android Programming Glossary: dispatch
Instantiating core Volley objects it is safe to assume our RequestQueue will be available to dispatch Requests in a Service Activity Loader etc. Now as far as the..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities eg. from inside your Activity Start the tracker in manual dispatch mode... tracker.start UA YOUR ACCOUNT HERE getApplication instead.. HERE getApplication instead of Start the tracker in manual dispatch mode... tracker.start UA YOUR ACCOUNT HERE this BAD Regarding.. to this activity GoogleAnalyticsTracker.getInstance .dispatch Need to do this for every activity that uses google analytics..
what's design pattern principle in the Android development? like Login Update Account Balance etc which the view would dispatch in response to a series of clicks keyboard touch events. That..
Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out is what gets printed in the log WARN WindowManager 88 Key dispatching timed out sending to package name Activity WARN WindowManager.. lineId catch RemoteException e e.printStackTrace dispatchKeyEvent new KeyEvent KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN KeyEvent.FLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARD.. KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN KeyEvent.FLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARD dispatchKeyEvent new KeyEvent KeyEvent.ACTION_UP KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK..
Need to implement signature capture to implement signature capture I've got a dispatch delivery tracking application running on ugh Windows mobile..
Android: delegate touch event to underlaying view clicks outside of the PopupWindow and the touch event gets dispatched to the Activity. The missing part is now to dispatch any touch.. dispatched to the Activity. The missing part is now to dispatch any touch event that happens inside the PopupWindow but outside..
How to get a non scrollable ListView? It's because my entire screen is a ScrollView and I dispatch widgets with a RelativeLayout so I don't need the ListView scroll...
Clear text in EditText when entered this code I get a force quit and ActivityManager Can't dispatch DDM chunk 4d505251 no handler defined error. public class Project..
Swipe to switch tab selection and onInterceptTouchEvent to decide whether to dispatch gestures through to the children . See HorizontalPager 's source..
Android - switching between landscape and portrait mode makes Intent lose values 02 25 23 07 49.190 WARN WindowManager 58 No window to dispatch pointer action 0 Please help. android android orientation landscape..
Looking for Android ViewFlipper Example with Multiple WebViews home _setHome else _setSearch override the dispatch @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent MotionEvent me this.filter.onTouchEvent.. override the dispatch @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent MotionEvent me this.filter.onTouchEvent me return.. MotionEvent me this.filter.onTouchEvent me return super.dispatchTouchEvent me manage swipe animations @Override public void onSwipe..
Difference between onKey(), OnKeyDown() and dispatchKeyEvent() methods provided by Android? between onKey OnKeyDown and dispatchKeyEvent methods provided by Android What is the difference.. What is the difference between onKey OnKeyDown and dispatchKeyEvent methods provided by Android I Would like to know when.. of the 2.1 Source for the View Class . It would seem that dispatchKeyEvent is the first method called by the system. Overloading..
Android emulator crash if click while processing LOGCAT messages 1 11 00 38 49.165 W WindowManager 59 Key dispatching timed out sending to BadumnaAndroidApi1.BadumnaAndroidApi1.. 01 11 00 38 49.165 W WindowManager 59 Previous dispatch state KeyEvent action 1 code 66 repeat 0 meta 0 scancode 28.. paused false 01 11 00 38 49.175 W WindowManager 59 Current dispatch state null to Window 44ed87d0 BadumnaAndroidApi1.BadumnaAndroidApi1..
Is there a way to remove the clicking lag on mobile touch devices? you don`t handle the event in touch move the browser will dispatch with some lag a click event to the element Take a look at this..
Android VM crashes on Launch Mac ABE51F99 F7A9 2595 016E C47FFD1F6C50 Crashed Thread 0 Dispatch queue thread Exception Type EXC_BAD_ACCESS SIGSEGV.. 2332K r x rwx SM COW Users USER Thread 0 Crashed Dispatch queue thread android eclipse osx kernel virtual..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps 2 point.y infoWindow.getHeight bottomOffsetPixels Dispatch the adjusted MotionEvent to the infoWindow ret infoWindow.dispatchTouchEvent..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities I then track PageViews and Events as needed and Dispatch them along with another HTTP request I am performing. But I'm..
Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out Key Dispatching Timed Out In my Android application I am getting a very.. out sending to package name Activity WARN WindowManager 88 Dispatch state KeyEvent action 1 code 5 repeat 0 meta 0 scancode 231.. last in package name INFO ActivityManager 88 Annotation keyDispatchingTimedOut INFO ActivityManager 88 CPU usage INFO ActivityManager..
How to simulate a touch event in Android? downTime eventTime MotionEvent.ACTION_UP x y metaState Dispatch touch event to view view.dispatchTouchEvent motionEvent For..
jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android) shiftKey false metaKey 0 button null relatedTarget Dispatch the simulated event to the target element
Instantiating core Volley objects override this method be sure to call super.onCreate . So it is safe to assume our RequestQueue will be available to dispatch Requests in a Service Activity Loader etc. Now as far as the ImageLoader is concerned I would make a singleton class wrapping..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities itself. The docs should probably be updated to reflect this. eg. from inside your Activity Start the tracker in manual dispatch mode... tracker.start UA YOUR ACCOUNT HERE getApplication instead of Start the tracker in manual dispatch mode... tracker.start.. in manual dispatch mode... tracker.start UA YOUR ACCOUNT HERE getApplication instead of Start the tracker in manual dispatch mode... tracker.start UA YOUR ACCOUNT HERE this BAD Regarding when to call start stop you can implement a sort of manual.. super.onDestroy Purge analytics so they don't hold references to this activity GoogleAnalyticsTracker.getInstance .dispatch Need to do this for every activity that uses google analytics GoogleAnalyticsSessionManager.getInstance .decrementActivityCount..
what's design pattern principle in the Android development? if Activity could register for more high level events like Login Update Account Balance etc which the view would dispatch in response to a series of clicks keyboard touch events. That way the controller works at the level you might describe features..
Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out seconds I getthe dreaded force close dialog appearing. Here is what gets printed in the log WARN WindowManager 88 Key dispatching timed out sending to package name Activity WARN WindowManager 88 Dispatch state KeyEvent action 1 code 5 repeat 0 meta.. stopWatch.getBase try serviceBinder.endCall lineId catch RemoteException e e.printStackTrace dispatchKeyEvent new KeyEvent KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN KeyEvent.FLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARD dispatchKeyEvent new KeyEvent KeyEvent.ACTION_UP.. e e.printStackTrace dispatchKeyEvent new KeyEvent KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN KeyEvent.FLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARD dispatchKeyEvent new KeyEvent KeyEvent.ACTION_UP KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK If I comment the following out the pressing of the button..
Need to implement signature capture to implement signature capture I've got a dispatch delivery tracking application running on ugh Windows mobile that allows a signature capture. I really want to port this..
Android: delegate touch event to underlaying view is User clicks on green circle and I invoke some stuff User clicks outside of the PopupWindow and the touch event gets dispatched to the Activity. The missing part is now to dispatch any touch event that happens inside the PopupWindow but outside the.. User clicks outside of the PopupWindow and the touch event gets dispatched to the Activity. The missing part is now to dispatch any touch event that happens inside the PopupWindow but outside the CustomView circle to the Activity. I already know how..
How to get a non scrollable ListView? want a non scrollable ListView and show the entire ListView. It's because my entire screen is a ScrollView and I dispatch widgets with a RelativeLayout so I don't need the ListView scroll. I set my ui with code not with xml. I've used listView.setScrollContainer..
Clear text in EditText when entered current contents. Is there something wrong here When I compile this code I get a force quit and ActivityManager Can't dispatch DDM chunk 4d505251 no handler defined error. public class Project extends Activity implements OnClickListener Called when..
Swipe to switch tab selection possible you'll need to write a custom layout and override onTouchEvent and onInterceptTouchEvent to decide whether to dispatch gestures through to the children . See HorizontalPager 's source for details on how you could go about doing that. You actually..
Android - switching between landscape and portrait mode makes Intent lose values has been changed. On button press I get this warning in LogCat 02 25 23 07 49.190 WARN WindowManager 58 No window to dispatch pointer action 0 Please help. android android orientation landscape portrait share improve this question When you switch..
Looking for Android ViewFlipper Example with Multiple WebViews if shift.equals categories _setCategories else if shift.equals home _setHome else _setSearch override the dispatch @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent MotionEvent me this.filter.onTouchEvent me return super.dispatchTouchEvent me.. else if shift.equals home _setHome else _setSearch override the dispatch @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent MotionEvent me this.filter.onTouchEvent me return super.dispatchTouchEvent me manage swipe animations @Override.. the dispatch @Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent MotionEvent me this.filter.onTouchEvent me return super.dispatchTouchEvent me manage swipe animations @Override public void onSwipe int direction switch direction case SimpleGestureFilter.SWIPE_RIGHT..
