android Programming Glossary: discovery
Android Device Bluetooth pairing Initialize the button to perform device discovery Button scanButton Button findViewById scanButton.setOnClickListener.. mReceiver filter Register for broadcasts when discovery has finished filter new IntentFilter BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_DISCOVERY_FINISHED.. void onDestroy super.onDestroy Make sure we're not doing discovery anymore if mBtAdapter null mBtAdapter.cancelDiscovery Unregister..
JDBC vs Web Service for Android never mind the problems that causes with packet loss discovery and window sizing wacky port blocking etc. Because everyone..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android When I do a toString on the exception I get Service discovery failed . My question is mostly what are the cases that would.. Bus error in StopDiscovery org.bluez.Error.Failed Invalid discovery session D BluetoothChat 1729 onActivityResult 1 D BluetoothChatService.. Bus error in StopDiscovery org.bluez.Error.Failed Invalid discovery session E BluetoothEventLoop.cpp 1018 event_filter Received..
How can I discover zeroconf (Bonjour) services on Android? I'm having trouble with jmDNS Has anyone successfully accomplished zeroconf service discovery on Android using jmDNS or another library Is it possible my.. Android using jmDNS or another library Is it possible my discovery issue is related to the IPv6 multicast problem android bonjour..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android I'm currently working.. I am using the DeviceListActivity class to do the discovery and selecting of the device I want to connect to. It returns.. blatantly wrong... But I'm not sure why I get the service discovery failed exception. You can pair find the device at all times..
Tablet(iPad/Android)-Server Communication Protocol on your WIFi network then you also need to implement a discovery phase for your service As a last side note client and server..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android Intent intent try String action intent.getAction When discovery finds a device if BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND.equals action..
“Service discovery failed” from Android Bluetooth Insecure Rfcomm Service discovery failed&rdquo from Android Bluetooth Insecure Rfcomm Does anyone.. SERVICE UUID I get a reported Service discovery failed at android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket SdpHelper.doSdp.. MY_MAC_ADDRESS then I get the stacktrace for the Service discovery failed exception. android bluetooth insecure connection share..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android My current code seems to work.. Then it throws a Service Discovery Failed exception at the point of the connection. I am using.. catch IOException e m_Socket tmp m_BluetoothAdapter.cancelDiscovery try This is a blocking call and will only return on a successful..
Bonjour implementation on Android improve this question Android 4.1 adds Network Service Discovery that seems to be just wrapping up the Bonjour stack in different..
Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions Proxies via Local Socks Proxy DNS SRV lookups MUC Service Discovery Entity Capabilities In Band Registration My aSmack fork the..
Bluetooth SPP between Android and other device, UUID and PIN questions Describing the medical device The device is using Service Discovery Protocol SDP and Serial Port Profile SPP . It starts an inquiry..
getSearchForm returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack x conference new GroupChatInvitation.Provider Service Discovery # Items pm.addIQProvider query http protocol disco#items.. protocol disco#items new DiscoverItemsProvider Service Discovery # Info pm.addIQProvider query http protocol disco#info..
File transfer using smack in android apps. stanzas' error iq I have use following code here ServiceDiscoveryManager sdm ServiceDiscoveryManager.getInstanceFor Main.connection.. use following code here ServiceDiscoveryManager sdm ServiceDiscoveryManager.getInstanceFor Main.connection if sdm null sdm new ServiceDiscoveryManager.. Main.connection if sdm null sdm new ServiceDiscoveryManager Main.connection sdm.addFeature http protocol..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing result CANCELED incase the user backs out setResult Activity.RESULT_CANCELED Initialize the button to perform device discovery Button scanButton Button findViewById scanButton.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick.. new IntentFilter BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND this.registerReceiver mReceiver filter Register for broadcasts when discovery has finished filter new IntentFilter BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_DISCOVERY_FINISHED this.registerReceiver mReceiver filter Get.. mPairedDevicesArrayAdapter.add noDevices @Override protected void onDestroy super.onDestroy Make sure we're not doing discovery anymore if mBtAdapter null mBtAdapter.cancelDiscovery Unregister broadcast listeners this.unregisterReceiver mReceiver..
JDBC vs Web Service for Android imagine carriers helpfully generating TCP ACKs to reduce latency never mind the problems that causes with packet loss discovery and window sizing wacky port blocking etc. Because everyone uses HTTP you can expect that to work at least vastly more often..
Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android I always get an IOException error thrown by the connect method. When I do a toString on the exception I get Service discovery failed . My question is mostly what are the cases that would cause an IOException to get thrown in the connect method I.. 326 ms E BluetoothService.cpp 1018 stopDiscoveryNative D Bus error in StopDiscovery org.bluez.Error.Failed Invalid discovery session D BluetoothChat 1729 onActivityResult 1 D BluetoothChatService 1729 connect to 00 06 66 03 0C 51 D BluetoothChatService.. E BluetoothService.cpp 1018 stopDiscoveryNative D Bus error in StopDiscovery org.bluez.Error.Failed Invalid discovery session E BluetoothEventLoop.cpp 1018 event_filter Received signal org.bluez.Device PropertyChanged from org bluez 1498..
