android Programming Glossary: firefox
Is there any way to have WebView auto-link URLs and phone numbers in Android? of Linkify script for Greasemonkey it's a plugin for Firefox in case you're not familiar with it . I believe it comes with..
Android - Declarative vs Programmatic UI app to be the equivalent of benchmarking the DOM parser in Firefox for your website. I don't think the exercise is pointless but..
HTML5 <video> element on Android does not play However I still need to multiple sources capability for Firefox ogv support . Below code does not work nor do they work if I..
Svg support on Android this question Not at this time. Other browsers e.g. Firefox Mobile might and SVG support is rumored to be added in an upcoming..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en US rv Gecko 20100722 Firefox 3.6.8 .NET CLR 3.5.30729 public static class MyHttpClient extends.. openssl_output.txt with ones I exported from Firefox http and they are the same... with ones I exported from Firefox http and they are the same. By following advice on this..
Android Java UTF-8 HttpClient Problem charset UTF 8 Also I can look at the JSON output in Firefox or any browser and Unicode characters display properly. The..
Can I avoid the native fullscreen video player with HTML5 on iPhone or android? with the running video. It works great in desktop browsers Firefox Chrome and Safari. On an iPhone or a DroidX the native video..
Android WebView for Facebook Like Button to simulate other browsers like Chrome or Firefox tried the SSL Error certificate handling in API level 8 at WebViewClient..
FusionCharts in Android? also its not loading. But its running in Opera and Mozilla Firefox. Any Idea Additional Information Browser version is Webkit 3.1..
File Upload in WebView to upload a file. It works fine in a desktop browser like Firefox and built in browser of emulator AVD i.e. when I click Browse.....
Play Youtube HTML5 embedded Video in Android WebView browser perhaps pretend to be the android browser Firefox is wv.getSettings .setUserAgentString Mozilla 5.0 X11 Linux..
Android: pixel quality reduction in Images loaded in WebView reference android webkit WebView.html Tested also Firefox mobile desktop browsers iOS everything is good there. So what..
How to diagnose “Error executing aapt” error in Eclipse? for running aapt. I looked at my process list and saw that Firefox was using almost 400MB of memory. I killed Firefox and then.. that Firefox was using almost 400MB of memory. I killed Firefox and then aapt started working. Crazy. share improve this answer..
How to connect via HTTPS using Jsoup? your webbrowser's store. Let's assume that you're using Firefox. Go to the website in question using Firefox which is in your.. you're using Firefox. Go to the website in question using Firefox which is in your case https driver old timepoints.php..
Want to load desktop version in my webview using uastring
How Android application decide if they want to use network proxy or not So what do I need to do to allow my app bypass proxy like Firefox Opera Thanks android networking proxy wifi android 3.0 share.. I think that some Android applications you said Opera and Firefox simply doesn't do this check but implements some native proxy..
JavaScript alert not working in Android WebView as symbols rectangle symbols like . when i do the same in firefox browser on desktop it works fine. any clue how to give support..
Use firefox as render engine for Android webview firefox as render engine for Android webview Anybody has a feeling.. much effort it would be to replace the webkit engine with firefox in Android for webview rendering I am quite unhappy with the.. unhappy with the webkit engine on some features. android firefox webkit webview share improve this question Non trivially..
Android sidebar like facebook or firefox [duplicate] sidebar like facebook or firefox duplicate This question already has an answer here Android.. in my applications. It looks kinda like the sidebars that firefox mobile have... Do you have any idea how to implement it besides..
How Android application decide if they want to use network proxy or not through proxy fine. What I don't get is some browsers like firefox Opera will not go through proxy. Any idea how they did that...
Is there any way to have WebView auto-link URLs and phone numbers in Android?
Android - Declarative vs Programmatic UI of benchmarking the layout inflater in Android for your app to be the equivalent of benchmarking the DOM parser in Firefox for your website. I don't think the exercise is pointless but you should have a much better reason than my activity layout..
HTML5 <video> element on Android does not play src vpr6.mp4 poster video placeholder.jpg onclick However I still need to multiple sources capability for Firefox ogv support . Below code does not work nor do they work if I stick the javascript into the source tags video id video width..