Difference between onKey(), OnKeyDown() and dispatchKeyEvent() methods provided by Android? between onKey OnKeyDown and dispatchKeyEvent methods provided by Android What is the difference between onKey OnKeyDown and dispatchKeyEvent methods provided.. onKey OnKeyDown and dispatchKeyEvent methods provided by Android What is the difference between onKey OnKeyDown and dispatchKeyEvent methods provided by Android I Would like to know when and where each of these can be used. Please shed some light.. key share improve this question Tracing the source code of the 2.1 Source for the View Class . It would seem that dispatchKeyEvent is the first method called by the system. Overloading it will prevent any and all key events from being called unless..
Android emulator crash if click while processing my issues out using methods introduced Here EDIT this is the LOGCAT messages 1 11 00 38 49.165 W WindowManager 59 Key dispatching timed out sending to BadumnaAndroidApi1.BadumnaAndroidApi1 badumnaandroidapi1.Activity1 01 11 00 38 49.165 W WindowManager.. to BadumnaAndroidApi1.BadumnaAndroidApi1 badumnaandroidapi1.Activity1 01 11 00 38 49.165 W WindowManager 59 Previous dispatch state KeyEvent action 1 code 66 repeat 0 meta 0 scancode 28 mFlags 8 to Window 44ed87d0 BadumnaAndroidApi1.BadumnaAndroidApi1.. badumnaandroidapi1.Activity1 paused false 01 11 00 38 49.175 W WindowManager 59 Current dispatch state null to Window 44ed87d0 BadumnaAndroidApi1.BadumnaAndroidApi1 badumnaandroidapi1.Activity1 paused false @ 1326242329174..
Is there a way to remove the clicking lag on mobile touch devices? code directly from on touch end without any delay. If you don`t handle the event in touch move the browser will dispatch with some lag a click event to the element Take a look at this description from google to create fast buttons http
Android VM crashes on Launch Mac Report 96 Per App Crashes Since Last Report 32 Anonymous UUID ABE51F99 F7A9 2595 016E C47FFD1F6C50 Crashed Thread 0 Dispatch queue thread Exception Type EXC_BAD_ACCESS SIGSEGV Exception Codes KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000.. VM Regions Near 0 __TEXT 0000000100000000 0000000100247000 2332K r x rwx SM COW Users USER Thread 0 Crashed Dispatch queue thread android eclipse osx kernel virtual machine share improve this question Do you have two..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps ev copyEv.offsetLocation point.x infoWindow.getWidth 2 point.y infoWindow.getHeight bottomOffsetPixels Dispatch the adjusted MotionEvent to the infoWindow ret infoWindow.dispatchTouchEvent copyEv If the infoWindow consumed the touch..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities this And in the onDestroy of all of my activities tracker.stop I then track PageViews and Events as needed and Dispatch them along with another HTTP request I am performing. But I'm not so sure this is the best way. Should I be calling start..
Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out Key Dispatching Timed Out In my Android application I am getting a very strange crash when I press a button Image on my UI the entire.. in the log WARN WindowManager 88 Key dispatching timed out sending to package name Activity WARN WindowManager 88 Dispatch state KeyEvent action 1 code 5 repeat 0 meta 0 scancode 231 mFlags 8 to Window 432bafa0 false INFO ActivityManager 88 ANR in process package name last in package name INFO ActivityManager 88 Annotation keyDispatchingTimedOut INFO ActivityManager 88 CPU usage INFO ActivityManager 88 Load 5.18 5.1 4.75 INFO ActivityManager 88 CPU usage..
How to simulate a touch event in Android? int metaState 0 MotionEvent motionEvent MotionEvent.obtain downTime eventTime MotionEvent.ACTION_UP x y metaState Dispatch touch event to view view.dispatchTouchEvent motionEvent For more on obtaining a MotionEvent object here is an excellent..
jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android) touch.clientY clientY false ctrlKey false altKey false shiftKey false metaKey 0 button null relatedTarget Dispatch the simulated event to the target element simulatedEvent mouseProto._touchStart function event..