android Programming Glossary: displaynotification
PendingIntent works correctly for the first notification but incorrectly for the rest works correctly for the first notification but incorrectly for the rest protected void displayNotification String response Intent intent new Intent context testActivity.class PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getActivity.. launches testActivity. Clicking on the rest cause the notification window to minimize. Extra information Function displayNotification is in a class called UploadManager. Context is passed into UploadManager from the activity that instantiates. Function displayNotification.. is in a class called UploadManager. Context is passed into UploadManager from the activity that instantiates. Function displayNotification is called multiple times from a function also in UploadManager that is running in an ASyncTask. Edit 1 I forgot to mention..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file and image to http server? it into form... bytesRead buffer 0 bufferSize int count 0 while bytesRead 0 progress int count displayNotification Thread.sleep 500 dos.write buffer 0 bufferSize bytesAvailable fileInputStream.available bufferSize Math.min bytesAvailable..