

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:36

android Programming Glossary: fitcenter

Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget


bt_blink android onClick Nextclick android scaleType fitCenter android soundEffectsEnabled true android src @drawable buyer_icon.. bt_blink android onClick Nextclick android scaleType fitCenter android src @drawable seller_icon ImageButton android id @ id.. bt_blink android onClick Nextclick android scaleType fitCenter android src @drawable lender_icon ImageButton android id @ id..

Calling setContentView() multiple times


ImageView android src @drawable icon android scaleType fitCenter android layout_height fill_parent android layout_width fill_parent..

Button Onclick Listener in included layouts


android background @null android scaleType fitCenter android layout_height @dimen icon_size android layout_width.. android background @null android scaleType fitCenter android layout_height @dimen icon_size android layout_width.. android background @null android scaleType fitCenter android layout_height @dimen icon_size android layout_width..

Placing/Overlapping(z-index) a view above another view in android


android src @drawable my_drawable android scaleType fitCenter TextView android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height..

Getting App Icon in Android


Zoom Image on image click Event


XXdip android layout_height XXdip android scaleType fitCenter Gallery android id @ id MyGallery android unselectedAlpha 0.5.. ImageView view .getDrawable With the scaleType fitCenter your image will be fit to the ImageView size kepping the aspect..

Android remove space between tabs in tabwidget


30dp android layout_height 30dp android scaleType fitCenter TextView android id @ id tab_text android layout_width wrap_content..

How To Display Border To Imageview?


@drawable image_border item item name android scaleType fitCenter item style res values colors.xml Add the following lines color..

ImageView one dimension to fit free space and second evaluate to keep aspect ration


android layout_height auto Use android scaleType fitCenter do with image what I want but only with image doesn't change..

Android fade in and fade out with ImageView


android layout_height wrap_content android scaleType fitCenter android src @drawable sunset ImageView android layout_width.. android layout_height wrap_content android scaleType fitCenter android src @drawable clouds ViewSwitcher MainActivity.java..

ImageView with rounded corners and inner shadow


android adjustViewBounds true android scaleType fitCenter To do this I thought I should somehow call super.onDraw while..

Custom Spinners/drop down menu


27dip android layout_marginLeft 10dip android scaleType fitCenter android layout_marginBottom 8dip android src attr asListArrowUp.. 27dip android layout_height 27dip android scaleType fitCenter android layout_marginBottom 8dip android layout_below @android..

Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget


1dp android layout_weight 1 android background @drawable bt_blink android onClick Nextclick android scaleType fitCenter android soundEffectsEnabled true android src @drawable buyer_icon ImageButton android id @ id Img_Seller android layout_width.. 1dp android layout_weight 1 android background @drawable bt_blink android onClick Nextclick android scaleType fitCenter android src @drawable seller_icon ImageButton android id @ id Img_Lender android layout_width match_parent android layout_height.. 1dp android layout_weight 1 android background @drawable bt_blink android onClick Nextclick android scaleType fitCenter android src @drawable lender_icon ImageButton android id @ id Img_myTitleRep android layout_width match_parent android layout_height..

Calling setContentView() multiple times


xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk res android ImageView android src @drawable icon android scaleType fitCenter android layout_height fill_parent android layout_width fill_parent TextView android text Learn Android.com android textSize..

Button Onclick Listener in included layouts


layout_alignParentLeft true android src @drawable button_menu_map_view android background @null android scaleType fitCenter android layout_height @dimen icon_size android layout_width @dimen icon_size ImageButton ImageButton android id @ id live_view.. layout_alignParentLeft true android src @drawable button_menu_live_view android background @null android scaleType fitCenter android layout_height @dimen icon_size android layout_width @dimen icon_size ImageButton ImageButton android id @ id screenshot.. layout_alignParentRight true android src @drawable button_menu_screenshot android background @null android scaleType fitCenter android layout_height @dimen icon_size android layout_width @dimen icon_size ImageButton merge MenuView.java public class..

Placing/Overlapping(z-index) a view above another view in android


layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android src @drawable my_drawable android scaleType fitCenter TextView android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_gravity bottom center android..

Getting App Icon in Android


Zoom Image on image click Event


ImageView android id @ id BigView android layout_width XXdip android layout_height XXdip android scaleType fitCenter Gallery android id @ id MyGallery android unselectedAlpha 0.5 android layout_below @id BigView android layout_height XXdip.. id i.setImageResource p position Maybe you can try i.setImageDrawable ImageView view .getDrawable With the scaleType fitCenter your image will be fit to the ImageView size kepping the aspect ratio. So set directly the big size. Otherwise you can add..

Android remove space between tabs in tabwidget


padding 5dp ImageView android id @ id tab_icon android layout_width 30dp android layout_height 30dp android scaleType fitCenter TextView android id @ id tab_text android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android singleLine..

How To Display Border To Imageview?


name android padding 3dp item item name android background @drawable image_border item item name android scaleType fitCenter item style res values colors.xml Add the following lines color name image_border_start #40990000 color color name image_border_end..

ImageView one dimension to fit free space and second evaluate to keep aspect ration


ratio. Something like ImageView android layout_width match_parent android layout_height auto Use android scaleType fitCenter do with image what I want but only with image doesn't change height of View itself. When I set booth dimensions to match_parent..

Android fade in and fade out with ImageView


@anim fade_out ImageView android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android scaleType fitCenter android src @drawable sunset ImageView android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android scaleType.. src @drawable sunset ImageView android layout_width match_parent android layout_height wrap_content android scaleType fitCenter android src @drawable clouds ViewSwitcher MainActivity.java Let the ViewSwitcher do the animation listening for you ViewSwitcher..

ImageView with rounded corners and inner shadow


id thumb android layout_width 96dp android layout_height wrap_content android adjustViewBounds true android scaleType fitCenter To do this I thought I should somehow call super.onDraw while getting the effects I need at the same time. I have managed..

Custom Spinners/drop down menu


gdi_arrow_up android layout_width 27dip android layout_height 27dip android layout_marginLeft 10dip android scaleType fitCenter android layout_marginBottom 8dip android src attr asListArrowUp ImageView android id @ id gdi_arrow_down android layout_width.. ImageView android id @ id gdi_arrow_down android layout_width 27dip android layout_height 27dip android scaleType fitCenter android layout_marginBottom 8dip android layout_below @android id list RelativeLayout FrameLayout Then you can just add..