

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:36

android Programming Glossary: firsty

Android. Scrolling 2 listviews together


loc Save listView's y and get listView2's coordinates int firstY loc 1 listView2.getLocationInWindow loc offset firstY loc 1.. int firstY loc 1 listView2.getLocationInWindow loc offset firstY loc 1 Log.v Example offset offset firstY loc 1 I assume that.. loc offset firstY loc 1 Log.v Example offset offset firstY loc 1 I assume that a half second delay is long enough to render..

Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant?


dx dx getWidth 2 1 dy 1 dy getHeight 2 firstX dx firstY dy else if count 2 ux ev.getX uy ev.getY ux ux getWidth.. ux secondY uy myRenderer.dx firstX myRenderer.dy firstY myRenderer.ux secondX myRenderer.uy secondY midX firstX secondX.. myRenderer.uy secondY midX firstX secondX 2 midY firstY secondY 2 Log.e JO Line firstX firstX firstY firstY lp new..

Android. Scrolling 2 listviews together


loc 0 loc 1 int loc new int 2 listView.getLocationInWindow loc Save listView's y and get listView2's coordinates int firstY loc 1 listView2.getLocationInWindow loc offset firstY loc 1 Log.v Example offset offset firstY loc 1 I assume that a half.. loc Save listView's y and get listView2's coordinates int firstY loc 1 listView2.getLocationInWindow loc offset firstY loc 1 Log.v Example offset offset firstY loc 1 I assume that a half second delay is long enough to render the layout and.. coordinates int firstY loc 1 listView2.getLocationInWindow loc offset firstY loc 1 Log.v Example offset offset firstY loc 1 I assume that a half second delay is long enough to render the layout and start the timer in onResume handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed..

Is Opengl Development GPU Dependant?


isLUp false if count 1 dx ev.getX dy ev.getY dx dx getWidth 2 1 dy 1 dy getHeight 2 firstX dx firstY dy else if count 2 ux ev.getX uy ev.getY ux ux getWidth 2 1 uy 1 uy getHeight 2 secondX ux secondY uy myRenderer.dx.. uy ev.getY ux ux getWidth 2 1 uy 1 uy getHeight 2 secondX ux secondY uy myRenderer.dx firstX myRenderer.dy firstY myRenderer.ux secondX myRenderer.uy secondY midX firstX secondX 2 midY firstY secondY 2 Log.e JO Line firstX firstX.. myRenderer.dx firstX myRenderer.dy firstY myRenderer.ux secondX myRenderer.uy secondY midX firstX secondX 2 midY firstY secondY 2 Log.e JO Line firstX firstX firstY firstY lp new LinePoints firstX firstY secondX secondY midX midY lineArray.add..