android Programming Glossary: google's
Heterogeneous GridLayout should be used with too many LinearLayouts as according to Google's developers it can result in slow loading UIs due to the layout_weight..
Turn AutoCompleteTextView into a SearchView in ActionBar instead String line StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer take Google's legible JSON and turn it into one big string. while line in.readLine..
Is Google's Android OpenGL tutorial teaching incorrect linear algebra? Google's Android OpenGL tutorial teaching incorrect linear algebra After..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK a lot of things that it'll help to know THE LIBRARIES For Google's online services in general you'll need these libraries in your..
Push Notifications in Android Platform much. android push alerts share improve this question Google's official answer is the Android Cloud to Device Messaging Framework..
Getting started with Android [closed] set up for it yet android share improve this question Google's android groups This is probably the best place to go. However..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations or as applicable from the provider of particular Content Google's licenses above are subject to your adherence to all of the restrictions..
Source of Android's lock screen Do an actual full checkout of the source according to Google's directions . As of Android 4.2 the keyguard source is at frameworks..
Android and obfuscation see http FAQ.html#android . Yes. Google's dx compiler converts ordinary jar files into files that run..
Themes in Android? themes share improve this question I would start with Google's page on Styles and Themes. Many of your questions are answered..
Android: How to periodically send location to a server that allows users to record their trips kind of like Google's MyTracks as part of a larger app. The thing is that it is easy..
Android Emulator won't run application started from eclipse from eclipse I have followed the Hello World example from Google's Android developer's guide. When I try to run the application..
SVG to Android Shape [closed] library this one is Apache License 2.0 the one used in Google's Androidify app svg android https pents90 svg android..
Google's voice search speech recognition service voice search speech recognition service Google has speech recognition..
AsyncTask: where return value of doInBackground() goes? to work with the result. Here is example code snippet from Google's docs private class DownloadFilesTask extends AsyncTask URL Integer..
Where can I find older versions of Eclipse ADT ADT in case you have a custom setup that depends on Google's earlier build system standards. Where on the web can you find..
Why is Android Geocoder throwing a “Service not Available” exception? google geocoder share improve this question I asked Google's Reto Meier to confirm my theory was correct and he said Correct...
What arguments are passed into AsyncTask<arg1, arg2, arg3>? android asynctask share improve this question Google's Android Documentation Says that An asynchronous task is defined..
Android: How to turn screen on and off programmatically? .setAttributes params This definitely works. For example Google's Books apps uses this to allow you to set the screen brightness..
Gson NoClassDefFoundError after ADT and SDK Tools update to v17 updated my ADT and SDK Tools to v17 and my projects using Google's gson jar library started to throw NoClassDefFoundError. Here's..
In-App billing not working (Your request could not be processed) publisher account Most of the code is copied as is from google's in app billing example The in app product IS shown correctly..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] start_address to leg.getString end_address Get google's copyright notice tos requirement route.setCopyright jsonRoute.getString..
What is the objective of setting the minimum heap size in an android app? of setting the minimum heap size in an android app In google's Calendar app for Android OS you will encounter this line in..
Android - Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory downscaling this is another subject. you can use either google's way or my way each has its own advantages and disadvantages...
Android Quick Actions UI Pattern . Does anyone have an implementation of this or know what google's standard for adding this to an application android android..
How to implement touch listener on image? and override the methods you're interested in see google's docs on SimpleOnGestureListener for the exact methods you can..
How to find Hospital Location near by my location? by my location using android How is possible can i use google's database for get latitude and longitude value for Hospital location..
Best time/day to publish to Android Market? you can add Youtube clips and more screenshots although google's developer backend supports those things now as well. We've had..
Drawing multiple lines in edittext e.g. notepad This is the code based on jkhouws1 's suggestion and google's note editor public class LinedEditText extends EditText private..
USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED Intent not firing i decided to forget about my project and attempt to use google's own sample code and see if i could at least make that work...
Android Usb Host Problem with Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tablet that may apply to my situation. I have tried implementing google's USB examples which is exactly what I have essentially I ripped..
App Engine Connected Android : can't make sample project work properly an App Engine connected Android app and I'm beginning with google's tutorial available here http intl fr eclipse..
How to manage multiple Async Tasks efficiently in Android for GOOGLE then send a request to server requesting for google's quote info. Next if you need yahoo's then you initiate another..
Heterogeneous GridLayout friendly and requires no tooling around from me. Caution should be used with too many LinearLayouts as according to Google's developers it can result in slow loading UIs due to the layout_weight property. A second solution utilizing RelativeLayout..
Turn AutoCompleteTextView into a SearchView in ActionBar instead in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader tc.getInputStream String line StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer take Google's legible JSON and turn it into one big string. while line in.readLine null sb.append line turn that string into a JSON..
Is Google's Android OpenGL tutorial teaching incorrect linear algebra? Google's Android OpenGL tutorial teaching incorrect linear algebra After helping another user with a question regarding the Responding..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK over 50 hours edit 100 hours figuring it all out but here's a lot of things that it'll help to know THE LIBRARIES For Google's online services in general you'll need these libraries in your project Instructions and Download Link google api client..
Push Notifications in Android Platform the battery. Do you have a better suggestion please . Thanks much. android push alerts share improve this question Google's official answer is the Android Cloud to Device Messaging Framework deprecated Google Cloud Messaging It will work on Android..
Getting started with Android [closed] anyone started using it yet Is there a dev wiki or anything set up for it yet android share improve this question Google's android groups This is probably the best place to go. However a good search on google will most likely take you to one of..
