android Programming Glossary: callbackurl
why TwitterApp give VerifyError? what 1 0 authUrl .start public void processToken String callbackUrl mProgressDlg.setMessage Finalizing ... final.. ... final String verifier getVerifier callbackUrl new Thread @Override public void run int what 1 try mHttpOauthprovider.retrieveAccessToken.. what 2 0 .start private String getVerifier String callbackUrl String verifier try callbackUrl callbackUrl.replace twitterapp..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) what 1 0 authUrl .start public void processToken String callbackUrl mProgressDlg.setMessage Finalizing ... final.. ... final String verifier getVerifier callbackUrl new Thread @Override public void run int what 1 try mHttpOauthprovider.retrieveAccessToken.. what 2 0 .start private String getVerifier String callbackUrl String verifier try callbackUrl callbackUrl.replace twitterapp..
OAuth + Twitter on Android: Callback fails OAuthAccessor defaultClient String callbackUrl myapp OAuthServiceProvider provider defaultProvider OAuthConsumer.. defaultProvider OAuthConsumer consumer new OAuthConsumer callbackUrl GeneralRuntimeConstants.consumer_key GeneralRuntimeConstants.consumer_secret..
Problem with OAuth, Twitter and Android: fails in http-communication with the server void getReqTokenAndAuthenticateUsingSignPost String callbackUrl twitter test CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer.. try String authUrl provider.retrieveRequestToken consumer callbackUrl Uri authenticationUri Uri.parse authUrl startActivity new Intent.. void getReqTokenAndAuthenticateUsingTwitter4J String callbackUrl twitter test try Prepare a request token based on consumer key..
why TwitterApp give VerifyError? mHandler.sendMessage mHandler .obtainMessage what 1 0 authUrl .start public void processToken String callbackUrl mProgressDlg.setMessage Finalizing ... final String verifier getVerifier callbackUrl new Thread @Override.. String callbackUrl mProgressDlg.setMessage Finalizing ... final String verifier getVerifier callbackUrl new Thread @Override public void run int what 1 try mHttpOauthprovider.retrieveAccessToken mHttpOauthConsumer verifier.. e e.printStackTrace mHandler.sendMessage mHandler.obtainMessage what 2 0 .start private String getVerifier String callbackUrl String verifier try callbackUrl callbackUrl.replace twitterapp http URL url new URL callbackUrl String query url.getQuery..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) mHandler.sendMessage mHandler.obtainMessage what 1 0 authUrl .start public void processToken String callbackUrl mProgressDlg.setMessage Finalizing ... final String verifier getVerifier callbackUrl new Thread @Override.. String callbackUrl mProgressDlg.setMessage Finalizing ... final String verifier getVerifier callbackUrl new Thread @Override public void run int what 1 try mHttpOauthprovider.retrieveAccessToken mHttpOauthConsumer verifier.. e.printStackTrace mHandler.sendMessage mHandler.obtainMessage what 2 0 .start private String getVerifier String callbackUrl String verifier try callbackUrl callbackUrl.replace twitterapp http URL url new URL callbackUrl String query url.getQuery..
OAuth + Twitter on Android: Callback fails GeneralRuntimeConstants.authorize_url GeneralRuntimeConstants.access_token_url OAuthAccessor defaultClient String callbackUrl myapp OAuthServiceProvider provider defaultProvider OAuthConsumer consumer new OAuthConsumer callbackUrl GeneralRuntimeConstants.consumer_key.. String callbackUrl myapp OAuthServiceProvider provider defaultProvider OAuthConsumer consumer new OAuthConsumer callbackUrl GeneralRuntimeConstants.consumer_key GeneralRuntimeConstants.consumer_secret provider OAuthAccessor accessor new OAuthAccessor..
Problem with OAuth, Twitter and Android: fails in http-communication with the server CommonsHttpOAuth classes shall work. Here is my SignPost private void getReqTokenAndAuthenticateUsingSignPost String callbackUrl twitter test CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer CONSUMER_KEY CONSUMER_SECRET CommonsHttpOAuthProvider.. tokenStr edit.putString REQ_TOKEN_SECRET tokenSecretStr try String authUrl provider.retrieveRequestToken consumer callbackUrl Uri authenticationUri Uri.parse authUrl startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW authenticationUri catch OAuthMessageSignerException.. e e.printStackTrace and here is my code for Twitter4J private void getReqTokenAndAuthenticateUsingTwitter4J String callbackUrl twitter test try Prepare a request token based on consumer key and consumer secret ConfigurationBuilder builder new ConfigurationBuilder..