android Programming Glossary: calendars
Own sync adapter for Android? the new release supports sync adapters so that emails and calendars cannot only be synced with gmail and exchange. However there..
Printing API in Android allows one to print things like web pages contact lists calendars etc to a printer connected through wireless or a computer participating..
Android Calendar Events These examples are for 2.1 version first find out which calendars exist Cursor cursor cr.query Uri.parse content calendar calendars.. exist Cursor cursor cr.query Uri.parse content calendar calendars new String _id displayname null null null cursor.moveToFirst..
Getting events from calendar a much better overview. A much simpler code to retrieve calendars public class CalendarContentResolver public static final String.. Uri CALENDAR_URI Uri.parse content calendars ContentResolver contentResolver Set String calendars new HashSet.. calendars ContentResolver contentResolver Set String calendars new HashSet String public CalendarContentResolver Context ctx..
How to set a reminder in Android? Activity act String calendarUriBase null Uri calendars Uri.parse content calendar calendars Cursor managedCursor null.. null Uri calendars Uri.parse content calendar calendars Cursor managedCursor null try managedCursor act.managedQuery.. managedCursor null try managedCursor act.managedQuery calendars null null null null catch Exception e if managedCursor null..
Setting up Google-api-java-client developing environment def found error occurs when it comes to private final List calendars Lists.newArrayList private final HttpTransport transport AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport..
How to read and edit Android calendar events using the new Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich API? need the CALENDAR_ID so here's how to query the list of calendars Uri uri CalendarContract.Calendars.CONTENT_URI String projection..
Insert multiple events in Android calendar Uri eventsUri Uri.parse content calendars Uri url contentResolver.insert eventsUri event String ret url.toString.. SDK 8 the content uri of calendar is content calendar calendars which differs from SDks 8 and after. Meanwhile be careful with..
Own sync adapter for Android? for Android The press release of Android 2.0 states that the new release supports sync adapters so that emails and calendars cannot only be synced with gmail and exchange. However there is no information available online how to write such a sync..
Printing API in Android in Android I've downloaded a utility called PrintShare which allows one to print things like web pages contact lists calendars etc to a printer connected through wireless or a computer participating on the PrintShare network. I would like to have..
Android Calendar Events this. Thanx android calendar share improve this question These examples are for 2.1 version first find out which calendars exist Cursor cursor cr.query Uri.parse content calendar calendars new String _id displayname null null null cursor.moveToFirst.. examples are for 2.1 version first find out which calendars exist Cursor cursor cr.query Uri.parse content calendar calendars new String _id displayname null null null cursor.moveToFirst String CalNames new String cursor.getCount int CalIds new int..
Getting events from calendar guide topics providers calendar provider.html provides a much better overview. A much simpler code to retrieve calendars public class CalendarContentResolver public static final String FIELDS CalendarContract.Calendars.NAME CalendarContract.Calendars.CALENDAR_DISPLAY_NAME.. CalendarContract.Calendars.VISIBLE public static final Uri CALENDAR_URI Uri.parse content calendars ContentResolver contentResolver Set String calendars new HashSet String public CalendarContentResolver Context ctx contentResolver.. final Uri CALENDAR_URI Uri.parse content calendars ContentResolver contentResolver Set String calendars new HashSet String public CalendarContentResolver Context ctx contentResolver ctx.getContentResolver public Set String getCalendars..
How to set a reminder in Android? could break on newer Android versions private String getCalendarUriBase Activity act String calendarUriBase null Uri calendars Uri.parse content calendar calendars Cursor managedCursor null try managedCursor act.managedQuery calendars null null null.. private String getCalendarUriBase Activity act String calendarUriBase null Uri calendars Uri.parse content calendar calendars Cursor managedCursor null try managedCursor act.managedQuery calendars null null null null catch Exception e if managedCursor.. null Uri calendars Uri.parse content calendar calendars Cursor managedCursor null try managedCursor act.managedQuery calendars null null null null catch Exception e if managedCursor null calendarUriBase content calendar else calendars Uri.parse content..
Setting up Google-api-java-client developing environment and it compile successfully. However in run time no class def found error occurs when it comes to private final List calendars Lists.newArrayList private final HttpTransport transport AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport It seems that it can't find..
How to read and edit Android calendar events using the new Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich API? ID for new event String eventID uri.getLastPathSegment You'll need the CALENDAR_ID so here's how to query the list of calendars Uri uri CalendarContract.Calendars.CONTENT_URI String projection new String CalendarContract.Calendars._ID CalendarContract.Calendars.ACCOUNT_NAME..
Insert multiple events in Android calendar ContentResolver contentResolver this.context.getContentResolver Uri eventsUri Uri.parse content calendars Uri url contentResolver.insert eventsUri event String ret url.toString return ret When you insert one event successfully.. you can query update or delete it later. In earlier SDKs before SDK 8 the content uri of calendar is content calendar calendars which differs from SDks 8 and after. Meanwhile be careful with those custom roms. since calendar API is not noted in SDK..