android Programming Glossary: converttostring
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader with the mAdapter.setCursorToStringConverter call. The convertToString method which has a Cursor as an argument has a valid and unclosed.. text I entered into this view. However since there is no convertToString method implemented then the terminateToken method of the custom.. new CursorToStringConverter @Override public CharSequence convertToString Cursor c String contactName c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow..
AutoCompleteTextView displays 'android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@'… after making selection automatically. It does this by calling the CursorAdapter.convertToString ... 1 method. if you read the description of the method it points.. new CursorToStringConverter @Override public CharSequence convertToString Cursor cursor int desiredColumn 1 return cursor.getString desiredColumn..
Android - Autocomplete with contacts adapter and use it for AutoCompleteTextView. There is a convertToString function in CursorAdapter that you need to overwrite to get..
Access the http response headers in a WebView? InputStream inputStream entity.getContent htmlContent convertToString inputStream catch Exception e webview.loadData htmlContent.. htmlContent text html utf 8 return true public String convertToString InputStream inputStream StringBuffer string new StringBuffer..
Changing values from Cursor using SimpleCursorAdapter a class that is able to convert a Cursor to CharSequence convertToString Cursor cursor . Anyway I don't know in which format should be..
ViewHolder pattern correctly implemented in custom CursorAdapter? c.moveToFirst return c @see android.widget.CursorAdapter#convertToString android.database.Cursor @Override public CharSequence convertToString.. android.database.Cursor @Override public CharSequence convertToString Cursor cursor final int titleCol cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow..
Android Autocomplete textview and Cursoradapter cursor.getString 1 return view @Override public String convertToString Cursor cursor return cursor.getString 1 public Cursor runQueryOnBackgroundThread..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader using a custom Tokenizer . The issue rises specifically with the mAdapter.setCursorToStringConverter call. The convertToString method which has a Cursor as an argument has a valid and unclosed cursor upon the first call to this method. However subsequent.. out then I do see a list of available choices based on the text I entered into this view. However since there is no convertToString method implemented then the terminateToken method of the custom Tokenizer does not receive the string that I intend it to.. 0 new int 0 mContext mAdapter.setCursorToStringConverter new CursorToStringConverter @Override public CharSequence convertToString Cursor c String contactName c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME return contactName..
AutoCompleteTextView displays 'android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@'… after making selection update the text for the AutoCompleteTextView. It should do it automatically. It does this by calling the CursorAdapter.convertToString ... 1 method. if you read the description of the method it points this out. So if you were writing your own CursorAdapter.. layout cursor from to CursorToStringConverter converter new CursorToStringConverter @Override public CharSequence convertToString Cursor cursor int desiredColumn 1 return cursor.getString desiredColumn adapter.setCursorToStringConverter converter Or..
Android - Autocomplete with contacts share improve this question Build your own cursor adapter and use it for AutoCompleteTextView. There is a convertToString function in CursorAdapter that you need to overwrite to get the details that you want to be displayed in the TextView. It..
Access the http response headers in a WebView? HttpEntity entity response.getEntity if entity null InputStream inputStream entity.getContent htmlContent convertToString inputStream catch Exception e webview.loadData htmlContent text html utf 8 return true public String convertToString.. inputStream catch Exception e webview.loadData htmlContent text html utf 8 return true public String convertToString InputStream inputStream StringBuffer string new StringBuffer BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..
Changing values from Cursor using SimpleCursorAdapter cursorToStringConverter to specify how a class that is able to convert a Cursor to CharSequence convertToString Cursor cursor . Anyway I don't know in which format should be the return CharSequence paramater android sqlite cursor filtering..
ViewHolder pattern correctly implemented in custom CursorAdapter? null null buffer.toString args Tasks.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER c.moveToFirst return c @see android.widget.CursorAdapter#convertToString android.database.Cursor @Override public CharSequence convertToString Cursor cursor final int titleCol cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow.. return c @see android.widget.CursorAdapter#convertToString android.database.Cursor @Override public CharSequence convertToString Cursor cursor final int titleCol cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow Tasks.TITLE String title cursor.getString titleCol return..
Android Autocomplete textview and Cursoradapter parent false view.setText cursor.getString 1 return view @Override public String convertToString Cursor cursor return cursor.getString 1 public Cursor runQueryOnBackgroundThread CharSequence constraint if getFilterQueryProvider..