android Programming Glossary: context.vibrator_service
How to unlock screen programmatically? Service final Vibrator vibe Vibrator getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE mShaker new ShakeListener this mShaker.setOnShakeListener new..
Countdowntimer in minutes and seconds 60 60 24 To vibrate Vibrator v Vibrator getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE Vibrate for 500 milliseconds v.vibrate 500 uses permission.. 55 Vibrator v Vibrator getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE Vibrate for 500 milliseconds v.vibrate 500 share improve..
How to use a custom typeface in a widget? Vibrator vibrator Vibrator context.getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE vibrator.vibrate 50 final Intent alarmClockIntent new Intent.. Vibrator vibrator Vibrator context.getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE vibrator.vibrate 50 final Intent calendarIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN..
AppWidget PendingIntent not working after Launcher restart Vibrator vibrator Vibrator context.getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE vibrator.vibrate 50 final RemoteViews views new RemoteViews..
Wake the device up when app prompts user context Intent intent Vibrator v Vibrator getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE v.vibrate 300 PowerManager pm PowerManager getSystemService..
How to unlock screen programmatically? SCREEN ON AND SCREEN OFF LOGIC System.out.println Enterd Service final Vibrator vibe Vibrator getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE mShaker new ShakeListener this mShaker.setOnShakeListener new ShakeListener.OnShakeListener public void onShake vibe.vibrate..
Countdowntimer in minutes and seconds int milliseconds 1000 60 60 int hours int milliseconds 1000 60 60 24 To vibrate Vibrator v Vibrator getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE Vibrate for 500 milliseconds v.vibrate 500 uses permission android name android.permission.VIBRATE permission in manifest..
How to use a custom typeface in a widget? intent.getAction .equals android.tristan.widget.digiclock.CLICK Vibrator vibrator Vibrator context.getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE vibrator.vibrate 50 final Intent alarmClockIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN null alarmClockIntent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER.. intent.getAction .equals android.tristan.widget.digiclock.CLICK_2 Vibrator vibrator Vibrator context.getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE vibrator.vibrate 50 final Intent calendarIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN null calendarIntent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER..
AppWidget PendingIntent not working after Launcher restart e Log.d LOGTAG Error vendor does not exist if foundClockImpl Vibrator vibrator Vibrator context.getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE vibrator.vibrate 50 final RemoteViews views new RemoteViews context.getPackageName layoutID views.setOnClickPendingIntent..
Wake the device up when app prompts user BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent Vibrator v Vibrator getSystemService Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE v.vibrate 300 PowerManager pm PowerManager getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE KeyguardManager km KeyguardManager getSystemService..