android Programming Glossary: callenv
Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android and methods To get a class instance you can use jclass clz callEnv FindClass CALL_CLASS . In this case is CALL_CLASS the full qualified.. the JNIEnv and an instance of the class jmethodID midSet callEnv GetMethodID callClass setFileSize J V The first argument is.. variable is not equal 0. Calling the method is very easy callEnv CallVoidMethod callObj midSet size The first argument is the..
Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android without further notice. But do not use javah again Class and methods To get a class instance you can use jclass clz callEnv FindClass CALL_CLASS . In this case is CALL_CLASS the full qualified path to the class de dhbw file sha1 SHA1HashFileAsyncTask.. file sha1 SHA1HashFileAsyncTask . To find a method you need the JNIEnv and an instance of the class jmethodID midSet callEnv GetMethodID callClass setFileSize J V The first argument is the instance of the class the second the name of the method.. setFileSize long Signature J V ... If the method is found the variable is not equal 0. Calling the method is very easy callEnv CallVoidMethod callObj midSet size The first argument is the given jobject from the main method and I think the others are..