android Programming Glossary: fired
How to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager in ViewPager Problem Fragment onResume in ViewPager is fired before the fragment becomes actually visible. F.e. i have 2.. when the user starts motion gesture. So onResume event is fired in the second fragment long before it becomes actually visible..
How to get the result of OnPostExecute() to main activity because AsyncTask is a separate class? processFinish String output this you will received result fired from async class of onPostExecute result method. share improve..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps remains in it's normal state although the click itself is fired so the button works . At least this is how it shows up on my..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview On android versions 2.3.3 the onShowCustomView method is fired and I can have the VideoView instance and set listeners when.. return isVideoFullscreen Set a callback that will be fired when the video starts or finishes displaying using a custom..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? or whatever. Now you want to have different event fired on button click and different event fired on everything else.. different event fired on button click and different event fired on everything else clicked. You can achieve that without using..
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask same params as onPostExecute this you will received result fired from async class of onPostExecute result method. then this is..
Android SMS receiver not working [closed] I send a SMS to the emulator the Intent never seems to get fired. Here is my intent package com.neocodenetworks.smsfwd import..
Android Camera without Preview and listener but the onSurfaceCreated event never gets fired. I guess the reason is the surface is not being created visually...
Custom event listener on Android app case I actually need to generate the event which will be fired everytime another running thread of my app wakes up and refreshes..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog true execute this when the downloader must be fired final DownloadTask downloadTask new DownloadTask YourActivity.this..
How to detect if any of my activity is front-most and visible to user? otherwise I will put it up as a notification and will be fired by the user. To decide this I need to know if any of my activity..
Is AsyncTask really conceptually flawed or am I just missing something? context gets destroyed you have no record of the tasks it fired. That means that you have to re start any tasks when re creating..
What is a Sticky Intent? event. This allows you to check the broadcast after it was fired onResume . EDIT More on sticky broadcasts... Also check out..
android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd is not truly finished when the onAnimationEnd event is fired although animation.hasEnded is set to true. I want my view to..
What DOM events are available to WebKit on Android? controls on the Android emulator and noted which events fired in which circumstances. Here is the code I used to attach the.. down button to select the first item the following events fired in order mouseover mouseenter mousemove DOMFocusIn With an item.. the next item using the down button the following events fired in order mouseout mouseover mousemove DOMFocusOut DOMFocusIn..
How to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager Problem Fragment onResume in ViewPager is fired before the fragment becomes actually visible. F.e. i have 2 fragment with ViewPager and FragmentPagerAdapter . The second.. is visible in order to cache the second and make it visible when the user starts motion gesture. So onResume event is fired in the second fragment long before it becomes actually visible and i try to find event when the second fragment becomes..
How to get the result of OnPostExecute() to main activity because AsyncTask is a separate class?
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps button too fast it doesn't show the pressed state it just remains in it's normal state although the click itself is fired so the button works . At least this is how it shows up on my Galaxy Nexus. So the last thing I did is that I delayed the..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview I figured out android has two ways of handling the video tag On android versions 2.3.3 the onShowCustomView method is fired and I can have the VideoView instance and set listeners when the video completes set controllers etc. So far so good. On.. view typically full screen public boolean isVideoFullscreen return isVideoFullscreen Set a callback that will be fired when the video starts or finishes displaying using a custom view typically full screen @param callback A VideoEnabledWebChromeClient.ToggledFullscreenCallback..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? consists of button and some other views like TextView ImageView or whatever. Now you want to have different event fired on button click and different event fired on everything else clicked. You can achieve that without using onListItemClick.. like TextView ImageView or whatever. Now you want to have different event fired on button click and different event fired on everything else clicked. You can achieve that without using onListItemClick of your ListActivity. Here is what you have..
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask output @Override void processFinish String output using same params as onPostExecute this you will received result fired from async class of onPostExecute result method. then this is called in onPostExecute when the listener sees that it is..
Android SMS receiver not working [closed] followed several tutorials but I'm getting nowhere when I send a SMS to the emulator the Intent never seems to get fired. Here is my intent package com.neocodenetworks.smsfwd import android.content. import android.os.Bundle import android.telephony...
Android Camera without Preview preview to setup exposure and focus. I've created a surfaceview and listener but the onSurfaceCreated event never gets fired. I guess the reason is the surface is not being created visually. I've also seen some examples of calling the camera statically..
Custom event listener on Android app I just need to implement the handler. But in this specific case I actually need to generate the event which will be fired everytime another running thread of my app wakes up and refreshes it's list of news from a rss feed. I've done everything..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL mProgressDialog.setCancelable true execute this when the downloader must be fired final DownloadTask downloadTask new DownloadTask YourActivity.this downloadTask.execute the url to the file you want to..
How to detect if any of my activity is front-most and visible to user? like to launch an intent when any of my activity is visible otherwise I will put it up as a notification and will be fired by the user. To decide this I need to know if any of my activity is front most how do I that android activity share improve..
Is AsyncTask really conceptually flawed or am I just missing something? that workaround you still have the problem that when the context gets destroyed you have no record of the tasks it fired. That means that you have to re start any tasks when re creating the context e.g. after a screen orientation change. This..
What is a Sticky Intent? Activity that was frozen onPause you could miss the actual event. This allows you to check the broadcast after it was fired onResume . EDIT More on sticky broadcasts... Also check out removeStickyBroadcast Intent and on API Level 5 isInitialStickyBroadcast..
android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd finished in onAnimationEnd It seems that an android animation is not truly finished when the onAnimationEnd event is fired although animation.hasEnded is set to true. I want my view to change it's background drawable on the end of it's ScaleAnimation..
What DOM events are available to WebKit on Android? don't make sense to the links then used the up down and enter controls on the Android emulator and noted which events fired in which circumstances. Here is the code I used to attach the events with results to follow. Note I'm using live event binding.. no ugly orange selection box around any item using down button to select the first item the following events fired in order mouseover mouseenter mousemove DOMFocusIn With an item selected moving to the next item using the down button the.. mousemove DOMFocusIn With an item selected moving to the next item using the down button the following events fired in order mouseout mouseover mousemove DOMFocusOut DOMFocusIn With an item selected clicking the enter button the following..