android Programming Glossary: displays
Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments? f As you can see this pager handles two 'pages' the left displays sales data. The right one allows the user to select which department...
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen and icon for multiple screen. Android generalises device displays into categories based on two parameters Screen size the physical.. Mac or 96ppi Windows Linux . Compared with mobile desktop displays are always low density. Always configure your Android emulators..
Android: Is it possible to display video thumbnails? application with library dialog. The library dialog displays the list of recorded videos where each item consists of icon..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? layer share improve this question this is a class that displays an image with additional layers import java.util.ArrayList import..
Android SplashScreen a lot of data at the start of the application itself and displays it in the ListActivity. What I'm planning to do is show a Splash..
how to change position of Toast in android? when i use toast to display some text on screen it displays little bit above the bottom default position . now i want to..
Android page Curl animation page. What is the recommended way to do a gallery that displays two pages at a time just like a book Is it Letting the adapter..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? When I'm loading this file to standard web google map it displays it nicely but when I'm trying the same thing with android google..
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? the message user actiones on the notification and the app displays the message passed by the intent The problem This can happen..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery My app shows a list of 9 categories and each category displays a Gallery based coverflow graciously offered by Neil Davies..
How to use multiple MapActivities/MapViews per Android application/process application creates an instance of this MapActivity and displays multiple places. If the user clicks on a certain place then..
Change title bar text in Android do I change the text of the title bar as of now it just displays the title of the program and im wanting it to display something..
How can I update a single row in a ListView? update a single row in a ListView I have a ListView which displays news items. They contain an image a title and some text. The..
Android - Camera preview is sideways set and the surface is displayed. However it always displays the picture at an incorrect 90 degree angle in portrait mode...
Android Calling JavaScript functions in WebView inturn calls a java function back in the android app that displays test message via toast. The javascript function looks like function..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android successful and have a running service now. The service displays some text on top left corner of screen all the time while user..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView Is there a way to lazy load the images so while the text displays the UI is not locked up and images are displayed as they are..
Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity the image and once an image is accepted the activity displays it. Here is the layout that the above activity uses. It is simply..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” that initially when the user has not made a selection yet displays the text Select One . When the user clicks the spinner the list..
What options are available for handling text input on Android using Adobe AIR? me know StageText Handles input properly in all cases Yes Displays properly in all cases No Vertical alignment problems when scrolling... Handles input properly in all cases Yes Displays properly in all cases No Inserts random characters on certain.. devices ex. Samsung Galaxy 10.1 running Android 4.0 . Displays properly in all cases Yes This component uses RichEditableText..
Drawable-xxxx : Eclipse Versus AVD density It is mentioned here with xxxhdpi too Devices and Displays It is not mentioned here Providing Resources . If you look at..
how to change format of chronometer? link Formatting countdown timer with 00 00 00 not working. Displays 00 00 00 until paused then displays the time remaining and this..
Is there a way to automate the android sdk installation? instead of HTTPS the default for downloads. e extended Displays extended details on each package u no ui Displays list result.. extended Displays extended details on each package u no ui Displays list result on console no GUI Default true share improve this..
How add an Application Pre-loader/Startup screen/Splash Screen to My PhoneGap Android App super.setIntegerProperty splashscreen R.drawable.splash Displays the splash screen for android super.loadUrl file android_asset..
AlarmManager with phonegap Invalid action action passed return result Displays status bar notification @param contentTitle Notification title..
Can't mark while showing the current location in 'mapview' TAG onLocationChanged with location location.toString Displays lat long altitude and bearing String text String.format Lat..
Actionbarsherlock + tabs + multi fragments? not this many fragments position return f As you can see this pager handles two 'pages' the left displays sales data. The right one allows the user to select which department. Those are returned in the getItem method. The proper..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen question Finally created a structure which handle layouts and icon for multiple screen. Android generalises device displays into categories based on two parameters Screen size the physical size of the display measured diagonally Screen density.. values Conventionally desktop systems display at 72ppi Mac or 96ppi Windows Linux . Compared with mobile desktop displays are always low density. Always configure your Android emulators to mimic real device values and always set them to scale..
Android: Is it possible to display video thumbnails? possible to display video thumbnails I created a video recording application with library dialog. The library dialog displays the list of recorded videos where each item consists of icon video title tags and location information the following way..
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? small content. android android imageview android animation layer share improve this question this is a class that displays an image with additional layers import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Iterator import org.pskink.niohttp.LayeredImageView.Layer..
Android SplashScreen I'm developing an application which basically downloads a lot of data at the start of the application itself and displays it in the ListActivity. What I'm planning to do is show a Splash Screen till the data is loaded. Till now all my attempts..
how to change position of Toast in android? to change position of Toast in android when i use toast to display some text on screen it displays little bit above the bottom default position . now i want to display it in the middle of screen or according to my choice..
