

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:14:12

android Programming Glossary: getpath

Android get image from gallery into ImageView


Uri selectedImageUri data.getData selectedImagePath getPath selectedImageUri tv.setText selectedImagePath img.setImageURI.. img.setImageURI selectedImageUri public String getPath Uri uri String projection MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor..

Android upload video to remote server using HTTP multipart form data


Uri selectedVideoUri data.getData selectedPath getPath selectedVideoUri System.out.println SELECT_VIDEO Path selectedPath.. Path selectedPath uploadVideo selectedPath private String getPath Uri uri String projection MediaStore.Video.Media.DATA MediaStore.Video.Media.SIZE..

How to send multiple images to server using MultipartEntity from android


if mImageCaptureUri2 null System.gc selectedImagePath getPath mImageCaptureUri2 File filenew new File selectedImagePath int..

Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1


stat new StatFs Environment .getExternalStorageDirectory .getPath long bytesAvailable long stat.getBlockSize long stat.getAvailableBlocks.. StatFs stat new StatFs Environment.getDataDirectory .getPath long bytesAvailable long stat.getBlockSize long stat.getAvailableBlocks.. dialog TODO Auto generated method stub public String getPath Uri uri String projection MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor..

Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically


Uri selectedImageUri data.getData selectedImagePath getPath selectedImageUri helper to retrieve the path of an image.. helper to retrieve the path of an image URI public String getPath Uri uri just some safety built in if uri null TODO perform.. column_index this is our fallback here return uri.getPath Selecting Multiple Pictures Since someone requested that information..

Backup and restore SQLite database to sdcard


objects to the old database though. You can use getPath on a SQLiteDatabase object to find out where it resides AFAIK..

Get thumbnail Uri/path of the image stored in sd card + android


selectedImageUri data.getData String selectedImagePath getPath selectedImageUri else Toast toast Toast.makeText this No Image.. catch Exception e e.printStackTrace public String getPath Uri uri String projection MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor..

Android: Overlay on Android Camera Preview


cameraIntent CAMERA_PIC_REQUEST public String getPath Uri uri String projection MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor..

How to overcome this error:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget


if resultCode RESULT_OK Uri selectedUri data.getData str getPath selectedUri Bitmap bitmap try bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream.. image path Uri to String path to store in DB public String getPath Uri uri String projection MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor..

Android onActivityResult NEVER called


OI FILE Manager filemanagerstring selectedImageUri.getPath MEDIA GALLERY selectedImagePath getPath selectedImageUri DEBUG.. selectedImageUri.getPath MEDIA GALLERY selectedImagePath getPath selectedImageUri DEBUG PURPOSE you can delete this if you want..

Android file chooser [closed]


File Uri uri.toString Get the path String path FileUtils.getPath this uri Log.d TAG File Path path Get the file instance File.. super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data The getPath method in my FileUtils.java is public static String getPath.. method in my FileUtils.java is public static String getPath Context context Uri uri throws URISyntaxException if content..

Android upload image from gallery to server


data.getData if requestCode SELECT_FILE1 selectedPath1 getPath selectedImageUri System.out.println selectedPath1 selectedPath1.. selectedPath1 if requestCode SELECT_FILE2 selectedPath2 getPath selectedImageUri System.out.println selectedPath2 selectedPath2.. File paths selectedPath1 selectedPath2 public String getPath Uri uri String projection MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor..

Android get image from gallery into ImageView


if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK if requestCode SELECT_PICTURE Uri selectedImageUri data.getData selectedImagePath getPath selectedImageUri tv.setText selectedImagePath img.setImageURI selectedImageUri public String getPath Uri uri String.. getPath selectedImageUri tv.setText selectedImagePath img.setImageURI selectedImageUri public String getPath Uri uri String projection MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor managedQuery uri projection null null null if cursor..

Android upload video to remote server using HTTP multipart form data


if requestCode SELECT_VIDEO System.out.println SELECT_VIDEO Uri selectedVideoUri data.getData selectedPath getPath selectedVideoUri System.out.println SELECT_VIDEO Path selectedPath uploadVideo selectedPath private String getPath Uri.. getPath selectedVideoUri System.out.println SELECT_VIDEO Path selectedPath uploadVideo selectedPath private String getPath Uri uri String projection MediaStore.Video.Media.DATA MediaStore.Video.Media.SIZE MediaStore.Video.Media.DURATION Cursor..

