android Programming Glossary: googlecloudmessaging.getinstance
Cannot resolve symbol 'GoogleCloudMessaging' GCM Context context Intent intent GoogleCloudMessaging gcm GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance context error ctx context String messageType gcm.getMessageType..
Handling registration ID changes in Google Cloud Messaging on Android device using the following code GoogleCloudMessaging gcm GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance context String regID gcm.register senderID The GoogleCloudMessaging.. context if regid.length 0 registerBackground gcm GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance this Gets the current registration id for application on GCM..
In GoogleCloudMessaging API, how to handle the renewal or expiration of registration ID? context if regid.length 0 registerBackground gcm GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance this Gets the current registration id for application on GCM..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications proceed with GCM registration. if checkPlayServices gcm GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance this regid getRegistrationId context Log.d Registration id regid.. Void... params String msg try if gcm null gcm GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance context regid gcm.register SENDER_ID Log.d registration Id.. Bundle extras intent.getExtras GoogleCloudMessaging gcm GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance this The getMessageType intent parameter must be the intent..
Cannot resolve symbol 'GoogleCloudMessaging' GCM gcm I get the error here @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent GoogleCloudMessaging gcm GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance context error ctx context String messageType gcm.getMessageType intent cannot resolve method here if GoogleCloudMessaging.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_ERROR.equals..
Handling registration ID changes in Google Cloud Messaging on Android needs to be able to respond accordingly. I register my device using the following code GoogleCloudMessaging gcm GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance context String regID gcm.register senderID The GoogleCloudMessaging class encapsulates the registration process. So how.. context getApplicationContext regid getRegistrationId context if regid.length 0 registerBackground gcm GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance this Gets the current registration id for application on GCM service. p If result is empty the registration has failed...
In GoogleCloudMessaging API, how to handle the renewal or expiration of registration ID? context getApplicationContext regid getRegistrationId context if regid.length 0 registerBackground gcm GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance this Gets the current registration id for application on GCM service. p If result is empty the registration has failed...
GCM Not Sending the Notifications Check device for Play Services APK. If check succeeds proceed with GCM registration. if checkPlayServices gcm GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance this regid getRegistrationId context Log.d Registration id regid if regid.isEmpty registerInBackground else Log.i TAG.. Void Void String @Override protected String doInBackground Void... params String msg try if gcm null gcm GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance context regid gcm.register SENDER_ID Log.d registration Id regid msg Device registered registration ID regid You should.. GCM Demo @Override protected void onHandleIntent Intent intent Bundle extras intent.getExtras GoogleCloudMessaging gcm GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance this The getMessageType intent parameter must be the intent you received in your BroadcastReceiver. String messageType gcm.getMessageType..