android Programming Glossary: getrealpathfromuri
setRotation(90) to take picture in portrait mode does not work on samsung devices stream ExifInterface exif new ExifInterface getRealPathFromURI imagePath Log.d EXIF value exif.getAttribute ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION..
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button PICK_FROM_FILE mImageCaptureUri data.getData path getRealPathFromURI mImageCaptureUri from Gallery if path null path mImageCaptureUri.getPath.. path mImageView.setImageBitmap bitmap public String getRealPathFromURI Uri contentUri String proj MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor..
Deprecated ManagedQuery() issue ManagedQuery issue I have this method public String getRealPathFromURI Uri contentUri String proj MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor.. don't even need that. Maybe this would work public String getRealPathFromURI Uri contentUri String res null String proj MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA..
How to select and crop an image in android? Log.d HO selectedImage editor.putString imagePref getRealPathFromURI selectedImage Log.d IMAGE SEL getRealPathFromURI selectedImage.. imagePref getRealPathFromURI selectedImage Log.d IMAGE SEL getRealPathFromURI selectedImage editor.commit When my code is ran Logcat tells..
Get filename and path from uri from mediastore mediastore share improve this question public String getRealPathFromURI Context context Uri contentUri Cursor cursor null try String..
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper as so this is call please note that the getRealPathFromURI routine isn't mine and was found elsewhere on here Your class.. editor customSharedPreference.edit RealPath getRealPathFromURI selectedImage editor.putString image_custom RealPath editor.commit.. It does however work perfectly. public String getRealPathFromURI Uri contentUri String proj MediaColumns.DATA Cursor cursor managedQuery..
Fit image in webview ideas Following is a code snippet I am using String path getRealPathFromURI mUriList.get 0 this gets the file path webView WebView findViewById..
setRotation(90) to take picture in portrait mode does not work on samsung devices Exif tag. This is what I did Bitmap realImage BitmapFactory.decodeStream stream ExifInterface exif new ExifInterface getRealPathFromURI imagePath Log.d EXIF value exif.getAttribute ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION if exif.getAttribute ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION..
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button RESULT_OK return Bitmap bitmap null String path if requestCode PICK_FROM_FILE mImageCaptureUri data.getData path getRealPathFromURI mImageCaptureUri from Gallery if path null path mImageCaptureUri.getPath from File Manager if path null bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile.. path mImageCaptureUri.getPath bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile path mImageView.setImageBitmap bitmap public String getRealPathFromURI Uri contentUri String proj MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor managedQuery contentUri proj null null null if cursor..
Deprecated ManagedQuery() issue ManagedQuery issue I have this method public String getRealPathFromURI Uri contentUri String proj MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor managedQuery contentUri proj null null null int column_index.. looks like you're only using the query one time you probably don't even need that. Maybe this would work public String getRealPathFromURI Uri contentUri String res null String proj MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query contentUri..
How to select and crop an image in android? SharedPreferences.Editor editor customSharedPreference.edit Log.d HO selectedImage editor.putString imagePref getRealPathFromURI selectedImage Log.d IMAGE SEL getRealPathFromURI selectedImage editor.commit When my code is ran Logcat tells me that selectedImage.. Log.d HO selectedImage editor.putString imagePref getRealPathFromURI selectedImage Log.d IMAGE SEL getRealPathFromURI selectedImage editor.commit When my code is ran Logcat tells me that selectedImage is null. If I comment out the i.putExtra..
Get filename and path from uri from mediastore numbering the same between reboots. android uri absolute path mediastore share improve this question public String getRealPathFromURI Context context Uri contentUri Cursor cursor null try String proj MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA cursor context.getContentResolver..
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper Listener and watch for the user clicking the preference as so this is call please note that the getRealPathFromURI routine isn't mine and was found elsewhere on here Your class should start by extending the PreferenceActivity and implementing.. Context.MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor editor customSharedPreference.edit RealPath getRealPathFromURI selectedImage editor.putString image_custom RealPath editor.commit The following piece of code was found on this site by.. by PercyPercy on this thread and I'm only including it for completeness. It does however work perfectly. public String getRealPathFromURI Uri contentUri String proj MediaColumns.DATA Cursor cursor managedQuery contentUri proj Which columns to return null WHERE..
Fit image in webview for webview's width and height but that does not work. Any ideas Following is a code snippet I am using String path getRealPathFromURI mUriList.get 0 this gets the file path webView WebView findViewById WebSettings settings webView.getSettings..