How to send multiple images to server using MultipartEntity from android


TODO Auto generated method stub String base64string null try if mImageCaptureUri2 null System.gc selectedImagePath getPath mImageCaptureUri2 File filenew new File selectedImagePath int file_size Integer.parseInt String.valueOf filenew .length..

Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1


null if isSDPresent yes SD card is present StatFs stat new StatFs Environment .getExternalStorageDirectory .getPath long bytesAvailable long stat.getBlockSize long stat.getAvailableBlocks long megAvailable bytesAvailable 1024 1024 .. No Memory Available 2 .show flag true else Sorry StatFs stat new StatFs Environment.getDataDirectory .getPath long bytesAvailable long stat.getBlockSize long stat.getAvailableBlocks long megAvailable bytesAvailable 1024 1024 Log.e.. dialog.show @Override public void onDismiss DialogInterface dialog TODO Auto generated method stub public String getPath Uri uri String projection MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor managedQuery uri projection null null null if cursor..

Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically


data if resultCode RESULT_OK if requestCode SELECT_PICTURE Uri selectedImageUri data.getData selectedImagePath getPath selectedImageUri helper to retrieve the path of an image URI public String getPath Uri uri just some safety built in.. data.getData selectedImagePath getPath selectedImageUri helper to retrieve the path of an image URI public String getPath Uri uri just some safety built in if uri null TODO perform some logging or show user feedback return null try to retrieve.. cursor.moveToFirst return cursor.getString column_index this is our fallback here return uri.getPath Selecting Multiple Pictures Since someone requested that information in a comment and it's better to have information gathered...

Backup and restore SQLite database to sdcard


Get thumbnail Uri/path of the image stored in sd card + android


resultCode data try if requestCode 101 data null Uri selectedImageUri data.getData String selectedImagePath getPath selectedImageUri else Toast toast Toast.makeText this No Image is selected. Toast.LENGTH_LONG toast.show catch Exception.. this No Image is selected. Toast.LENGTH_LONG toast.show catch Exception e e.printStackTrace public String getPath Uri uri String projection MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor managedQuery uri projection null null null int column_index..

Android: Overlay on Android Camera Preview


android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE startActivityForResult cameraIntent CAMERA_PIC_REQUEST public String getPath Uri uri String projection MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor managedQuery uri projection null null null int column_index..

How to overcome this error:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget


requestCode resultCode data switch requestCode case 1 if resultCode RESULT_OK Uri selectedUri data.getData str getPath selectedUri Bitmap bitmap try bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream getContentResolver .openInputStream selectedUri mAlbum.setImageBitmap.. catch block e.printStackTrace break Converting image path Uri to String path to store in DB public String getPath Uri uri String projection MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cur managedQuery uri projection null null null int columnIndex..

Android onActivityResult NEVER called


resultCode 0 if requestCode 0 Uri selectedImageUri data.getData OI FILE Manager filemanagerstring selectedImageUri.getPath MEDIA GALLERY selectedImagePath getPath selectedImageUri DEBUG PURPOSE you can delete this if you want if selectedImagePath.. data.getData OI FILE Manager filemanagerstring selectedImageUri.getPath MEDIA GALLERY selectedImagePath getPath selectedImageUri DEBUG PURPOSE you can delete this if you want if selectedImagePath null System.out.println selectedImagePath..

Android file chooser [closed]


the Uri of the selected file Uri uri data.getData Log.d TAG File Uri uri.toString Get the path String path FileUtils.getPath this uri Log.d TAG File Path path Get the file instance File file new File path Initiate the upload break super.onActivityResult.. instance File file new File path Initiate the upload break super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data The getPath method in my FileUtils.java is public static String getPath Context context Uri uri throws URISyntaxException if content.. super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data The getPath method in my FileUtils.java is public static String getPath Context context Uri uri throws URISyntaxException if content .equalsIgnoreCase uri.getScheme String projection _data Cursor..

Android upload image from gallery to server


Intent data if resultCode RESULT_OK Uri selectedImageUri data.getData if requestCode SELECT_FILE1 selectedPath1 getPath selectedImageUri System.out.println selectedPath1 selectedPath1 if requestCode SELECT_FILE2 selectedPath2 getPath selectedImageUri.. getPath selectedImageUri System.out.println selectedPath1 selectedPath1 if requestCode SELECT_FILE2 selectedPath2 getPath selectedImageUri System.out.println selectedPath2 selectedPath2 tv.setText Selected File paths selectedPath1 selectedPath2.. selectedPath2 selectedPath2 tv.setText Selected File paths selectedPath1 selectedPath2 public String getPath Uri uri String projection MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor managedQuery uri projection null null null int column_index..