android Programming Glossary: googleauthutil.gettoken
Google Drive SDK Exception private String getAccessToken Account account try return GoogleAuthUtil.getToken ctx oauth2 DriveScopes.DRIVE IMPORTANT DriveScopes..
In a nutshell what's the difference from using OAuth2 request getAuthToken and getToken oauth2 https...userinfo.profile and using Google Plays GoogleAuthUtil.getToken mActivity mEmail mScope As I understand it they both produce.. Challenge screen is not user friendly for Android 2. GoogleAuthUtil.getToken Pro Always returns a valid token . Only requires the permission.. Challenge screen on Gingerbread and Ice Cream Sandwich GoogleAuthUtil.getToken Challenge screen Summary Since the GoogleAuthUtil approach has..
Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException the app using that dialog and re request the token GoogleAuthUtil.getToken ... again throws a UserRecoverableAuthException NeedPermission.. ACTIVITIES_LOGIN token GoogleAuthUtil.getToken mRequestingActivity mSelectedAccount oauth2 server client_id.. first potential issue I can see is that you are calling GoogleAuthUtil.getToken after you get the onConnected callback. This is a problem because..
Google Drive SDK Exception inside an AsyncTask. @param activity @param account @return private String getAccessToken Account account try return GoogleAuthUtil.getToken ctx oauth2 DriveScopes.DRIVE IMPORTANT DriveScopes must be changed depending on what level of access you want..
In a nutshell what's the difference from using OAuth2 request getAuthToken and getToken what's the difference from using AccountManager.getAuthToken oauth2 https...userinfo.profile and using Google Plays GoogleAuthUtil.getToken mActivity mEmail mScope As I understand it they both produce a challenge screen for the user the Google Plays screen is.. token. Requires the permissions GET_ACCOUNTS and USE_CREDENTIALS. Challenge screen is not user friendly for Android 2. GoogleAuthUtil.getToken Pro Always returns a valid token . Only requires the permission GET_ACCOUNTS User friendly challenge screen. Recommended.. 2.0 Challenge screen comparison AccountManager.getAuthToken Challenge screen on Gingerbread and Ice Cream Sandwich GoogleAuthUtil.getToken Challenge screen Summary Since the GoogleAuthUtil approach has a much user friendlier challenge screen and requires less..
Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException displays with the appropriate parameters however when I authorize the app using that dialog and re request the token GoogleAuthUtil.getToken ... again throws a UserRecoverableAuthException NeedPermission not GooglePlayServicesAvailabilityException and I get the.. token null try Bundle b new Bundle b.putString GoogleAuthUtil.KEY_REQUEST_VISIBLE_ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES_LOGIN token GoogleAuthUtil.getToken mRequestingActivity mSelectedAccount oauth2 server client_id Constants.GOOGLE_PLUS_SERVER_OAUTH_CLIENT api_scope SCOPES_LOGIN.. to have been fixed for me without any changes to my code. The first potential issue I can see is that you are calling GoogleAuthUtil.getToken after you get the onConnected callback. This is a problem because requesting an authorization code for your server using..