android Programming Glossary: caller
Pop up window over Android native incoming call screen like true caller Android app window over Android native incoming call screen like true caller Android app Update 09 May 2013 I tried to implement Toast in.. like picking up the phone. But I want it like true caller. I have attached an snapshot on how the true caller is displaying.. true caller. I have attached an snapshot on how the true caller is displaying a window on the incoming call screen. How can..
How to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment? c.getTime How to get the string from here to the caller For testing the caller activity just displays the TextView.. to get the string from here to the caller For testing the caller activity just displays the TextView and calls the picker when..
Retrieve incoming call's phone number in Android with it like the do in http 2009 02 27 caller id by whitepages a new android app that puts telemarketers on..
Handling large Bitmaps but the out... fields will still be set allowing the caller to query the bitmap without having to allocate the memory for..
Android: Retrieve contact name from phone number having a String with the name of the incoming caller would help my project greatly. I would think this involves a..
SecurityException: caller uid XXXX is different than the authenticator's uid caller uid XXXX is different than the authenticator's uid This is.. on this post http post 613041897 caller uid is different Second if you are like me and want to embed..
Need to play audio to the caller to play audio to the caller For my app I need to play a pre recorded message to the caller... For my app I need to play a pre recorded message to the caller. Say if someone calls my phone and I enable the app it should.. enable the app it should play back the audio such that the caller hears it. I tried setting the stream STREAM_DTMF STREAM_VOICE_CALL..
How to find Intent source in Android? [duplicate] 3 textviews basically more information based on who is the caller . To establish this I need to know who fired the intent calling..
Stream audio to a phone call Android automatically answer a call but can it send audio to the caller If it is possible please let me know what classes functions..
Android: Presenting a notification during a call? receiver to do other things like change the avatar of the caller or give it a name even if it doesn't exist in the contacts ...
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread you with The most obvious reason is communication between caller thread and worker thread. Caller Thread A thread which calls.. on two points 1 Easy use of the UI thread so use when caller thread is UI Thread . 2 No need to manipulate handlers. means.. . So when Handler communicates it just gives a message to caller thread and it will wait to process. sophiscate but you just..
Android Parcelable — return null void setWeight double weight this.weight weight And caller Activity if productMap.size 0 ArrayList Product enteredProductList..
Pop up window over Android native incoming call screen like true caller Android app up window over Android native incoming call screen like true caller Android app Update 09 May 2013 I tried to implement Toast in the broadcast receiver's onReceive method because toast is.. the native call screen and it doesn't block background controls like picking up the phone. But I want it like true caller. I have attached an snapshot on how the true caller is displaying a window on the incoming call screen. How can I achieve.. controls like picking up the phone. But I want it like true caller. I have attached an snapshot on how the true caller is displaying a window on the incoming call screen. How can I achieve this functionality for an Android app This is how..
How to transfer the formatted date string from my DatePickerFragment? sdf new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM dd String formattedDate sdf.format c.getTime How to get the string from here to the caller For testing the caller activity just displays the TextView and calls the picker when the user touches the widget public.. yyyy MM dd String formattedDate sdf.format c.getTime How to get the string from here to the caller For testing the caller activity just displays the TextView and calls the picker when the user touches the widget public class OrderHeadEditActivity..
Retrieve incoming call's phone number in Android retrieve the incoming call's phonenumber and do something with it like the do in http 2009 02 27 caller id by whitepages a new android app that puts telemarketers on alert Could you please help me because I can't find any information..
Handling large Bitmaps which reads If set to true the decoder will return null no bitmap but the out... fields will still be set allowing the caller to query the bitmap without having to allocate the memory for its pixels. I used it to find out the actual size of the Bitmap..
Android: Retrieve contact name from phone number number. As I process the incoming number in the broascastreceiver having a String with the name of the incoming caller would help my project greatly. I would think this involves a query using the sql WHERE clause as a filter but do I need..
SecurityException: caller uid XXXX is different than the authenticator's uid caller uid XXXX is different than the authenticator's uid This is for the record only. I received the above exception when trying.. gets into the same issue. First check the condition explained on this post http post 613041897 caller uid is different Second if you are like me and want to embed the sample into your existing app for testing then make sure..
Need to play audio to the caller to play audio to the caller For my app I need to play a pre recorded message to the caller. Say if someone calls my phone and I enable the app it should.. to play audio to the caller For my app I need to play a pre recorded message to the caller. Say if someone calls my phone and I enable the app it should play back the audio such that the caller hears it. I tried.. message to the caller. Say if someone calls my phone and I enable the app it should play back the audio such that the caller hears it. I tried setting the stream STREAM_DTMF STREAM_VOICE_CALL ... tried all of them but nothing worked. STREAM_MUSIC..
How to find Intent source in Android? [duplicate] in the case of intent fired by B the activity C displays 3 textviews basically more information based on who is the caller . To establish this I need to know who fired the intent calling C . How do I do this android android intent resolution..
Stream audio to a phone call Android a recording audio file. I know it is possible to have an app automatically answer a call but can it send audio to the caller If it is possible please let me know what classes functions handle this. Thanks android audio call share improve this..
Android: Presenting a notification during a call? it not allowed Is there a way for the code in the broadcast receiver to do other things like change the avatar of the caller or give it a name even if it doesn't exist in the contacts . Let's just say my broadcast receiver intercepts a call can..
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread using a Thread too. What Handler and AsyncTask really help you with The most obvious reason is communication between caller thread and worker thread. Caller Thread A thread which calls the Worker Thread to perform some task.A Caller Thread may.. having to manipulate threads and or handlers I want to emphasize on two points 1 Easy use of the UI thread so use when caller thread is UI Thread . 2 No need to manipulate handlers. means You can use Handler instead of AsyncTask but AsyncTask is.. queue emty. Ah maybe like you finish your work and go to bed . So when Handler communicates it just gives a message to caller thread and it will wait to process. sophiscate but you just know that Handler can communicate with caller thread in safe..
Android Parcelable — return null salableFlag public double getWeight return weight public void setWeight double weight this.weight weight And caller Activity if productMap.size 0 ArrayList Product enteredProductList new ArrayList Product productMap.values Bundle b new..
How to programatically hide Caller ID on Android to programatically hide Caller ID on Android on Android phones under Call Additional settings Caller ID it is possible to hide your caller ID. I want.. to programatically hide Caller ID on Android on Android phones under Call Additional settings Caller ID it is possible to hide your caller ID. I want to do that programatically from my code but was not able to find a way.. distantActivity startActivity additionalCallSettingsIntent Then user has to manually press on the CallerID preference and gets radio button with 3 options. This was not actually what I wanted to achieve when I asked this question...
Android Intent-filter for GEO-URI android name android.intent.category.BROWSABLE data android scheme geo android host intent filter activity The Caller This starts Google Maps without the option to start my App final String uri geo lat lng startActivity new Intent android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW..
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread and AsyncTask really help you with The most obvious reason is communication between caller thread and worker thread. Caller Thread A thread which calls the Worker Thread to perform some task.A Caller Thread may not be the UI Thread always . And.. between caller thread and worker thread. Caller Thread A thread which calls the Worker Thread to perform some task.A Caller Thread may not be the UI Thread always . And of course you can communicate between two thread by other ways but there are.. the work for you you just need to know what methods to override. Difference Handler and AsyncTask Use AsyncTask when Caller thread is a UI Thread . This is what android document says AsyncTask enables proper and easy use of the UI thread. This..