out from there... honestly this is just about as far as I've gotten so far. I hope this helps A LOT of people and saves them A LOT of time. I'm fairly certain I've just written the most comprehensive..
MediaCodec and Camera: colorspaces don't match MediaCodec . I have gone through some difficulties with this since the MediaCodecAPI is poorly documented but I've gotten something to work at last. I'm setting up the camera as follows Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.setPreviewFormat..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) MMS without leaving my application. There doesn't seem to be a standard way of sending and receiving MMS . Has anyone gotten this to work Also I am aware that the SMS MMS ContentProvider is not a part of the official Android SDK but I was thinking..
How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc) on a Genymotion virtual device? Genymotion v2.0 Original Source GUIDE Genymotion Installing ARM Translation and GApps XDA Developers UPDATE v1.1 I've gotten more up to date builds of libhoudini and have updated the ZIP. This fixes a lot of app crashes and hangs. Just flash the..
Android ListView Refresh Single Row ListView Refresh Single Row After I have gotten the data for a single row of a ListView I want to update that single row. ATM. I am using notifyDataSetChanged but that..
How to layout text to flow around an image around an image Like this text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text I have gotten a response from an android developer about this question. But I am not sure what he means by doing my own version of TextView..
ListView OnItemClickListener Not Responding? in the row layout which takes over the focus. There have been numerous questions I've found but none of them have gotten me anywhere. I've checked this question but I couldn't really make heads or tails of it. I just need a way to get the rows..
How do you get the selected value of a Spinner? you get the selected value of a Spinner I am trying to get the selected items string out of a Spinner . So far I have gotten this bundle.putString ListDbAdapter.DB_PRI v.getText .toString This does not work and gives a class casting exception I..
Android OpenGL .OBJ file loader size Optimized for speed Easy to implement Offers some sort of texture mapping support not sure if I need this haven't gotten far enough in my coding to know if I need a library to do this or if OpenGL ES will be able to do all that work I need here..
How can I refresh MediaStore on Android? M3U playlists synchronised to the device remain in this SQLite DB even after being deleted from the SD Card. It's gotten to the point where I now have a collection of about 40 playlists showing up in any music app I use despite there only being.. http blog index.php 2010 07 23 clearing out deleted playlists in android UPDATE 2 Tuesday April 9 2013 I've gotten a lot of traffic to my blog from this post and a huge number of emails from people thanking me for it. Glad it helped out..
Android - How to intercept the 'Install application' intent
Android: BroadcastReceiver intent to Detect Camera Photo Taken? but rather perform some action when the Camera app takes an image and saves it to the SD card. Right now I've gotten a BroadcastReceiver implemented that's currently listening for android.intent.action.CAMERA_BUTTON . However this doesn't.. android intent broadcastreceiver android camera android camera intent share improve this question Right now I've gotten a BroadcastReceiver implemented that's currently listening for android.intent.action.CAMERA_BUTTON . However this doesn't..
Bad image quality after resizing/scaling bitmap android quality of the images resized in runtime quality problems when resizing an image at runtime but still haven't gotten anywhere. I store my bitmaps into a hashmap with this code cardImages new HashMap Byte Bitmap cardImages.put GameUtil.hearts_ace..
Facebook Android Generate Key Hash Android Generate Key Hash Hey I'm trying to create an android app with Facebook integration I've gotten to the part in the docs where you have to generate a key hash file it specifies to run the following code keytool exportcert..
Android INJECT_EVENTS permission uses permission Its still throwing the same permission exception though. After a bit of searching I've gotten the answer that in order to receive the INJECT_EVENTS permission your app must be signed by the same signature that the..
Android sqlite returned: error code = 14 am trying to copy existing database from my assets folder and do operations on it every thing is working fine but I've gotten the following error in the log files of my emulator How to fix it sqlite returned error code 14 msg cannot open file at..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method a moving target I plan to move this to it's own Android util project at some point and support binary data haven't gotten there yet to help with this. The helper class creates the client and has convenience wrapper methods for get post etc. Anywhere..