How can I discover zeroconf (Bonjour) services on Android? I'm having trouble with jmDNS than one URL. I have tested their code but without any luck. Has anyone successfully accomplished zeroconf service discovery on Android using jmDNS or another library Is it possible my discovery issue is related to the IPv6 multicast problem android.. successfully accomplished zeroconf service discovery on Android using jmDNS or another library Is it possible my discovery issue is related to the IPv6 multicast problem android bonjour zeroconf share improve this question I'm new as well..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android I'm currently working on an Android application that connects to an instrument.. a Service Discovery Failed exception at the point of the connection. I am using the DeviceListActivity class to do the discovery and selecting of the device I want to connect to. It returns anActivityResult and then my Bluetooth class waits for it to.. any Bluetooth development and maybe I'm doing something blatantly wrong... But I'm not sure why I get the service discovery failed exception. You can pair find the device at all times manually on the phone... It does require a passcode but I don't..
Tablet(iPad/Android)-Server Communication Protocol has to know the server IP address if you are running DHCP on your WIFi network then you also need to implement a discovery phase for your service As a last side note client and server are just labels you put on communicating entities depending..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android new BroadcastReceiver public void onReceive Context context Intent intent try String action intent.getAction When discovery finds a device if BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND.equals action Get the BluetoothDevice object from the Intent BluetoothDevice..
“Service discovery failed” from Android Bluetooth Insecure Rfcomm Service discovery failed&rdquo from Android Bluetooth Insecure Rfcomm Does anyone know how to create an insecure RFCOMM connection between.. and listenUsingInsecureRfcommWithServiceRecord SERVICE UUID I get a reported Service discovery failed at android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket SdpHelper.doSdp 377 at android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket.connect.. I do get the log output Client socket unable to connect to MY_MAC_ADDRESS then I get the stacktrace for the Service discovery failed exception. android bluetooth insecure connection share improve this question It appears the problem was that..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android resource example Bluetooth Chat as my main reference point. My current code seems to work.. Then it throws a Service Discovery Failed exception at the point of the connection. I am using the DeviceListActivity class to do the discovery and selecting.. try tmp device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord MY_UUID catch IOException e m_Socket tmp m_BluetoothAdapter.cancelDiscovery try This is a blocking call and will only return on a successful connection or an exception m_Socket.connect catch IOException..
Bonjour implementation on Android help is appreciated android bonjour zeroconf jmdns share improve this question Android 4.1 adds Network Service Discovery that seems to be just wrapping up the Bonjour stack in different terms. I also see a lower level API called
Android and XMPP: Currently available solutions tested so far Sending and receiving files via IBB via Socks Proxies via Local Socks Proxy DNS SRV lookups MUC Service Discovery Entity Capabilities In Band Registration My aSmack fork the build environment for smack can be found on GitHub . Jar's can..
Bluetooth SPP between Android and other device, UUID and PIN questions the phone and the device paired or connected to each other. Describing the medical device The device is using Service Discovery Protocol SDP and Serial Port Profile SPP . It starts an inquiry procedure to discover up to 10 surrounding access points..
getSearchForm returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack Group Chat Invitations pm.addExtensionProvider x jabber x conference new GroupChatInvitation.Provider Service Discovery # Items pm.addIQProvider query http protocol disco#items new DiscoverItemsProvider Service Discovery # Info pm.addIQProvider.. Discovery # Items pm.addIQProvider query http protocol disco#items new DiscoverItemsProvider Service Discovery # Info pm.addIQProvider query http protocol disco#info new DiscoverInfoProvider Data Forms pm.addExtensionProvider..
File transfer using smack in android apps. service unavailable xmlns 'urn ietf params xml ns xmpp stanzas' error iq I have use following code here ServiceDiscoveryManager sdm ServiceDiscoveryManager.getInstanceFor Main.connection if sdm null sdm new ServiceDiscoveryManager Main.connection.. xmlns 'urn ietf params xml ns xmpp stanzas' error iq I have use following code here ServiceDiscoveryManager sdm ServiceDiscoveryManager.getInstanceFor Main.connection if sdm null sdm new ServiceDiscoveryManager Main.connection sdm.addFeature http here ServiceDiscoveryManager sdm ServiceDiscoveryManager.getInstanceFor Main.connection if sdm null sdm new ServiceDiscoveryManager Main.connection sdm.addFeature http protocol disco#info sdm.addFeature jabber iq privacy FileTransferNegotiator.setServiceEnabled..