android Programming Glossary: dismissed
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? starting it pops up a progress dialog. The dialog is dismissed on the handler. This all works fine except when screen orientation..
How to recognize whether the Done button is clicked in ActionMode
Quick dialog using onclick search view in android View.INVISIBLE Set listener for window dismissed. This listener will only be fired if the quicakction dialog.. listener will only be fired if the quicakction dialog is dismissed by clicking outside the dialog or clicking on sticky item. public.. OK use setSticky true to disable QuickAction dialog being dismissed after an item is clicked prevItem.setSticky true nextItem.setSticky..
Get value from DialogFragment [duplicate] return a value to me that was entered in editQuantity when dismissed. But i am not getting any way to make it work. I can do this..
Android: How to make the keypad always visible? the application although it isn't fixed there but can be dismissed by pressing the back button. To make sure the keyboard is always..
Prevent ProgressDialog from being dismissed when I click the search button (Android) ProgressDialog from being dismissed when I click the search button Android In a long running operation.. and when I come back to my app the dialog has been dismissed. Any idea how to prevent the dialog from being dismissed android.. dismissed. Any idea how to prevent the dialog from being dismissed android dialog progressdialog share improve this question..
Android Lock Screen Widget flag when set the window will cause the keyguard to be dismissed only if it is not a secure lock keyguard. Because such a keyguard..
Android: wait on user input from dialog? a method that displays a dialog waits until the dialog is dismissed and then returns a result depending on the dialog contents...
Is there a way to tell if the soft-keyboard is shown? time the keyboard is shown but if the kb appears and then dismissed isActive returns true also. so is there any other method to..
How to lock the screen of an android device I have tried using the following but although my dialog is dismissed the screen never locks. KeyguardManager keyguardManager KeyguardManager..
Android: AlertDialog causes a memory leak RecycleListView every time the AlertDialog is dismissed and the LeakedActivity is finished. I can't find any error in..
Prevent dialog dismissal on screen rotation in Android to prevent dialogs built with Alert builder from being dismissed when the Activity is restarted. If I overload the onConfigurationChanged..
How to handle Handler messages when activity/fragment is paused a bunch of messages that can result in dialogs being dismissed or shown. When the app is put into the background I get an onPause..
Fragments, DialogFragment, and Screen Rotation setting your dialogfragment as retained so it won't get dismissed after the rotation. Put setRetainInstance true e.g. in the onCreate..
How to dismiss the dialog with click on outside of the dialog? when the user clicks outside the dialog the dialog will be dismissed. What do I have to do for this android android layout android..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? program does some network activity in a background thread. Before starting it pops up a progress dialog. The dialog is dismissed on the handler. This all works fine except when screen orientation changes while the dialog is up and the background thread..
How to recognize whether the Done button is clicked in ActionMode
Quick dialog using onclick search view in android param.leftMargin requestedX arrowWidth 2 hideArrow.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE Set listener for window dismissed. This listener will only be fired if the quicakction dialog is dismissed by clicking outside the dialog or clicking on sticky.. View.INVISIBLE Set listener for window dismissed. This listener will only be fired if the quicakction dialog is dismissed by clicking outside the dialog or clicking on sticky item. public void setOnDismissListener QuickAction.OnDismissListener.. ActionItem 2 BY lOCATION ActionItem okItem new ActionItem 3 OK use setSticky true to disable QuickAction dialog being dismissed after an item is clicked prevItem.setSticky true nextItem.setSticky true searchItem.setSticky true infoItem.setSticky true..
Get value from DialogFragment [duplicate] 2 answers I want the DialogFragment to return a value to me that was entered in editQuantity when dismissed. But i am not getting any way to make it work. I can do this by passing the value through the intent but that destroys the..
Android: How to make the keypad always visible? In my test app this shows the keyboard on starting of the application although it isn't fixed there but can be dismissed by pressing the back button. To make sure the keyboard is always visible you might have to create your own keyboard as part..
Prevent ProgressDialog from being dismissed when I click the search button (Android) ProgressDialog from being dismissed when I click the search button Android In a long running operation I'm showing a popup dialog created from ProgressDialog.. the dialog More exactly the global search application is displayed and when I come back to my app the dialog has been dismissed. Any idea how to prevent the dialog from being dismissed android dialog progressdialog share improve this question .. displayed and when I come back to my app the dialog has been dismissed. Any idea how to prevent the dialog from being dismissed android dialog progressdialog share improve this question This works notice I put it on the dialog builder .setOnKeyListener..
Android Lock Screen Widget shown when the screen is locked. FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD Window flag when set the window will cause the keyguard to be dismissed only if it is not a secure lock keyguard. Because such a keyguard is not needed for security it will never re appear if..
Android: wait on user input from dialog? wait on user input from dialog I would like to implement a method that displays a dialog waits until the dialog is dismissed and then returns a result depending on the dialog contents. Is this possible public String getUserInput do something to..
Is there a way to tell if the soft-keyboard is shown? v but isActive returns false only before the first time the keyboard is shown but if the kb appears and then dismissed isActive returns true also. so is there any other method to check for this issue. thanks android share improve this question..
How to lock the screen of an android device . What is the best way to programmatically lock the screen I have tried using the following but although my dialog is dismissed the screen never locks. KeyguardManager keyguardManager KeyguardManager getSystemService Activity.KEYGUARD_SERVICE KeyguardLock..
Android: AlertDialog causes a memory leak reports this application leaks RecycleListView every time the AlertDialog is dismissed and the LeakedActivity is finished. I can't find any error in this small program. It looks like a very simple case of using..
Prevent dialog dismissal on screen rotation in Android dialog dismissal on screen rotation in Android I am trying to prevent dialogs built with Alert builder from being dismissed when the Activity is restarted. If I overload the onConfigurationChanged method I can successfully do this and reset the..
How to handle Handler messages when activity/fragment is paused Basically I have a message Handler in my Fragment which recieves a bunch of messages that can result in dialogs being dismissed or shown. When the app is put into the background I get an onPause but then still get my messages coming through as one..
Fragments, DialogFragment, and Screen Rotation
How to dismiss the dialog with click on outside of the dialog? custom dialog for my application. I want to implement that when the user clicks outside the dialog the dialog will be dismissed. What do I have to do for this android android layout android emulator dialog android dialog share improve this question..