android Programming Glossary: calendar.day_of_week
Get date and time picker value from dialog fragment and set it in Edit text getWeekDayFullName calendar_date .get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK getWeekDayShortName calendar_date .get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK.. getWeekDayShortName calendar_date .get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK calendar_date .get Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY getHourIn12Format.. Calendar calendar Calendar.getInstance calendar.set Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK weekDayNumber SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat new SimpleDateFormat..
how to get current week days in calender month year _calendar.set year month 1 _calendar.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK currentMonth.setText DateFormat.format dateTemplate _calendar.getTime.. Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH setCurrentWeekDay calendar.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK Log.d tag New Calendar calendar.getTime .toString Log.d tag.. nextMonth NextYear nextYear int currentWeekDay cal.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK 1 trailingSpaces currentWeekDay Log.d tag Week Day currentWeekDay..
how to show previousmonth dates in calender cal.set Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH day int dayOfWeek cal.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK int goBack 1 dayOfWeek cal.add Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH goBack.. cal.set Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH day int dayOfWeek cal.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK int goBack 1 dayOfWeek cal.add Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH goBack..
Android cannot pass intent extras though AlarmManager this .getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE cal.set Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK dayOfWeek cal.set Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY timeRule.getStartTime..
How to get the first day of the current week and month? get start of this week in milliseconds cal.set Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK cal.getFirstDayOfWeek System.out.println Start of this week..
What is the easiest way to get the current day of the week in Android? calendar Calendar.getInstance int day calendar.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK If current day is Sunday day 1. Saturday day 7. You can then..
how do i set an alarm manager to fire every on specific day of week and time in android? int days Calendar.SUNDAY 7 timeOff.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK how many days until Sunday timeOff.add Calendar.DATE days timeOff.set..
how can i get the repeat alarm for week days using alarm manager in android? calendar Calendar.getInstance int day calendar.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK String today null if day 2 today Monday else if day 3 today..
Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android
Get date and time picker value from dialog fragment and set it in Edit text calendar_date.get Calendar.MONTH calendar_date .get Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH getWeekDayFullName calendar_date .get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK getWeekDayShortName calendar_date .get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK calendar_date .get Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY getHourIn12Format.. getWeekDayFullName calendar_date .get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK getWeekDayShortName calendar_date .get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK calendar_date .get Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY getHourIn12Format calendar_date .get Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY calendar_date .get.. monthName private String getWeekDayFullName int weekDayNumber Calendar calendar Calendar.getInstance calendar.set Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK weekDayNumber SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat new SimpleDateFormat EEEE simpleDateFormat.setCalendar calendar String weekName..
how to get current week days in calender GridCellAdapter getApplicationContext month year _calendar.set year month 1 _calendar.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK currentMonth.setText DateFormat.format dateTemplate _calendar.getTime adapter.notifyDataSetChanged calendarView.setAdapter.. calendar Calendar.getInstance setCurrentDayOfMonth calendar.get Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH setCurrentWeekDay calendar.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK Log.d tag New Calendar calendar.getTime .toString Log.d tag CurrentDayOfWeek getCurrentWeekDay Log.d tag CurrentDayOfMonth.. Log.d tag PrevYear prevYear PrevMonth prevMonth NextMonth nextMonth NextYear nextYear int currentWeekDay cal.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK 1 trailingSpaces currentWeekDay Log.d tag Week Day currentWeekDay is getWeekDayAsString currentWeekDay Log.d tag No. Trailing..
how to show previousmonth dates in calender cal.set Calendar.YEAR year cal.set Calendar.MONTH month cal.set Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH day int dayOfWeek cal.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK int goBack 1 dayOfWeek cal.add Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH goBack System.out.println SU tMO tTU tWE tTH tFR tSA for int i 0 i.. cal.set Calendar.YEAR year cal.set Calendar.MONTH month cal.set Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH day int dayOfWeek cal.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK int goBack 1 dayOfWeek cal.add Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH goBack System.out.println SU tMO tTU tWE tTH tFR tSA for int i 0 i..
Android cannot pass intent extras though AlarmManager cal Calendar.getInstance AlarmManager alarmManager AlarmManager this .getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE cal.set Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK dayOfWeek cal.set Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY timeRule.getStartTime .get Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY cal.set Calendar.MINUTE timeRule.getStartTime..
How to get the first day of the current week and month? cal.clear Calendar.SECOND cal.clear Calendar.MILLISECOND get start of this week in milliseconds cal.set Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK cal.getFirstDayOfWeek System.out.println Start of this week cal.getTime System.out.println ... in milliseconds cal.getTimeInMillis..
What is the easiest way to get the current day of the week in Android? share improve this question Use the Java Calendar class. Calendar calendar Calendar.getInstance int day calendar.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK If current day is Sunday day 1. Saturday day 7. You can then also use the Calendar static constants switch day case Calendar.SUNDAY..
how do i set an alarm manager to fire every on specific day of week and time in android? Context.ALARM_SERVICE Calendar timeOff Calendar.getInstance int days Calendar.SUNDAY 7 timeOff.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK how many days until Sunday timeOff.add Calendar.DATE days timeOff.set Calendar.HOUR 12 timeOff.set Calendar.MINUTE 0 timeOff.set..
how can i get the repeat alarm for week days using alarm manager in android? System.out.println Current Minute is d.getMinutes Calendar calendar Calendar.getInstance int day calendar.get Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK String today null if day 2 today Monday else if day 3 today Tuesday else if day 4 today Wednesday else if day 5 today..
Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android