Svg support on Android
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) I'm using public static final String USER_AGENT Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows NT 5.1 en US rv Gecko 20100722 Firefox 3.6.8 .NET CLR 3.5.30729 public static class MyHttpClient extends DefaultHttpClient final Context context public MyHttpClient.. compared the certificates that command produced http openssl_output.txt with ones I exported from Firefox http and they are the same. By following advice on this blog I have setup the above.. command produced http openssl_output.txt with ones I exported from Firefox http and they are the same. By following advice on this blog I have setup the above code and imported the root and..
Android Java UTF-8 HttpClient Problem server is sending back this header Content Type text javascript charset UTF 8 Also I can look at the JSON output in Firefox or any browser and Unicode characters display properly. The response will sometimes contain words from another language..
Can I avoid the native fullscreen video player with HTML5 on iPhone or android? and JavaScript code that renders other content synchronized with the running video. It works great in desktop browsers Firefox Chrome and Safari. On an iPhone or a DroidX the native video player pops up and takes over the screen thus obscuring the..
Android WebView for Facebook Like Button after login is not possible to like unlike. tried using setUserAgentString to simulate other browsers like Chrome or Firefox tried the SSL Error certificate handling in API level 8 at WebViewClient @Override public void onReceivedSslError WebView..
FusionCharts in Android? to load the chart in default browser of android. In that also its not loading. But its running in Opera and Mozilla Firefox. Any Idea Additional Information Browser version is Webkit 3.1 android htc fusioncharts android browser share improve..
File Upload in WebView so on. Problem I have a HTML page with the following code to upload a file. It works fine in a desktop browser like Firefox and built in browser of emulator AVD i.e. when I click Browse... button rendered by element browser opens a Dialog box where..
Play Youtube HTML5 embedded Video in Android WebView You could try lying to YouTube and telling them your a different browser perhaps pretend to be the android browser Firefox is wv.getSettings .setUserAgentString Mozilla 5.0 X11 Linux x86_64 AppleWebKit 534.36 KHTML like Gecko Chrome 13.0.766.0..
Android: pixel quality reduction in Images loaded in WebView suggested in Android's SDK documentation http reference android webkit WebView.html Tested also Firefox mobile desktop browsers iOS everything is good there. So what is going on Android WebView simply can't load big images smiley..
How to diagnose “Error executing aapt” error in Eclipse?
How to connect via HTTPS using Jsoup? or . You can grab the certificate from your webbrowser's store. Let's assume that you're using Firefox. Go to the website in question using Firefox which is in your case https driver old timepoints.php stopid.. certificate from your webbrowser's store. Let's assume that you're using Firefox. Go to the website in question using Firefox which is in your case https driver old timepoints.php stopid 10 Left in the address bar you'll see
Want to load desktop version in my webview using uastring
How Android application decide if they want to use network proxy or not if we don't do anything special the default is using proxy. So what do I need to do to allow my app bypass proxy like Firefox Opera Thanks android networking proxy wifi android 3.0 share improve this question On devices with API version 11 Android.. 0 Log.d TAG Current Proxy Configuration proxy.toString I think that some Android applications you said Opera and Firefox simply doesn't do this check but implements some native proxy handling not caring of how the system work. share improve..
JavaScript alert not working in Android WebView font in it but when i try to write Hindi text it displays as symbols rectangle symbols like . when i do the same in firefox browser on desktop it works fine. any clue how to give support for multiple language in textarea in WebView 2 When I am..
Use firefox as render engine for Android webview firefox as render engine for Android webview Anybody has a feeling how much effort it would be to replace the webkit engine with.. render engine for Android webview Anybody has a feeling how much effort it would be to replace the webkit engine with firefox in Android for webview rendering I am quite unhappy with the webkit engine on some features. android firefox webkit webview.. with firefox in Android for webview rendering I am quite unhappy with the webkit engine on some features. android firefox webkit webview share improve this question Non trivially difficult. Depending on how much consistency you need between..
Android sidebar like facebook or firefox [duplicate] sidebar like facebook or firefox duplicate This question already has an answer here Android Facebook style slide 23 answers With the new facebook.. hidden sidebar that I would love to use something like that in my applications. It looks kinda like the sidebars that firefox mobile have... Do you have any idea how to implement it besides re implementing the ViewPager I've tried with an HorizontalScrollView..
How Android application decide if they want to use network proxy or not things like yahoo finance bloomberg etc. and they all going through proxy fine. What I don't get is some browsers like firefox Opera will not go through proxy. Any idea how they did that. Basically in my app how can I decide if I want to use proxy..