Android page Curl animation including the page above rolling and the shadows over the lower page. What is the recommended way to do a gallery that displays two pages at a time just like a book Is it Letting the adapter display a linear layout of two images at a time it won't..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? 2357 coordinates LineString Placemark Document kml When I'm loading this file to standard web google map it displays it nicely but when I'm trying the same thing with android google map it doesn't do that. It just takes me to some locations..
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? id and details about the message notification is raised with the message user actiones on the notification and the app displays the message passed by the intent The problem This can happen more than once for a contact. And when the second message is..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery out of memory exception in Gallery My app shows a list of 9 categories and each category displays a Gallery based coverflow graciously offered by Neil Davies here with images of the selected category. The images are fetched..
How to use multiple MapActivities/MapViews per Android application/process a set of places as well as single places. On startup the application creates an instance of this MapActivity and displays multiple places. If the user clicks on a certain place then a new Activity is launched that shows the details of the selected..
Change title bar text in Android title bar text in Android How do I change the text of the title bar as of now it just displays the title of the program and im wanting it to display something of my choosing and be different for each page activity in..
How can I update a single row in a ListView? can I update a single row in a ListView I have a ListView which displays news items. They contain an image a title and some text. The image is loaded in a separate thread with a queue and all and..
Android - Camera preview is sideways screen. I can get everything working fine surface created surface set and the surface is displayed. However it always displays the picture at an incorrect 90 degree angle in portrait mode. Such as in the picture I am aware that using the following..
Android Calling JavaScript functions in WebView app call a javascript function with a test message which inturn calls a java function back in the android app that displays test message via toast. The javascript function looks like function testEcho message window.JSInterface.doEchoTest message..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android on http I have been successful and have a running service now. The service displays some text on top left corner of screen all the time while user can freely interact with rest of apps in normal manner. What..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView with those images. I am getting the images from the Internet. Is there a way to lazy load the images so while the text displays the UI is not locked up and images are displayed as they are downloaded The number of images is not fixed. android image..
Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity that the camera app itself gives you the ability to review retake the image and once an image is accepted the activity displays it. Here is the layout that the above activity uses. It is simply a LinearLayout containing a Button with id button1 and..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” &ldquo Select One&rdquo In Android I want to use a Spinner that initially when the user has not made a selection yet displays the text Select One . When the user clicks the spinner the list of items is displayed and the user selects one of the options...
What options are available for handling text input on Android using Adobe AIR? you have other ideas that I haven't thought about please let me know StageText Handles input properly in all cases Yes Displays properly in all cases No Vertical alignment problems when scrolling. By default TextInputs running on mobile devices make.. difficult for mobile phones and phablets. TextInputSkin Handles input properly in all cases Yes Displays properly in all cases No Inserts random characters on certain Android versions ex. Nook running Android 2.3 . This component.. characters ex. Korean . Does not accept any input on certain devices ex. Samsung Galaxy 10.1 running Android 4.0 . Displays properly in all cases Yes This component uses RichEditableText internally. It is not optimized for mobile use. Beyond that..
Drawable-xxxx : Eclipse Versus AVD I am still stumped with xxhdpi. Does the OS not use this density It is mentioned here with xxxhdpi too Devices and Displays It is not mentioned here Providing Resources . If you look at this Android Devices xxhdpi is used by 13 other devices too..
how to change format of chronometer? and make it count up from 0 instead of down. Here is the link Formatting countdown timer with 00 00 00 not working. Displays 00 00 00 until paused then displays the time remaining and this might help Show milliseconds with Android Chronometer share..
Is there a way to automate the android sdk installation? proxy port overrides settings if defined s no https Uses HTTP instead of HTTPS the default for downloads. e extended Displays extended details on each package u no ui Displays list result on console no GUI Default true share improve this answer..
How add an Application Pre-loader/Startup screen/Splash Screen to My PhoneGap Android App Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.setIntegerProperty splashscreen R.drawable.splash Displays the splash screen for android super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html 3000 Second parameter is duration for delay..
AlarmManager with phonegap else result new PluginResult Status.INVALID_ACTION Log.d NotificationPlugin Invalid action action passed return result Displays status bar notification @param contentTitle Notification title @param contentText Notification text public void showNotification..
Can't mark while showing the current location in 'mapview' Location location TODO Auto generated method stub Log.d TAG onLocationChanged with location location.toString Displays lat long altitude and bearing String text String.format Lat t f nLong t f nAlt t f nBearing t f location.getLatitude location.getLongitude..