android Programming Glossary: contrast
Detect application heap size in Android apps occupying a heap space of no more than 16MB. By contrast maxMemory according to the documentation is available all the..
Android Lock Screen Widget never re appear if the user navigates to another window in contrast to FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED which will only temporarily hide both..
Android Service spawn its own thread in which to do that work. This is in contrast to an activity which is best understood as something a user..
using ContentProviderClient vs ContentResolver to access content provider involved there that's some pretty deep OS level code. By contrast when you call acquireContentProviderClient authority that what..
Insertion of thousands of contact entries using applyBatch is slow lots of string comparisons it's obviously very slow. By contrast bulkInsert applies a whole pile of values to the same table...
Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory does not return the path to the removable storage return path null new File defaultPath new File path In contrast getExternalStoragePublicDirectory String type requires one of..
Admob implementation Error on the uses sdk element in the android manifest in contrast is only evaluated at run time not at compile time. In fact you..
Detect application heap size in Android an earlier version of the OS is designed to optimally support apps occupying a heap space of no more than 16MB. By contrast maxMemory according to the documentation is available all the way back to API level 1. maxMemory on a pre 2.0 version will..
Android Lock Screen Widget Because such a keyguard is not needed for security it will never re appear if the user navigates to another window in contrast to FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED which will only temporarily hide both secure and non secure keyguards but ensure they reappear..
Android Service playback or blocking such as networking operations it should spawn its own thread in which to do that work. This is in contrast to an activity which is best understood as something a user directly sees and interacts with a UI. A service as mentioned..
using ContentProviderClient vs ContentResolver to access content provider It can't be reused across calls. I'm not sure of the overhead involved there that's some pretty deep OS level code. By contrast when you call acquireContentProviderClient authority that what provider do I need lookup is done once and you are given..
Insertion of thousands of contact entries using applyBatch is slow Since most of the work of turning URIs into tables involves lots of string comparisons it's obviously very slow. By contrast bulkInsert applies a whole pile of values to the same table. It goes Bulk insert... find the table okay insert insert insert..
Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory does not return the path to the removable storage String defaultPath String path System.getenv variableName return path null new File defaultPath new File path In contrast getExternalStoragePublicDirectory String type requires one of these strings DIRECTORY_MUSIC DIRECTORY_PODCASTS DIRECTORY_RINGTONES..
Admob implementation Error which it does not know. The targetSdkVersion element specified on the uses sdk element in the android manifest in contrast is only evaluated at run time not at compile time. In fact you can specify any value you want here without the compiler..