android Programming Glossary: calendar.gettime
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android
Get date and time picker value from dialog fragment and set it in Edit text calendar date simpleDateFormat.format calendar.getTime catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return date private String.. calendar String monthName simpleDateFormat.format calendar.getTime return monthName private String getMonthShortName int monthNumber.. calendar String monthName simpleDateFormat.format calendar.getTime return monthName private String getWeekDayFullName int weekDayNumber..
how to get current week days in calender currentMonth.setText DateFormat.format dateTemplate _calendar.getTime nextMonth ImageView this.findViewById nextMonth.setOnClickListener.. currentMonth.setText DateFormat.format dateTemplate _calendar.getTime adapter.notifyDataSetChanged calendarView.setAdapter adapter.. calendar.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK Log.d tag New Calendar calendar.getTime .toString Log.d tag CurrentDayOfWeek getCurrentWeekDay Log.d..
Android get date before 7 days (one week) myDate calendar.add Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR 7 Date newDate calendar.getTime Then if you need to convert it back to a String String date..
How to increment time by 1 hour
how to convert milliseconds to date format in android?
Conversion of Date String newString new SimpleDateFormat dd MMM yyyy .format calendar.getTime .toUpperCase System.out.println newString 31 DEC 2009 share..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android
Get date and time picker value from dialog fragment and set it in Edit text d simpleDateFormat new SimpleDateFormat toFormat simpleDateFormat.setCalendar calendar date simpleDateFormat.format calendar.getTime catch Exception e e.printStackTrace return date private String getMonthFullName int monthNumber Calendar calendar Calendar.getInstance.. new SimpleDateFormat MMMM simpleDateFormat.setCalendar calendar String monthName simpleDateFormat.format calendar.getTime return monthName private String getMonthShortName int monthNumber Calendar calendar Calendar.getInstance calendar.set Calendar.MONTH.. new SimpleDateFormat MMM simpleDateFormat.setCalendar calendar String monthName simpleDateFormat.format calendar.getTime return monthName private String getWeekDayFullName int weekDayNumber Calendar calendar Calendar.getInstance calendar.set..
how to get current week days in calender this currentMonth TextView this.findViewById currentMonth.setText DateFormat.format dateTemplate _calendar.getTime nextMonth ImageView this.findViewById nextMonth.setOnClickListener this calendarView GridView this.findViewById.. _calendar.set year month 1 _calendar.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK currentMonth.setText DateFormat.format dateTemplate _calendar.getTime adapter.notifyDataSetChanged calendarView.setAdapter adapter @Override public void onClick View v if v prevMonth if month.. calendar.get Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH setCurrentWeekDay calendar.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK Log.d tag New Calendar calendar.getTime .toString Log.d tag CurrentDayOfWeek getCurrentWeekDay Log.d tag CurrentDayOfMonth getCurrentDayOfMonth Print Month printMonth..
Android get date before 7 days (one week)
How to increment time by 1 hour
how to convert milliseconds to date format in android?
Conversion of Date