J2ME/Android/BlackBerry - driving directions, route between two locations you have received prior written authorization from Google or as applicable from the provider of particular Content Google's licenses above are subject to your adherence to all of the restrictions below. Except as explicitly permitted in Section..
Source of Android's lock screen source android android source share improve this question Do an actual full checkout of the source according to Google's directions . As of Android 4.2 the keyguard source is at frameworks base policy src com android internal policy impl keyguard..
Android and obfuscation called ProGuard and it works for the Android platform see http FAQ.html#android . Yes. Google's dx compiler converts ordinary jar files into files that run on Android devices. By preprocessing the original jar files..
Themes in Android? Please share with me. its more helpful. thanks. android themes share improve this question I would start with Google's page on Styles and Themes. Many of your questions are answered there. http guide topics ui themes.html..
Android: How to periodically send location to a server send location to a server I am running a Web service that allows users to record their trips kind of like Google's MyTracks as part of a larger app. The thing is that it is easy to pass data including coords and other items to the server..
Android Emulator won't run application started from eclipse Emulator won't run application started from eclipse I have followed the Hello World example from Google's Android developer's guide. When I try to run the application in the SDK emulator nothing happens. The emulator startd up..
SVG to Android Shape [closed]
Google's voice search speech recognition service voice search speech recognition service Google has speech recognition services available for use from mobile phones Android..
AsyncTask: where return value of doInBackground() goes? in onPostExecute which you may want to override in order to work with the result. Here is example code snippet from Google's docs private class DownloadFilesTask extends AsyncTask URL Integer Long protected Long doInBackground URL... urls int count..
Where can I find older versions of Eclipse ADT Eclipse ADT You may need to use an older version of the Eclipse ADT in case you have a custom setup that depends on Google's earlier build system standards. Where on the web can you find the older versions of the ADT and how do you install them..
Why is Android Geocoder throwing a “Service not Available” exception? apps work out of the box on devices like Google TV. android google geocoder share improve this question I asked Google's Reto Meier to confirm my theory was correct and he said Correct. The Geocoder is part of the Google API add on that isn't..
What arguments are passed into AsyncTask<arg1, arg2, arg3>? I need to include all 3 or can I include 1 2 20 android arguments android asynctask share improve this question Google's Android Documentation Says that An asynchronous task is defined by 3 generic types called Params Progress and Result and..
Android: How to turn screen on and off programmatically? getWindow .getAttributes params.screenBrightness 1 getWindow .setAttributes params This definitely works. For example Google's Books apps uses this to allow you to set the screen brightness to dim while using a book and then return to regular brightness..
Gson NoClassDefFoundError after ADT and SDK Tools update to v17 after ADT and SDK Tools update to v17 Today I updated my ADT and SDK Tools to v17 and my projects using Google's gson jar library started to throw NoClassDefFoundError. Here's the logcat output 03 22 12 30 58.941 E AndroidRuntime 21672..
In-App billing not working (Your request could not be processed) codes DID work all the time The buying account is NOT the publisher account Most of the code is copied as is from google's in app billing example The in app product IS shown correctly when trying to buy. The buyer has a valid credit card Thanks..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] this route using the start end addresses route.setName leg.getString start_address to leg.getString end_address Get google's copyright notice tos requirement route.setCopyright jsonRoute.getString copyrights Get the total length of the route...
What is the objective of setting the minimum heap size in an android app? is the objective of setting the minimum heap size in an android app In google's Calendar app for Android OS you will encounter this line in the onCreate method of CalendarActivity . Eliminate extra GCs..
Android - Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory in fact you can set null for the bitmap options. about downscaling this is another subject. you can use either google's way or my way each has its own advantages and disadvantages. about caching there are many ways to do it. the most common..
Android Quick Actions UI Pattern video http watch v M1ZBjlCRfz0#t 15m20s . Does anyone have an implementation of this or know what google's standard for adding this to an application android android ui share improve this question Till the official Twitter..
How to implement touch listener on image? 1 Make your own GestureDetector derived from SimpleOnGestureListener and override the methods you're interested in see google's docs on SimpleOnGestureListener for the exact methods you can override I've done double tap here class MyGestureDetector..
How to find Hospital Location near by my location? location I wanna idea about How to find Hospital Location near by my location using android How is possible can i use google's database for get latitude and longitude value for Hospital location How is possible Thanks All android share improve..
Best time/day to publish to Android Market? will be on there anyways because they scrape the market but you can add Youtube clips and more screenshots although google's developer backend supports those things now as well. We've had some big jumps in our number of download caused by websites..
Drawing multiple lines in edittext e.g. notepad android edittext android edittext share improve this question This is the code based on jkhouws1 's suggestion and google's note editor public class LinedEditText extends EditText private Rect mRect private Paint mPaint we need this constructor..
USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED Intent not firing seem to get the intent to fire.... So to make things simpler i decided to forget about my project and attempt to use google's own sample code and see if i could at least make that work. I don't have one of the missle launcher but i figured i could..
Android Usb Host Problem with Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tablet have not been able to find any similar problems or solutions that may apply to my situation. I have tried implementing google's USB examples which is exactly what I have essentially I ripped theirs and am running into these problems. I should also..
App Engine Connected Android : can't make sample project work properly can't make sample project work properly I want to make an App Engine connected Android app and I'm beginning with google's tutorial available here http intl fr eclipse docs appeng_android_create_project.html I did exactly as they..
How to manage multiple Async Tasks efficiently in Android and they are meant to be that way. Eg If you need quote info for GOOGLE then send a request to server requesting for google's quote info. Next if you need yahoo's then you initiate another http call and so on. Here is the situation Now my end user..