android Programming Glossary: continuously
Android DisplayMetrics returns incorrect screen size in pixels on ICS ...and then started a thread which continuously logs the screen size height width. Even after the ICS navigation..
Internet listener Android example Android example Hi i am working on android app that will continuously remains connected with Internet. If Internet Is down that it..
How to get Android application id? use content provider If the other application needs to continuously run in the background use Server and bind yourself to the service...
Android WebView renders blank/white, view doesn't update on css changes or HTML changes, animations are choppy super.onDraw canvas Warning This will cause the WebView to continuously be redrawn and will drain the devices battery while the view..
Android : How to Create Android Emulator for Nexus10? i able to create AVD but couldn't load it. it continuously showing black screen. what Could be the Problem Here bdw I am..
Map view following user - MyLocationOverlay type functionality for Android Maps API V2 activated. While enabled the my location layer continuously draws an indication of a user's current location and bearing..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? activated. While enabled the my location layer continuously draws an indication of a user's current location and bearing..
WebView fails to render until touched Android 4.2.2 [duplicate] method of WebView. This causes the WebView to re draw continuously. This works sort of animations are smooth the page loads very..
GCM SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE on Android 2.2 send messages to it via GCM. However on a 2.2 device I am continuously getting a SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE error on the GoogleCloudMessaging.register..
Pausing/stopping and starting/resuming Java TimerTask continuously? stopping and starting resuming Java TimerTask continuously I have one simple question regarding Java TimerTask. How do..
Animating and rotating an image in a Surface View I would like to know the best way to animate something continuously inside a SurfaceView ie. a walk cycle android share improve..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function example I've seen in a book uses the AudioRecord class to continuously read a buffer freshly populated with live mic audio and then..
Audio stream buffering file change datasource in MediaPlayer audio is not played continuously. You can hear short interruptions. The last idea is to use stream..
Android: how does application Protector app work? the app and found what exactly it was doing. It just continuously read the logs via logcat through a service using filters like..
Android webview: highlight a specific word in a page using javascript? the text they want to search through into a variable and continuously find the indexOf the search term they want to highlight. When..
How to decode audio via FFmpeg in Android pcm format first and then start filling the audio buffer continuously. When the buffer is full it will automatically play. JNIEXPORT..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup see the top left quarter of the ball animate colours. If I continuously zoom in and out I see the child views animate properly and entirely...
Turn ON/OFF Camera LED/flash light in Samsung Galaxy Ace 2.2.1 & Galaxy Tab can be the problem. OR any way to turn ON the LED light continuously till its requested to Stop. android android camera galaxy samsung..
Android: Need to record mic input new short 256 160 int ix 0 Initialize buffer to hold continuously recorded audio data start recording and start playback. try..
Android java : Update same EditText in textChanged event onTextChanged Obvioulsy you are causing an endless loop by continuously changing the text on afterTextChanged event. From the ref public..
Android DisplayMetrics returns incorrect screen size in pixels on ICS getWindow .getDecorView .setSystemUiVisibility View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION ...and then started a thread which continuously logs the screen size height width. Even after the ICS navigation bar was completely gone....the screen size would never..
Internet listener Android example listener Android example Hi i am working on android app that will continuously remains connected with Internet. If Internet Is down that it should give appropriate message to User. Is there any thing..
How to get Android application id? data in the extras If you just need to share structured data use content provider If the other application needs to continuously run in the background use Server and bind yourself to the service. If you can elaborate your exact requirement the community..
Android WebView renders blank/white, view doesn't update on css changes or HTML changes, animations are choppy super context @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas super.onDraw canvas Warning This will cause the WebView to continuously be redrawn and will drain the devices battery while the view is displayed invalidate Keep in mind I'm using PhoneGap so..
Android : How to Create Android Emulator for Nexus10? me know if i'm wrong in configuration. after giving above Configuration i able to create AVD but couldn't load it. it continuously showing black screen. what Could be the Problem Here bdw I am Using Ubantu 11.10 Thnks in Advance. android android emulator..
Map view following user - MyLocationOverlay type functionality for Android Maps API V2 my location layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically activated. While enabled the my location layer continuously draws an indication of a user's current location and bearing and displays UI controls that allow a user to interact with..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? my location layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically activated. While enabled the my location layer continuously draws an indication of a user's current location and bearing and displays UI controls that allow a user to interact with..
WebView fails to render until touched Android 4.2.2 [duplicate] touched was to place the invalidate command inside the OnDraw method of WebView. This causes the WebView to re draw continuously. This works sort of animations are smooth the page loads very quickly but it causes the WebView's performance to drop otherwise...
GCM SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE on Android 2.2 2.3.x devices. The GCM registration works and I am able to send messages to it via GCM. However on a 2.2 device I am continuously getting a SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE error on the GoogleCloudMessaging.register call even with the exponential backoff in place...
Pausing/stopping and starting/resuming Java TimerTask continuously? stopping and starting resuming Java TimerTask continuously I have one simple question regarding Java TimerTask. How do I pause resume two TimerTask tasks based on a certain condition..
Animating and rotating an image in a Surface View don't think I can use XML or the android Animator classes. Also I would like to know the best way to animate something continuously inside a SurfaceView ie. a walk cycle android share improve this question Rotating images manually can be a bit of..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function frequently. They never actually show an example in code. One example I've seen in a book uses the AudioRecord class to continuously read a buffer freshly populated with live mic audio and then the app writes this data to an SD file. The pseudo code looks..
Audio stream buffering and switch them. But when you want to switch to following file change datasource in MediaPlayer audio is not played continuously. You can hear short interruptions. The last idea is to use stream proxy. Usually it is used for playing streams in Adnroid..
Android: how does application Protector app work? logging share improve this question I reverse engineered the app and found what exactly it was doing. It just continuously read the logs via logcat through a service using filters like ActivityManager I S to get just the activities launched. also..
Android webview: highlight a specific word in a page using javascript? particular words on the webpage. Basically they load all of the text they want to search through into a variable and continuously find the indexOf the search term they want to highlight. When they find the index of the term they build a new string with..
How to decode audio via FFmpeg in Android Side You need to read the frames and convert them into raw pcm format first and then start filling the audio buffer continuously. When the buffer is full it will automatically play. JNIEXPORT int JNICALL Java_com_ffmpeg_Main_jniMainEntry JNIEnv env..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup moves to the right and down at a certain point you'll just see the top left quarter of the ball animate colours. If I continuously zoom in and out I see the child views animate properly and entirely. This is because the entire ViewGroup is being redrawn...
Turn ON/OFF Camera LED/flash light in Samsung Galaxy Ace 2.2.1 & Galaxy Tab then turns OFF automatically. Can anyone please tell where can be the problem. OR any way to turn ON the LED light continuously till its requested to Stop. android android camera galaxy samsung mobile flashlight share improve this question I will..
Android: Need to record mic input AudioRecord recorder null AudioTrack track null short buffers new short 256 160 int ix 0 Initialize buffer to hold continuously recorded audio data start recording and start playback. try int N AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize 8000 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO..
Android java : Update same EditText in textChanged event vs TextWatcher.onTextChanged Note Error onTextChanged Obvioulsy you are causing an endless loop by continuously changing the text on afterTextChanged event. From the ref public abstract void afterTextChanged Editable s This method is..