android Programming Glossary: getorientation
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results getOrientation method returns bad results I'm creating 3D Compass application... results I'm creating 3D Compass application. I'm using getOrientation method to get orientation almost same implementation like here.. to the sky minus Z axis on the picture sphere is the Earth getOrientation starts giving really bad results. It gives values for Z axis..
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation rotationMatrix null accel magnet SensorManager.getOrientation rotationMatrix accMagOrientation This function is borrowed.. accMagOrientation float test new float 3 SensorManager.getOrientation initMatrix test gyroMatrix matrixMultiplication gyroMatrix initMatrix.. based orientation from the rotation matrix SensorManager.getOrientation gyroMatrix gyroOrientation private float getRotationMatrixFromOrientation..
Android Fragment Pager and Custom Page Indicator( ViewPagerIndicator created by Jake Wharton) must be either HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL. public int getOrientation return mOrientation public void setStrokeColor int strokeColor..
Using getRotationMatrix and getOrientation in Android 2.1 getRotationMatrix and getOrientation in Android 2.1 I've been having issues with this for far too.. float actual_orientation new float 3 SensorManager.getOrientation R actual_orientation tvXCoordinate.setText accelerometerValues..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION R null aValues mValues SensorManager.getOrientation R orientationValues orientationValues 0 float Math.toDegrees.. of orientation and compensate accordingly. SensorManager.getOrientation takes the transformation matrix and computes azimuth pitch and.. matrix by this matrix 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 before calling getOrientation and this is not one of the orientation remappings that remapCoordinateSystem..
How can I use SensorManager.getOrientation for tilt controls like “My Paper Plane”? can I use SensorManager.getOrientation for tilt controls like &ldquo My Paper Plane&rdquo The Android.. something similar. I have the following example that uses getOrientation from the SensorManager. The whole thing is on pastebin here.. null m_lastMagFields m_lastAccels SensorManager.getOrientation m_rotationMatrix m_orientation 1 radian 57.2957795 degrees ..
android screen orientation screen orientation I tried getOrientation to get the orientation value but it always returns 0 android.. 0 android orientation share improve this question getOrientation is deprecated but this is not neccesarily the root of your problem... It is true that you should use getRotation instead of getOrientation but you can only use it if you are targeting Anroid 2.2 API..
how to detect orientation of android device? mind that getRotation was introduced from Android 2.2. Use getOrientation if your target are older devices. share improve this answer..
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results getOrientation method returns bad results I'm creating 3D Compass application. I'm using getOrientation method to get orientation almost.. getOrientation method returns bad results I'm creating 3D Compass application. I'm using getOrientation method to get orientation almost same implementation like here . If I place phone on the table it works well but when top.. on the table it works well but when top of the phone points to the sky minus Z axis on the picture sphere is the Earth getOrientation starts giving really bad results. It gives values for Z axis between 0 to 180 degrees in a few real degrees. Is there any..
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation void calculateAccMagOrientation if SensorManager.getRotationMatrix rotationMatrix null accel magnet SensorManager.getOrientation rotationMatrix accMagOrientation This function is borrowed from the Android reference at http reference.. new float 9 initMatrix getRotationMatrixFromOrientation accMagOrientation float test new float 3 SensorManager.getOrientation initMatrix test gyroMatrix matrixMultiplication gyroMatrix initMatrix initState false copy the new gyro values into the.. matrixMultiplication gyroMatrix deltaMatrix get the gyroscope based orientation from the rotation matrix SensorManager.getOrientation gyroMatrix gyroOrientation private float getRotationMatrixFromOrientation float o float xM new float 9 float yM new float..
Android Fragment Pager and Custom Page Indicator( ViewPagerIndicator created by Jake Wharton) break default throw new IllegalArgumentException Orientation must be either HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL. public int getOrientation return mOrientation public void setStrokeColor int strokeColor mPaintStroke.setColor strokeColor notifyDataSetChanged public..
Using getRotationMatrix and getOrientation in Android 2.1 getRotationMatrix and getOrientation in Android 2.1 I've been having issues with this for far too long. This code should output dx dy dz for the accelerometer.. R I accelerometerValues geomagneticMatrix float actual_orientation new float 3 SensorManager.getOrientation R actual_orientation tvXCoordinate.setText accelerometerValues 0 tvYCoordinate.setText accelerometerValues 1 tvZCoordinate.setText..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION new float 16 float orientationValues new float 3 SensorManager.getRotationMatrix R null aValues mValues SensorManager.getOrientation R orientationValues orientationValues 0 float Math.toDegrees orientationValues 0 orientationValues 1 float Math.toDegrees.. orientation. This means your application needs to be aware of orientation and compensate accordingly. SensorManager.getOrientation takes the transformation matrix and computes azimuth pitch and roll values. These are taken relative to a device in the.. to take a photo you would want to multiply the transformation matrix by this matrix 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 before calling getOrientation and this is not one of the orientation remappings that remapCoordinateSystem supports someone please correct me if I've..
How can I use SensorManager.getOrientation for tilt controls like “My Paper Plane”? can I use SensorManager.getOrientation for tilt controls like &ldquo My Paper Plane&rdquo The Android game My Paper Plane is a great example of how to implement.. controls but I've been struggling to understand how I can do something similar. I have the following example that uses getOrientation from the SensorManager. The whole thing is on pastebin here . It just prints the orientation values to text fields. Here.. if SensorManager.getRotationMatrix m_rotationMatrix null m_lastMagFields m_lastAccels SensorManager.getOrientation m_rotationMatrix m_orientation 1 radian 57.2957795 degrees 0 yaw rotation around z axis 1 pitch rotation around x axis..
android screen orientation screen orientation I tried getOrientation to get the orientation value but it always returns 0 android orientation share improve this question getOrientation.. to get the orientation value but it always returns 0 android orientation share improve this question getOrientation is deprecated but this is not neccesarily the root of your problem. It is true that you should use getRotation instead of.. deprecated but this is not neccesarily the root of your problem. It is true that you should use getRotation instead of getOrientation but you can only use it if you are targeting Anroid 2.2 API Level 8 or higher. Some people and even Googlers sometimes seem..
how to detect orientation of android device?