

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:32

android Programming Glossary: convertview.findviewbyid

How ListView's recycling mechanism works


false Log.d DayViewActivity Position is position TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.day_hour_side .setText array position LinearLayout layout.. .setText array position LinearLayout layout LinearLayout convertView.findViewById R.id.day_event_layout layout.addView new EventFrame parent.getContext..

Android: Is it possible to display video thumbnails?


will work. int id The Video's ID ImageView iv ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.imagePreview ContentResolver crThumb getContentResolver..

How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list?


be invoked when you click the button. Button btn Button convertView.findViewById R.id.button btn.setOnClickListener this set the text... not.. this set the text... not important TextView tv TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.text tv.setText text and this is the most important part..

Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate]


bind data to. holder new ViewHolder holder.text TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.text holder.icon ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.icon.. convertView.findViewById R.id.text holder.icon ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.icon convertView.setTag holder else Get the ViewHolder..

How to implement a view holder?


bind data to. holder new ViewHolder holder.name TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.text holder.icon ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.icon.. convertView.findViewById R.id.text holder.icon ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.icon convertView.setTag holder else Get the ViewHolder..

ANDROID - ExpandableListView


R.layout.grouprow parentView false TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.parentname .setText parent.getName CheckBox checkbox CheckBox.. .setText parent.getName CheckBox checkbox CheckBox convertView.findViewById R.id.checkbox checkbox.setChecked parent.isChecked checkbox.setOnCheckedChangeListener.. R.layout.childrow parentView false TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.childname .setText child.getName return convertView @Override..

Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter


null holder new ViewHolder holder.text TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.managementObjectText holder.subtext TextView convertView.findViewById.. R.id.managementObjectText holder.subtext TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.managementObjectSubText holder.icon ImageView convertView.findViewById.. R.id.managementObjectSubText holder.icon ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.managementObjectIcon convertView.setTag holder else holder..

how to store image in sqlite database


false mVHolder new ViewHolder mVHolder.t1 TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.pjtdetails mVHolder.time TextView convertView.findViewById.. R.id.pjtdetails mVHolder.time TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.name mVHolder.imv ImageButton convertView.findViewById.. R.id.name mVHolder.imv ImageButton convertView.findViewById R.id.editic mVHolder.imvd ImageView convertView.findViewById..

How ListView's recycling mechanism works


convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.day_view_item parent false Log.d DayViewActivity Position is position TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.day_hour_side .setText array position LinearLayout layout LinearLayout convertView.findViewById R.id.day_event_layout.. position TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.day_hour_side .setText array position LinearLayout layout LinearLayout convertView.findViewById R.id.day_event_layout layout.addView new EventFrame parent.getContext TextView create new TextView DayViewActivity.this..

Android: Is it possible to display video thumbnails?


improve this question If you are using API 2.0 or newer this will work. int id The Video's ID ImageView iv ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.imagePreview ContentResolver crThumb getContentResolver BitmapFactory.Options options new BitmapFactory.Options options.inSampleSize..

How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list?


null take the Button and set listener. It will be invoked when you click the button. Button btn Button convertView.findViewById R.id.button btn.setOnClickListener this set the text... not important TextView tv TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.text.. convertView.findViewById R.id.button btn.setOnClickListener this set the text... not important TextView tv TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.text tv.setText text and this is the most important part you are settin listener for the whole row convertView.setOnClickListener..

Lazy Load images on Listview in android(Beginner Level)? [duplicate]


and store references to the two children views we want to bind data to. holder new ViewHolder holder.text TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.text holder.icon ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.icon convertView.setTag holder else Get the ViewHolder back.. to bind data to. holder new ViewHolder holder.text TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.text holder.icon ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.icon convertView.setTag holder else Get the ViewHolder back to get fast access to the TextView and the ImageView...

How to implement a view holder?


and store references to the two children views we want to bind data to. holder new ViewHolder holder.name TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.text holder.icon ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.icon convertView.setTag holder else Get the ViewHolder.. bind data to. holder new ViewHolder holder.name TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.text holder.icon ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.icon convertView.setTag holder else Get the ViewHolder back to get fast access to the TextView and the ImageView...

ANDROID - ExpandableListView


final Parent parent parents.get groupPosition convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.grouprow parentView false TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.parentname .setText parent.getName CheckBox checkbox CheckBox convertView.findViewById R.id.checkbox checkbox.setChecked.. parentView false TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.parentname .setText parent.getName CheckBox checkbox CheckBox convertView.findViewById R.id.checkbox checkbox.setChecked parent.isChecked checkbox.setOnCheckedChangeListener new CheckUpdateListener parent if.. child parent.getChildren .get childPosition convertView inflater.inflate R.layout.childrow parentView false TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.childname .setText child.getName return convertView @Override public Object getChild int groupPosition int childPosition..

Filtering ListView with custom (object) adapter


null convertView mInflater.inflate R.layout.imagelayout_2lines null holder new ViewHolder holder.text TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.managementObjectText holder.subtext TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.managementObjectSubText holder.icon ImageView.. holder new ViewHolder holder.text TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.managementObjectText holder.subtext TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.managementObjectSubText holder.icon ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.managementObjectIcon convertView.setTag.. holder.subtext TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.managementObjectSubText holder.icon ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.managementObjectIcon convertView.setTag holder else holder ViewHolder convertView.getTag holder.text.setText UserList.get..

how to store image in sqlite database


mLayoutInflater.inflate R.layout.pjtlistdetails parent false mVHolder new ViewHolder mVHolder.t1 TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.pjtdetails mVHolder.time TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.name mVHolder.imv ImageButton convertView.findViewById.. false mVHolder new ViewHolder mVHolder.t1 TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.pjtdetails mVHolder.time TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.name mVHolder.imv ImageButton convertView.findViewById R.id.editic mVHolder.imvd ImageView convertView.findViewById.. R.id.pjtdetails mVHolder.time TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.name mVHolder.imv ImageButton convertView.findViewById R.id.editic mVHolder.imvd ImageView convertView.findViewById R.id.delete mVHolder.imvf ImageView convertView.findViewById..