android Programming Glossary: calculation
PhoneGap 1.4 wrapping Sencha Touch 2.X - What about performance? a part of actual reason that iOS does many pre process and calculation before rendering to make it seems smoother to user's look and..
Distance calculation from my location to destination location in android calculation from my location to destination location in android I have.. lat is known.Just have to find my location and make the calculation android location distance share improve this question check..
Is Google's Android OpenGL tutorial teaching incorrect linear algebra? Furthermore you should use a scratch matrix for this calculation as recommended by Ian Ni Lewis see his more complete answer..
Is it legal to call the start method twice on the same Thread? run the thread again This particular thread is doing some calculation in the background if I don't do it in the thread than it's done..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen 480X800 so I'm consider this as based device so our new calculation will like this Ldpi 50 Mdpi 66.67 Hdpi 100 XHdpi 133.33 which.. you want to support your layout or drawable to S3 then the calculation says px Device's width 720 dpi Device's density 320 formula..
How to create a marquee effect for a text of smaller length not exceeding the screen size in Android? are width screenWidth view.getMeasuredWidth performs the calculation float toXDelta width screenWidth 0 sets toXDelta to 300 if..
Android: ProgressDialog doesn't show pd.setCancelable false now fetch the results ...long time calculations here... remove progress dialog pd.dismiss I've also tried adding.. this question you have to call before the long calculation starts and then the calculation has to run in a separate thread... before the long calculation starts and then the calculation has to run in a separate thread. A soon as this thread is finished..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? Finally the service class in my model that calls the calculation package import navSet null for mode_any try pedestrian route calculation first if it fails fall back to car route if mode MODE_ANY mode..
Android: softkeyboard control on HTC desire that had a go or done button that closed and executed a calculation class. Thanks to a tip from commonware on where to start I got..
How to encrypt and decrypt file in Android?
Creating Custom Overlay on the map canvas mapV shadow This let me have following effect The calculation used may not be what you want. Its just for demonstration purposes... Its just for demonstration purposes. Real range distance calculation requires the use of bearing too and has some specific formula...
DoubleTap in android context new GestureListener skipping measure calculation and drawing delegate the event to the gesture detector @Override..
How to get the screen size of the device? 533 dip What I needed is the REAL pixels and the calculation for them is like this int widthPix int Math.ceil dm.widthPixels..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? know dpi where do I get the value of dp to be used in this calculation Or is there any assumption about the value of dp I am confused...
PhoneGap 1.4 wrapping Sencha Touch 2.X - What about performance? performance is really terrible. There's a fact which maybe a part of actual reason that iOS does many pre process and calculation before rendering to make it seems smoother to user's look and feel while Android tends to render process simultaneously..
Distance calculation from my location to destination location in android calculation from my location to destination location in android I have to made a project where i need to calculate the distance from.. implementing Google map i have to make it.The destination lon lat is known.Just have to find my location and make the calculation android location distance share improve this question check the documentation on the google android dev page to see..
Is Google's Android OpenGL tutorial teaching incorrect linear algebra? the the M part of MVP so it needs to be the rightmost operand. Furthermore you should use a scratch matrix for this calculation as recommended by Ian Ni Lewis see his more complete answer below float scratch new float 16 Combine the rotation matrix..
Is it legal to call the start method twice on the same Thread? be started only once If so than what do I do if I want to run the thread again This particular thread is doing some calculation in the background if I don't do it in the thread than it's done in the UI thread and the user has an unreasonably long wait...
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen 150 XHdpi 200 But as we know now most of device coming with 480X800 so I'm consider this as based device so our new calculation will like this Ldpi 50 Mdpi 66.67 Hdpi 100 XHdpi 133.33 which means that first icon and design will be created for 480X800.. to drawable sw dp With reference of DP Calculation If you want to support your layout or drawable to S3 then the calculation says px Device's width 720 dpi Device's density 320 formula given px dp dpi 160 interchanging formula because we have px's..
How to create a marquee effect for a text of smaller length not exceeding the screen size in Android? int height 1f System.out.println width and screenwidth are width screenWidth view.getMeasuredWidth performs the calculation float toXDelta width screenWidth 0 sets toXDelta to 300 if the text width is smaller that the screen size if toXDelta..
Android: ProgressDialog doesn't show pd.setMessage Working... pd.setIndeterminate true pd.setCancelable false now fetch the results ...long time calculations here... remove progress dialog pd.dismiss I've also tried adding and messed around with the parameter in new ProgressDialog.. Select0r android context progressdialog share improve this question you have to call before the long calculation starts and then the calculation has to run in a separate thread. A soon as this thread is finished you have to call pd.dismiss.. share improve this question you have to call before the long calculation starts and then the calculation has to run in a separate thread. A soon as this thread is finished you have to call pd.dismiss to close the prgoress dialog...
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? public void setAddress String address this.address address Finally the service class in my model that calls the calculation package import import import import.. z 14 output kml Log.d myapp.APP urlCarMode urlCarMode NavigationDataSet navSet null for mode_any try pedestrian route calculation first if it fails fall back to car route if mode MODE_ANY mode MODE_WALKING navSet MapService.getNavigationDataSet urlPedestrianMode..
Android: softkeyboard control on HTC desire softkeyboard control on HTC desire I wanted a numeric keypad that had a go or done button that closed and executed a calculation class. Thanks to a tip from commonware on where to start I got this working beautifully on the emulator. Then I came to..
How to encrypt and decrypt file in Android?
Creating Custom Overlay on the map pt.x pt.y markerBitmap.getHeight null super.draw canvas mapV shadow This let me have following effect The calculation used may not be what you want. Its just for demonstration purposes. Real range distance calculation requires the use of.. effect The calculation used may not be what you want. Its just for demonstration purposes. Real range distance calculation requires the use of bearing too and has some specific formula. Let me know if you have any questions regarding this. share..
DoubleTap in android attrs creating new gesture detector gestureDetector new GestureDetector context new GestureListener skipping measure calculation and drawing delegate the event to the gesture detector @Override public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent e return gestureDetector.onTouchEvent..
How to get the screen size of the device? dm int width dm.widthPixels 320 dip int height dm.heightPixels 533 dip What I needed is the REAL pixels and the calculation for them is like this int widthPix int Math.ceil dm.widthPixels dm.densityDpi 160.0 now the widthPix is 480 share improve..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? the relation as px dp dpi 160 . But my problem is that if I know dpi where do I get the value of dp to be used in this calculation Or is there any assumption about the value of dp I am confused. android dpi share improve this question Dp are Density..