android Programming Glossary: getposition
Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES jint Java_com_swssm_waveloop_audio_OSLESMediaPlayer_getPosition JNIEnv env jclass clazz if NULL uriPlayerPlay SLresult result.. position public native int getDuration public native int getPosition public native void setPitch int rate public native void setRate.. mCompletionListener.OnCompletion int position getPosition int duration getDuration if position duration int a 0 else..
ORMLite with CursorAdapter in Android underlying Cursor object and has additional getCount and getPosition methods. Here are some more information about ORMLite and Cursor..
Listview with Checkbox,RadioButton,Textview and button not working correctly in android CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked int getPosition Integer buttonView.getTag list.get getPosition .setSelected.. int getPosition Integer buttonView.getTag list.get getPosition .setSelected buttonView.isChecked convertView.setTag viewHolder.. void onClick View v CheckBox checkbox CheckBox v int getPosition Integer checkbox.getTag list.get getPosition .setSelected checkbox.isChecked..
moveCamera with CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds crashes builder new LatLngBounds.Builder while data LatLng latlng getPosition builder.include latlng CameraUpdate cameraUpdate CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds..
Android Drag/Animation of Views protected void onDraw Canvas canvas Point position getPosition canvas.drawBitmap mCardImage position.x position.y mPaint public.. position.x mSize.x position.y mSize.y public final Point getPosition Rect bounds mRegion.getBounds return new Point bounds.left..
Filtering a cursor the right way? 0 return true return mPos getCount @Override public int getPosition return mPos Now the interesting part is creating the filterMap..
How to set the initial zoom/width for a webview
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments Activity. The FragmentPagerAdapter will not try to call getPosition if there is already a fragment added for that particular page.. be removed you have no hope of replacing it with a call to getPosition . Getting a handle on it is also pretty difficult to obtain..
Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES result return msec return 0.0f get current position JNIEXPORT jint Java_com_swssm_waveloop_audio_OSLESMediaPlayer_getPosition JNIEnv env jclass clazz if NULL uriPlayerPlay SLresult result SLmillisecond msec result uriPlayerPlay GetPosition uriPlayerPlay.. public native boolean isPlaying public native void seekTo int position public native int getDuration public native int getPosition public native void setPitch int rate public native void setRate int rate public native int getRate public native void setLoop..
ORMLite with CursorAdapter in Android you can cast to also has a getCursor method which returns the underlying Cursor object and has additional getCount and getPosition methods. Here are some more information about ORMLite and Cursor s Android Cursor with ORMLite to use in CursorAdapter You..
Listview with Checkbox,RadioButton,Textview and button not working correctly in android @Override public void onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked int getPosition Integer buttonView.getTag list.get getPosition .setSelected buttonView.isChecked convertView.setTag viewHolder convertView.setTag.. onCheckedChanged CompoundButton buttonView boolean isChecked int getPosition Integer buttonView.getTag list.get getPosition .setSelected buttonView.isChecked convertView.setTag viewHolder convertView.setTag viewHolder.text convertView.setTag.. new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v CheckBox checkbox CheckBox v int getPosition Integer checkbox.getTag list.get getPosition .setSelected checkbox.isChecked viewHolder.radioGroup.setOnCheckedChangeListener..
moveCamera with CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds crashes This is using the following pseudo code LatLngBounds.Builder builder new LatLngBounds.Builder while data LatLng latlng getPosition builder.include latlng CameraUpdate cameraUpdate CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds 10 map.moveCamera cameraUpdate..
Android Drag/Animation of Views image setSize mCardImage.getWidth mCardImage.getHeight @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas Point position getPosition canvas.drawBitmap mCardImage position.x position.y mPaint public final void setPosition final Point position mRegion.set.. final Point position mRegion.set position.x position.y position.x mSize.x position.y mSize.y public final Point getPosition Rect bounds mRegion.getBounds return new Point bounds.left public final void setSize int width int height mSize.x..
Filtering a cursor the right way?
How to set the initial zoom/width for a webview
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments now are NOT the ones you have in your fragments list in your Activity. The FragmentPagerAdapter will not try to call getPosition if there is already a fragment added for that particular page position. In fact since the fragment recreated by Android.. In fact since the fragment recreated by Android will never be removed you have no hope of replacing it with a call to getPosition . Getting a handle on it is also pretty difficult to obtain a reference to it because it was added with a tag that is unknown..