android Programming Glossary: getobjects
How to write custom ExpandableListAdapter public void add Entry A List B group this.getObjects .add group this.notifyDataSetChanged public void remove A group.. public void remove A group for Entry A List B entry this.getObjects if entry null entry.getKey .equals group this.getObjects .remove.. if entry null entry.getKey .equals group this.getObjects .remove group this.notifyDataSetChanged break public void..
How to write custom ExpandableListAdapter LayoutInflater this.context.getSystemService Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE public void add Entry A List B group this.getObjects .add group this.notifyDataSetChanged public void remove A group for Entry A List B entry this.getObjects if entry null.. B group this.getObjects .add group this.notifyDataSetChanged public void remove A group for Entry A List B entry this.getObjects if entry null entry.getKey .equals group this.getObjects .remove group this.notifyDataSetChanged break public void.. public void remove A group for Entry A List B entry this.getObjects if entry null entry.getKey .equals group this.getObjects .remove group this.notifyDataSetChanged break public void remove Entry A List B entry remove entry.getKey public void..